Enrich EMMS Online Help
Same Customer Entity Required indicates whether customers on the consolidated billing definitions and the customer lists must have the same customer entity. If Yes, the customer entity must be the same; only the customer suffix (branch) may vary. If No, different customers may be combined on the same consolidated billing definition or customer list. Company must always be the same. Consolidated Billing BP.
Save identifies whether or not the report should be saved online after printing. Premium Forms BP.
Save Comments for Closed/Approved WOs - when set to Yes, if you change comments on a closed or approved work order, each time you make a change the system will first make a copy of the existing work order comments, and a History option will be available from the Comments screen to view the original copied comments. Maintenance BP.
Schedule of Units Subs Section - if the insurance Endorsements section selected here appears in the insurance sections for a lease and it exists on the policy details of the customer insurance, the sub will have blanket coverage. A selection is optional. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list.
Unit substitutions for leases are done with rental agreements. Blanket insurance for subs is allowed when:
Insurance BP.
Screen Selector Search identifies how the customer selection will be performed. Options are:
Secondary Contract Type identifies a contract type that overrides all other contracts when generating accounting transactions. When Enrich is searching for valid contracts for a unit that is on a work order, it stops searching when one of the four contract types defined here is found. Then, the contract type found is used to generate the accounting entries. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contract type from a list. Customer and Invoice BP.
Secondary Odometer Metric is used for the asset management Fleet List report. If you have units that use an odometer metric other than the odometer metric defined in the Maintenance business parameters, it must be entered here. For example, some units may use kilometers and some may use miles. If readings are not found for the primary odometer metric type, the system will look for readings for the secondary odometer metric type. You can click on the Prompt button to select the metric from a list. Lease Rental BP.
Seconds Delay - if there is an interruption of the connection with the external tax provider, this is usedfor retrying the connection to get the taxes. It is the seconds delay between each retry. A value of zero (0) is not acceptable. Third-party interface BP.
Secure PO's From Agent - if entered, all access to PO's with this agent code will be restricted to display only. You will not be able to do anything with PO's created by that agent other than display, print, or work with comments. All other options will come up with a message of "PO Agent is Secured". You can click on the Prompt button to select the purchase agent from a list. Purchasing BP.
Secure Time Entry flags whether or not employees will be required to enter their passwords when starting or ending a shift and starting a work order or task. If users are sharing an AS/400 sign-on session, this parameter should be set to Yes. ETK BP.
Secure WO Equipment By Region identifies whether or not to prevent work orders from using equipment that is assigned to a facility outside the region of the work order facility. If set to Yes, when creating a new work order, only equipment that is assigned to a facility belonging to the same region as the work order facility is allowed. This applies to all 3 types of Enrich work order creation -- regular, sublet (found on the work order action list), and over-the-counter part sales.
Maintenance BP.
Selection Item No Type identifies how inventory item selection screen will initially be displayed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the sort from a list. Valid values are:
Send Immediately To National - if Yes, your interface file will be sent (transferred via FTP) to the national entity's system immediately upon creation. This option is recommended for a stable environment, when monitoring the data being transferred is no longer necessary. Until ideal conditions are achieved, you should set this parameter to No. You can then review the report created for each interface generated, and decide to delete the request, make changes in Consolidated Billing, and run the interface(s) again. Once the interface is successfully transmitted to National, you cannot modify or delete the interface request. Centralized Billing BP.
Separate Customer Numbers identifies whether the same business entity can be identified by two different customer numbers within Financials. Separate customer numbers enables you to have different credit limits for trade and finance receivables. It also allows the trade customer to be placed on hold for maintenance and rentals, while allowing lease contract billing to continue.
If this parameter is set to Yes, customers will have one customer number for lease contracts and a separate customer number for billable maintenance and rental contracts. If set to No, each customer is identified by a single customer number for all billings from Enrich. Assist Master Files BP.
Sequence is a number identifying the order in which the warehouse should be searched. Maintenance - Warehouse Search Order BP.
Sequence Number is a sequential number identifying the order in which the cost basis type should be used. Cost Basis BP.
Sequence Order is a number identifying the order in which the feature will appear. CWA - Equipment Feature List BP.
Sequence Order is a number identifying the order in which the feature will appear in Roadcall. Roadcall - Equipment Features BP.
Sequence Order is a number identifying the order in which the feature will be considered. A value is required. Used Equipment - Feature List BP.
Server Host identifies where a preview of the file can be seen. It can hold 150 characters. The URL information will be used with the invoice print information to created the path that the user can copy and past to
see the document and decide if they want to print it or not.
Preview URL: http://hostname.foo.com/rsg/FMV8TEST/Preview.pdf?type=MC&number=123456
Premium Forms BP.
Service Manager identifies the service manager at this facility. You can click on the Prompt button to select the service manager from a list. Facility Insurance BP.
Set PO Eff Dates To Due Dates - during the pending status of the rental agreement, with this business parameter set to Yes, the system will automatically create PO effective dates based on the due out and due in dates of the rental agreement, once all of the due out and due in information and the PO # are entered. If either of the dates or the PO# are changed, it will update the new file accordingly.
If more than one customer purchase order applies to a reservation or rental agreement, effective dates for each purchase order are still required.
Once the rental agreement is activated, if you change the charge to or planned in dates, the system will still give the warning message about the PO not covering the entire rental, and the PO will have to be edited manually.
Lease Rental BP.
Shift Breaks is the code to be used to identify a shift break. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other. ETK BP.
Show Comments On WO Add And/Or Edit identifies whether the unit, customer, and/or schedule A comments are shown automatically when a user goes into a work order. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Values are:
Maintenance BP.
Show Exp Qty on Counts allows you to set a default for the Show Expected Quantities Yes/No field when printing count sheets for a physical inventory. Valid values are:
When set to 3 or 4, users will not be able to change the value when printing the count sheets.
Screen Preferences BP.
Show Non-bill On Invoice identifies whether or not non-billable lines from a work order should be shown on an invoice along with the billable lines. Customer and Invoice BP.
Show O-Licence On RA identifies whether or not the O Licence field will appear on reservations/rentals. This should be set to No in North America. Lease Rental BP.
Show OOS Window in Work Order Edits controls the out of service functionality for placing a vehicle out of service upon entry to editing a regular or sublet work order, and returning the vehicle to service upon exiting from the edit of the same work order. Values are:
Note that this does not apply to multi-unit work orders, memo work orders, over-the-counter work orders, or warranty work orders.
When the business parameter is set to Always, it will:
When the business parameter is set to When WO has Sublet Line:
When the business parameter is set to Never, the Equipment In/Out of Service window will not appear on entry into or exit from a work order, based on the Auto OOS setting, whether or not it has sublet lines.
Screen Preferences BP.
Show Outstanding WR On WO flags whether or not outstanding work requests will be displayed on a work order for the same unit (S=shop or B=both) or when closing a rental or lease contract (L=LR or B=both). If B, L, or S, it will also show outstanding work requests for a unit's attachments. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list. Valid values are:
Show Special Orders On WO allows you to control the display of special order parts on the add or add/edit of a work order. This will be similar to the way equipment comments appear on a work order; the user will have the ability to see all special orders that are currently outstanding for the unit of the work order. Note that it does not work for sublet-only work orders or for OTC work orders. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Valid values are:
Purchasing BP.
Show Wty WO With All WOs flags whether or not warranty work orders with the warranty reason code should show on the regular work order screens. If left blank, it will default to Yes. Note that even if the warranty work orders appear, they cannot be maintained from the regular work order panels. Warranty BP.
Sliding PM Date Chg On WR/Letters - when set to Yes, if a PM is triggered and sliding was involved, the roster description will use the sliding date, i.e. the due date of the child that caused the triggering. The program tracking record will use the sliding due date as the PM due date. The PM letter will use the due date that was stamped on the program tracking record at the time the PM was triggered; therefore, it will use the due date of the child. When set to No, the roster description and PM letter will use the due date of the parent. Preventive Maintenance BP.
SP Oil Cost UOM Default is the default unit of measure to be used for oil cost. You can click on the Prompt button to select the unit of measure from a list. Roadcall BP.
SP Service Van Chg UOM Default is the default unit of measure to use for service van charges. You can click on the Prompt button to select the unit of measure from a list. Roadcall BP.
SP Tow Range UOM Default is the default unit of measure to use for tow ranges. You can click on the Prompt button to select the unit of measure from a list. Roadcall BP.
Spec Reference Required On Requisition controls whether or not a specification reference must be entered on an equipment requisition. The specification reference may be used to search the list of requisitions for a specific reference, and may be used to identify a quotation number or dealer reference number. The default is No. Asset Management BP.
Spool File Render Method is the default content format for spool file recipients. Possible values are PCL (printer control language), PDF (portable document format), or PS (postscript). You can click on the Prompt button to select the method from a list. Premium Forms BP.
Standard Miles Metric identifies how standard miles are measured from the dispatch interface, e.g. miles, kilometers, etc. You can click on the Prompt button to select the metric from a list. Maintenance BP.
Start/End Trip Reading Tolerance - if the beginning trip date is the same as an ending trip date already entered in the system, the beginning odometer reading entered cannot be less than the allowed discrepancy as compared to the already entered trip's ending odometer reading.
If the ending trip date is the same as a beginning trip date that is already entered in the system, the ending odometer reading cannot be more than the allowed discrepancy as compared to the already entered trip's beginning odometer readings.
This can be overridden.
Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Start Of Week defines the start of week for weekly billing. This is the corporate equivalent of the Start of Week field on the customer calendar. This parameter will be used for weekly billing where the Start of Week is not supplied (is zero) in the customer extension file. It defines the day of the week for weekly billing of lease contracts. You can click on the Prompt button to select the day from a list. Lease Rental BP.
Start Shift is the code to be used by Enrich to commence a shift. This must be an unpaid labor code type. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other. ETK BP.
Stat Holiday Pay Hours is the default number of hours that are paid for on statutory holidays if the holiday is not recorded in an employee's calendar. ETK BP.
Status for PO Print identifies whether all POs can be printed, or only POs that are in at least Processed status can be printed. Note, though, that a cancelled PO can always be printed. The statuses that will not print if PO Must Be Processed is selected are: reserved, open, held. Purchasing BP.
Statutory Holiday identifies the code to be used to identify a statutory holiday. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other. ETK BP.
Stepped Rates by Part allows you to choose whether to apply the step by summarizing the part cost or by using the individual part cost. When set to No, the sum of the part line will be used to get the stepped rate. For example, if the part line is 5 @ 15.00, a value of 75.00 will be used to look up the rate. When set to Yes, the individual part cost will be used to get a stepped rate. If the part line is 5 @ 15.00, a value of 15.00 will be used to get the stepped rate.
Note: There are things that will override the stepped rate if they should happen to be set up. For example, having specific item rates defined on the price book would override the stepped rate. If you use a rate type of PO markup along with stepped rates, the stepped rate would be determined using the current part cost, but the rate would then be applied to the PO price of the part.
Note: This parameter does not apply to labor stepped rates; the sum of all hours on the work order line is used to determine the step. Materials BP.
Stock On Hand Warning - if set to Yes, when editing an inventory purchase order, a warning message will be displayed if a part you are purchasing has a quantity on hand in any other warehouse. This would allow you to consider transferring between warehouses before ordering more of something. Purchasing BP.
Stop Auto Close of WO identifies whether or not a work order should automatically close when the associated sublet purchase order is posted. When set to Do Not Prevent, the work order will be closed provided there are no non-sublet lines that remain open. Sublet BP.
Stop Issues/Rec During Count controls whether parts can be issued and received while on a count. The default is No. If set to Yes, the posting of receipts and the issuing of parts on work orders will not be allowed if any of the parts exist on an open count. This will stop the entire post even if only one of the parts is on a count, because a receipt or a 'fully issue' is dealt with as a single entity. Also, note that issuing and receiving will be stopped based on the existence of the item/warehouse on the count, regardless of the bin location; if a part is being counted, all activity is stopped in case bins are being added through the count. Materials BP.
Stop Shift is the code to be used by Enrich to end a shift. This must be an unpaid labor code type. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other. ETK BP.
Storage Use Code is used to determine if a trailer is being used for storage purposes, and therefore doesn't have the same insurance requirements. It is optional, and is only for insurance validation. Insurance BP.
Store Item Number allows you to specify if the product information is pertinent for printing the fuel billing invoices at the national entity. Pertinent information may be stored in free-format reference fields, where available, for printing purposes only. Centralized Billing BP.
Sublet $ Amount Default identifies whether the dollar amount on a sublet should default into labor or material. Material is the default. This parameter is checked on receipt of a TP PO (invoice). Sublet BP.
Sublet Expense Accounts controls whether the SM and SL account types are used when determining which accounts to use for sublet material and sublet labor expense on non-billable work. When this parameter is set to Y, the SM and SL account types are used from the facility GL accounts table. If it is set to N or is left blank, sublet material and labor are charged via the VMRS and WO GL account tables, where you CANNOT pick account types. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list. Finance and Admin BP.
Sublet Install Date identifies which date will be used as the sublet install date. You can click on the Prompt button to select the date from a list. Valid values are:
Sublet BP.
Sublet Labor is the default code to be used for sublet labor when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.
Sublet Labor is the default sublet labor charge code to be used with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.
Sublet Parts is the default code to be used for sublet parts when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.
Sublet Parts is the default sublet parts charge code to use with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.
Sublet WO Close Date identifies whether the close date for sublet work orders should be the current date (i.e. the actual date the work order status is changed to closed) or the invoice date. Sublet BP.
Substitutes Customer Class is the customer class to be used for substitutes. If left blank, you won't be able to specify special rates for substitutes. A sub scope must be set up for this customer class. This is to help deal with the fact that customer class may be used for other purposes, and now the system will look for the sub scope specifically even if the customer class isn't set on the customer master. Accounting will also need to be set up: RU (revenue), ES (expense), RO (subs/outside rentals revenue), EO (subs/outside rental expense). Rental gets revenue based on the scope rates set up; Lease takes expense. Mileage will be charged through variable lease billing on the billing run. You can click on the Prompt button to select the customer class from a list. Lease Rental BP.
Suggested Order Delete Level - if the Delete Suggested Order parameter is set to Yes, this parameter determines which suggested orders to delete. You can click on the Prompt button to select the level from a list. Purchasing BP.
Summarize Readings from Interface controls whether GPS readings are to be summarized or not. This will default to Dtl=Keep Detail, which is consistent with the way the Attach Readings to Trips function worked previously.
You can change the parameter to Sum=Summarize if you need to have your GPS readings summarized, or would prefer to have them summarized. When the incoming GPS records are all for odometer readings, the program will calculate the total distance traveled in each state from the odometer readings. When the incoming GPS records are all for total distances, the distances will be summarized into one record for each state. When the reporting period includes both odometer readings and total distances for a trip, trip odometer readings will not be summarized; this might happen if you switch from one GPS reporting service to another within a reporting period (calendar month). When the incoming readings are for a toll route, records in the Trip Toll Receipts file are never summarized; i.e. this business parameter does not control how trip toll receipts are created. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Supervisor Approval Required At defines a value to be used during credit limit checking when Financials is installed. When the customer has exceeded the credit limit by more than the stated percentage, supervisory approval by entry of user ID and password must be given. Assist Master Files BP.
Synchronize Assignee/Pay-To Vendor - when set to Yes, the Pay-To Vendor is output only; when set to No, the Pay-To Vendor is input capable. Assist Master Files BP.
Synchronize Customer Credit On Hold identifies whether or not the customer credit on hold status should be matched between Enrich and Financials. If set to Yes:
If set to No:
Synchronize Vendor Held Status identifies whether or not the vendor hold status should be matched between Enrich and Financials. If set to Yes:
If set to No:
System Depreciation Adjustment Option defines the action that should be taken when an entry is being made to a unit capital cost account. This entry may be in the form of a miscellaneous adjustment from the asset screen, a capital improvement work order, an add-on purchase order, etc. Once you change this option to 3, 4, or 5, you will not be able to change it again. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Options are:
Asset Management BP.
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