Enrich EMMS Online Help
Allow Blank R/S/B On PO identifies whether or not the stock location (row/shelf/bin) must be entered when receiving parts into inventory and picking parts from inventory. When set to Blank, the user can bring up the multiple location entry screen without having to enter a row/shelf/bin.
Allow Changes To PO identifies whether lines can be added to a PO after it has been processed. If set to Yes, lines can be added but existing lines cannot be changed. When new lines are added, Enrich checks PO authorization limits; if adding a line will cause the credit limit to be exceeded, the user will get an error and won't be able to add the line. The PO cannot be changed once an invoice has been applied. This applies to both miscellaneous and inventory purchase orders.
Allow Consigned Part PO Price Change identifies whether consigned part prices can be changed on inventory purchase orders. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Valid values are:
Allow Cost Changes To PO Lines Not Received identifies whether or not costs can be changed on PO lines that have not yet been received.
Allow Due Date Change flags whether or not the user can manually enter the due date for invoices. If Enrich calculates the due date, the flag must be set to No. If set to Yes, you will be able to override both the invoice Due Date and/or the Discount Due Date on invoice entry in Central Invoicing.
On regular sublet and inventory invoices:
Allow Owned Part PO Price Change identifies whether owned part prices can be changed on inventory purchase orders. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Valid values are:
Allow Pay To Vendor Change identifies whether or not the pay-to vendor can be changed when entering an invoice against an existing purchase order.
Allow PO Returns Negative flags whether PO returns are allowed when the quantity on hand is negative.
Carrying Percentage or Burden, associated with each inventory item, is used to provide an accurate carrying cost for an item. It is also required when calculating an item's EOQ value for re-ordering.
Day Of Week Invoice Due defines which day of the week an invoice due date will be calculated to. It uses the numbers 1 to 7 to refer to Monday through Sunday. This parameter is only used when the Allow Due Date Change flag is set to No. You can click on the Prompt button to select the day from a list.
Default Order Cost - some vendors may not be required to identify costs of placing an order. If setup cost is not identified for a vendor, this default order cost will be used when determining the economic order quantity (EOQ) value for re-ordering an item.
Default Quick Purchase Level identifies how far the quick purchase function will process automatically for an item (e.g. up to creating the purchase order, up to processing the purchase order). You can click on the Prompt button to select the level from a list. This default value can be overridden for each item on the Quick Purchase screen.
Delete Suggested Orders identifies whether or not suggested orders can be deleted.
Electronic Invoice AP Status identifies the status into which an AP transaction should be put when coming from electronic invoicing. Electronic invoices are those that have come directly from a vendor via FTP and are processed automatically by Enrich. Having this status allows you to choose whether you want the status to be set to unapproved so that you have a chance to review the AP before it goes to the Financials. You can click on the Prompt button to select the status from a list.
Electronic Invoice Variance % identifies the allowable variance for the auto-matching of PO receipts and invoices. If not defined, an exact match on dollars is required.
Facility Prov/State On PO identifies whether the province/state on purchases will be the vendor's province/state (No), the purchasing facility's province/state (Yes), or the billing Customer's (C) province/state on sublet work orders/purchase orders.
Foreign Exchange flags whether or not Enrich should generate records to be transferred to the accounts payable system when foreign exchange is applied to purchase of inventory or sublet work.
Generate AP-Receiving identifies whether or not Enrich should generate records from sublet work orders to be transferred to the accounts payable system when items are received into stock.
Generate AP-Sublet flags whether or not Enrich should generate records from sublet work orders to be transferred to the accounts payable system.
GST Exempt Flag flags whether or not inventory invoices are exempt from federal tax charges. This flag can be modified at the individual item level.
GST Included Flag flags whether or not item costs on the system include federal tax (GST). You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list. Possible values are:
Hide PO# Until PO Entry - if set to Yes, the generated purchase order number will not be displayed to the user until such time as the vendor has been selected and the PO is proceeding. This will prevent a PO number from being provided to a vendor until it has been confirmed that the vendor is valid for purchasing.
Internal PO Lead Time is an allowance for the time staff usually require to requisition items for ordering. This lead time is included in an evaluation of optimal requisition timing for item replenishment when the re-order method is EOQ, and helps ensure that an item will never be out of stock. Internal lead time is quantified in days.
Item Cat-0 PST On Inv is an item category whose parts will not have PST charged on work order invoices. This allows non-taxable special charges to be set up as parts even when the customer they will be charged to is taxable. It is optional. You can click on the Prompt button to select the category from a list.
Max Quick Purchase Level is the highest processing level that can be input by the user on the Quick Purchase screen when they are overriding the default. You can click on the Prompt button to select the level from a list.
Maximum Vendor Invoice Size is the maximum number of characters allowed for manual entry of the vendor invoice number. The field will accept numbers 10-15 if Enrich Financials is installed, 10-22 otherwise. If left blank, it defaults to 15 if Enrich Financials is installed, 22 otherwise.
Override UserID Electronic Inv OprMsg is the override user ID to be used for sending operator messages when using electronic receipt of PO invoices. Valid values are:
Packing Slip Req'd On Receipt identifies whether or not a packing slip number must be entered on receipt of goods.
Physically Delete PO's identifies whether or not POs should be physically deleted. If set to No, Enrich just sets the POs to cancelled. If not defined, it defaults to Yes. This applies to all PO types: PR, PO, SO.
P.O. Numbering Sequence defines how purchase orders should be numbered: sequentially within type or sequentially ignoring type (unique).
Print PO on Proc if No EDI identifies whether or not a PO should be printed when processed if it is not being sent by EDI.
Print Receiver Report flags whether or not Enrich should print the receiver report after receiving inventory.
Print Summarized Add-on PO - if set to Yes, the add-on purchase order format print-out will summarize the PO lines by description; the individual unit numbers are printed underneath.
PST Charged On Parts flags when provincial or state sales tax is applied to parts: on issue of the part or on purchase. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
PST Charged On Supplies flags whether or not provincial or state sales tax is charged on shop supplies for internal work orders on company-owned vehicles.
Reorder Point Tolerance - an item will automatically be recognized for re-order through statistical information maintained by Enrich. This automated process can be modified through use of a tolerance point percentage, where an item is re-ordered if shortage is within the tolerance percentage for the re-order quantity.
Replenishment Method identifies whether Enrich will determine re-order requirements for an item based on minimum/maximum values or on economic order quantities (EOQ). The code entered on this screen establishes a default method for all items, which can then be changed at the item level if required. You can click on the Prompt button to select the method from a list.
Secure PO's From Agent - if entered, all access to PO's with this agent code will be restricted to display only. You will not be able to do anything with PO's created by that agent other than display, print, or work with comments. All other options will come up with a message of "PO Agent is Secured". You can click on the Prompt button to select the purchase agent from a list.
Show Special Orders On WO allows you to control the display of special order parts on the add or add/edit of a work order. This will be similar to the way equipment comments appear on a work order; the user will have the ability to see all special orders that are currently outstanding for the unit of the work order. Note that it does not work for sublet-only work orders or for OTC work orders. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Valid values are:
Status for PO Print identifies whether all POs can be printed, or only POs that are in at least Processed status can be printed. Note, though, that a cancelled PO can always be printed. The statuses that will not print if PO Must Be Processed is selected are: reserved, open, held.
Stock On Hand Warning - if set to Yes, when editing an inventory purchase order, a warning message will be displayed if a part you are purchasing has a quantity on hand in any other warehouse. This would allow you to consider transferring between warehouses before ordering more of something.
Suggested Order Delete Level - if the Delete Suggested Order parameter is set to Yes, this parameter determines which suggested orders to delete. You can click on the Prompt button to select the level from a list.
Vendor Contract Match Level controls how vendor contract matching is performed when looking for a cost for an item. The purchase order will be for a given vendor, and this business parameter describes how to match this vendor to the one from the vendor contract/quote. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:
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