Enrich EMMS Online Help
Attend Roadcall Line - linked to a VMRS code, this identifies the first default line type that is automatically added to a Roadcall transaction. You can click on the Prompt button to select the line type from a list.
Close Reason For Cancel - when closing a Roadcall, if this reason is entered, the program knows that the user is cancelling the Roadcall incident, so the created work order can also be cancelled. You can click
on the Prompt button to select the reason from a list.
Recovery Roadcall Line - linked to a VMRS code, this identifies the Roadcall line type for towing (or recovery). It is used to determine a default charge that can be identified for each service provider. You
can click on the Prompt button to select the line type from a list.
Refer Selection For New Vendor - when a new vendor is created in Financials, a vendor number needs to be allocated. In Financials, the user may define reference table entries to contain the 'next numbers'. When they do that, they specify it in two parts: company code and reference selection code. For example, company 001NEW, or company 002ROADCALL. The parameter entered here will be appended to the company number to look up the next vendor number.
You may only want one range of numbers, in which case 001NEW, for example, may be all you set up. Or you may want to segregate vendors added from Roadcall from the others. In that case, you would set up 001RCVEND (for example).
This field may be left blank, in which case the company code will be used on its own to look up the value. If non-blank, it must match a value in Financials reference table 5147.
SP Oil Cost UOM Default is the default unit of measure to be used for oil cost. You can click on the Prompt button to select the unit of measure from a list.
SP Service Van Chg UOM Default is the default unit of measure to use for service van charges. You can click on the Prompt button to select the unit of measure from a list.
SP Tow Range UOM Default is the default unit of measure to use for tow ranges. You can click on the Prompt button to select the unit of measure from a list.
WO Reason Code for Breakdown is the reason code that will be used on the work order when a Roadcall work order is created. You can click on the Prompt button to select the reason from a list.
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