Enrich EMMS Online Help
Centralized Billing Enabled identifies whether or not Centralized Billing is used on this system.
Default Item Number identifies the item number to be used for fuel tickets generated at the national entity. Item Number detail from the affiliate's fuel tickets will not be retained at the national entity.
Instead, all fuel tickets generated at the national entity will use this default item number. You can click on the Prompt button to select the item number from a list.
Documentation Fee Section allows you to specify the contract section that contains the additional service fees that the national entity may wish to charge to the customer. Charges for this section will be calculated for lease contracts on the charges received from the affiliate. It is not promptable.
Fill In Affiliate Side of X-Reference - if Yes, the system automatically creates the cross-reference records for any missing cross-references detected by the interface edit. The affiliate side of the cross-reference records will contain the information found in the interface file received from the affiliate. The national side of the cross-reference records will still have to be entered manually in the cross-reference screens. If No, the cross-reference records must be manually created in the cross-reference screens for any missing cross-references detected by the interface edit. Both the affiliate side and the national side will have to be entered manually.
Fixed Fee Section allows you to specify the contract section that contains the portion of fixed fee charges to be billed to a customer but is payable directly to the bank instead of payable to the affiliate. Charges for this section will be calculated for lease contracts on the charges received from the affiliate. It is not promptable.
RSTASPDEV Parm for RSTOBJ should be set to EASP if the RSTOBJ fails when sending files to NLH.
Run Edit Automatically - if Yes, an interface request initiated by a transfer from an affiliate will automatically perform the edit on the received interface file. This provides a convenient way to highlight any errors immediately upon receipt of an interface file from an affiliate. If No, an edit must be manually requested in the Work With Interfaces From Affiliates screen for each new interface request received. This is a preferred method if the system is overloaded and running any additional programs might slow down the system.
Send Immediately To National - if Yes, your interface file will be sent (transferred via FTP) to the national entity's system immediately upon creation. This option is recommended for a stable environment, when monitoring the data being transferred is no longer necessary. Until ideal conditions are achieved, you should set this parameter to No. You can then review the report created for each interface generated, and decide to delete the request, make changes in Consolidated Billing, and run the interface(s) again. Once the interface is successfully transmitted to National, you cannot modify or delete the interface request.
Store Item Number allows you to specify if the product information is pertinent for printing the fuel billing invoices at the national entity. Pertinent information may be stored in free-format reference fields, where available, for printing purposes only.
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