Enrich EMMS Online Help

ETK business parameters  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Business Parameters.
    • The Business Parameters display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on ETK and select Change.
    • The ETK Business Parameters - Page 1 change screen appears.
  3. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Allow Date/Time Override flags whether or not default dates and times can be overridden by the user on time entry screens, e.g. for start shift, end shift, etc.

    • If set to No, then the date and time on time entry screens will be defaulted by Enrich and cannot be changed.
    • If set to Yes, the date and time on time entry screens can be changed.
    • If set to Except start/stop/unpaid, the date/time can be overridden except on the start or stop of a shift or when clocking onto an unpaid indirect labor code or coming from an unpaid indirect labor code. For the indirect labor codes within a shift, if clocking onto an unpaid code, the user would not be able to modify the start time. If clocking onto a work order or a paid indirect code, the system will check if coming from an unpaid and, if so, not allow the start time to change. However, if clocking onto a work order coming from a paid indirect code, the start time can be changed.
    • If set to Supervisor Only, the system will check the user defaults for the user using the End Shift, Start Shift, Start Indirect Labor Time, bar code login, Start option on work orders and work order lines, and appropriate hand-held device options. If the user's Supervisor Status=Yes, the system will allow the date and time to be changed on the screen; otherwise, the change will not be allowed.
    • If set to Supervisor/except S/S/U, the system will check the user defaults for the user using the End Shift, Start Shift, Start Indirect Labor Time, bar code login, Start option on work orders and work order lines, and appropriate hand-held device options. If the user's Supervisor Status = Yes, the system will allow the date and time to be changed except on the start or stop of a shift or when clocking onto an unpaid indirect labor code or coming from an unpaid indirect labor code. Users whose Supervisor Status is not Yes will not be able to change the date and time.

    Allow Indirect On Shift Start identifies whether an indirect code can be entered when an employee clocks on (starts) a shift. If Yes, allow indirect code on shift start, an idle time record will not be created. If No, do not allow indirect code on shift start, an idle time record is created.

    Allow Own Time Approval identifies which subset of employees can approve their own time. When Supervisors Only is chosen, an employee must be flagged as a supervisor in the Security User Defaults table before they will be able to approve their own time. This business parameter affects the gangsheet approval function -- approval of all your own time or approval of one time detail record. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:

    • N - none (this is the default)
    • Y - yes, all
    • S - supervisors only

    Allow Start Time On WO Header allows you to specify whether or not employees can start time against a work order header (as opposed to work order lines).

    AWOL is the code to be used to identify time late or not showing up for a shift. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other.

    Bar Coding identifies whether or not bar coding has been installed to work with ETK.

    Close WO Line From ETK indicates whether the technician can automatically close the work order line from the time entry screen in ETK.

    Completed Task Status Code is the status that is assigned to a task that has been completed. This status is used to end an indirect labor task. You can click on the Prompt button to select the status from a list.

    Default Comments (Bar Code) identifies whether or not comments are to be entered for indirect labor when bar coding is used for indirect labor entry. It is only relevant if bar coding is in use.

    Default Employee Info is used by the time entry screens. If set to Yes, the employee number, facility, and shop will be defaulted from the session user ID; otherwise, the employee number, facility, and shop must be keyed in by the technician.

    ETK Update WO Labor Dflt is the default value to be used for the update work order labor field on the Edit Employee Payroll Time change screen when time comes from a work order. Possible values are:

    • No Selection - no default; user must type an option every time on that screen.
    • No - defaults to No; user can override.
    • Yes - default to Yes; user can override.

    Get Employee Cost API is the program that determines the employee cost basis ($/hour) for use in ETK. This only needs to be specified when you want a customized determination method, such as when interfacing with a payroll system, to determine labor cost. This employee labor cost is used for reporting purposes only, in the Labor Management report when reporting by cost (average for employee) is requested.

    Idle Time is the code to be used to represent time between starting a shift and actually starting a task. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other.

    Insert Breaks When Shift Ends identifies whether or not Enrich should automatically insert standard shift breaks into an employee's shift after the employee has clocked off. If No, the employee must enter the shift breaks as part of the time keeping process. If Yes, Enrich adds breaks as defined on the employee calendar.

    Labor Hours Report Default identifies whether the labor hours report should be created from shift details or from the gangsheet. The user can override this default on the report screen. You can click on the Prompt button to select the default from a list.

    Maintenance Comp Type is the default earnings code for work done directly on a work order. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list.

    Min Hrs Between Shifts is the minimum number of hours between standard shifts. It is used by the time entry function to decide whether to create a new shift header record or start a new shift when the employee clocks on.

    Payroll Approval Point identifies the highest payroll approval step used by the installation. This parameter will be checked when Enrich must know what is considered an outstanding ETK transaction. You can click on the Prompt button to select the approval point from a list. Possible values are:

    • *BLANK - no approval
    • 3 - approved by payroll
    • 2 - approved by supervisor
    • 6 - batched to corp.

    Payroll Processing Date 50/50 only affects shifts that are defined in ETK that cross the midnight boundary and have more hours on the second day (after midnight) than on the first day (before midnight). If set to No, ETK will always use the shift start date as the payroll processing date. If set to Yes, the 50/50 rule is applied. This means that the payroll processing date is set to the shift start date if there are more hours on that day; if there are more hours on the second day, the payroll processing date is set to the second day as soon as the employee starts the shift. When you create a gangsheet for this kind of shift, you must create it for the second day.

    Payroll Shift Code is used by default when an employee is unscheduled for work and starts a shift, if a shift code is not entered. You can click on the Prompt button to select the shift code from a list.

    Print Shift Detail Default identifies the default value displayed for the Print Shift Detail field when the employee ends a shift. The employee may override the default on the End Shift screen.

    Secure Time Entry flags whether or not employees will be required to enter their passwords when starting or ending a shift and starting a work order or task. If users are sharing an AS/400 sign-on session, this parameter should be set to Yes.

    Shift Breaks is the code to be used to identify a shift break. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other.

    Start Shift is the code to be used by Enrich to commence a shift. This must be an unpaid labor code type. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other.

    Stat Holiday Pay Hours is the default number of hours that are paid for on statutory holidays if the holiday is not recorded in an employee's calendar.

    Statutory Holiday identifies the code to be used to identify a statutory holiday. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other.

    Stop Shift is the code to be used by Enrich to end a shift. This must be an unpaid labor code type. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other.

    Vacation Taken is the code to be used to identify an employee's used vacation time. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other.

    WO Line Comments On Clock Off - if Yes, the work order line comments screen is automatically displayed to allow the user to enter comments when they clock off the work order line, whether by clocking on to something else or by ending the shift. If No, does not automatically show the work order line comments screen.

  4. Click Enter to save the parameters.
  5. Click Next Page to continue.
    • The ETK Business Parameters - Page 2 change screen appears.
  6. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Auto Update Probation Job Step identifies whether or not the employee's job step should be automatically updated when the probation period ends. If set to Yes, the employee's job step is changed to the default job step. The update is done when a gangsheet is created for the employee for a date after the probation has ended. Caution must be exercised with this option. The probation is turned off the first time a gangsheet is created for a date after the probation has ended. If gangsheets are not processed in chronological order, unexpected results could occur. Since the probation affects payment of statutory holidays, the employee may receive payment for a statutory holiday to which they are not entitled.

    Check Elapsed Hours indicates when and how the elapsed hour check is performed during shift time entry. When turned on, the elapsed hours between the employee's last shift time entry and the current shift time entry is compared with the maximum allowed elapsed hours as defined below. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:

    • N - no check is performed.
    • W - perform check, warn if elapsed hours exceed maximum allowed.
    • E - perform check, issue an error if elapsed hours exceed maximum allowed.

    Check Future Date Entry determines whether the future date check is applied during shift time entry. When turned on, the employee receives an error or warning if they enter a shift date or time in the future. This is only used when the employee is allowed to override the shift date or time. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:

    • N - no check is performed.
    • W - check is performed, warn if a future date is entered.
    • E - check is performed, issue an error if a future date is entered.

    Chg Overtime Compensation Type identifies whether overtime or double-time calculations are performed, which may result in the payroll compensation type being changed. This would occur during gangsheet creation. When set to Yes, several additional ETK business parameters should be defined that identify when hours should be considered overtime or double-time.

    Default Job Step is the specific job step code that is the standard or normal job step for an employee. When an employee is past their probation period, the system can be set to automatically adjust their job step code to this value. Blank is the recommended value.

    Default Probation Period Days is the default probation period for new employees -- the number of days from the employee hire date that they are on probation.

    Double Time After Days is the number of days in a pay week at which an employee is entitled to double-time pay. Days worked by the employee over and above this amount will be considered double-time and the compensation type changed to that specified in the Double Time Compensation Type business parameter. This will only occur if the Change Overtime Compensation Type business parameter is set to Yes and this value is not zero. The change occurs during gangsheeet creation.

    Double Time Compensation is used during gangsheet creation when shift hours are considered double-time hours. Double-time hours can be identified by the number of days worked in a pay week. Any time over and above this amount is considered double-time and the compensation type code will be changed to this value. This will only occur if the Change Overtime Compensation Type business parameter is set to Yes and the Double Time After Days business parameter is not zero. You can click on the Prompt button to select the compensation type from a list.

    Holidays Paid On Probation identifies whether employees on probation are paid for statutory holidays. An employee is considered on probation when their employee job step is equal to the Probation Job Step business parameter. Employee job steps are set through the employee maintenance screen.

    Maximum Elapsed Hours identifies the maximum allowable elapsed hours for shift time entry. When the elapsed time check is turned on, the elapsed hours from the employee's last shift time entry and their current shift time entry is compared with this parameter. The elapsed time check can be set to issue a warning or error message when the elapsed time exceeds this value.

    Optimum Payroll Installed flags whether or not the Optimum Payroll product is installed on the system. This parameter is updated automatically by the installation of Optimum Payroll; it cannot be changed manually.

    Overtime After # Hours is the regular number of hours in the standard employee pay week. Hours worked by the employee over and above this amount will be considered overtime and the compensation type changed to that specified in the Overtime Compensation Type business parameter. This will only occur if the Change Overtime Compensation Type business parameter is set to Yes and this value is not zero. This change occurs during gangsheet creation.

    Overtime After Days is the regular number of days in a standard employee pay week. Days worked by the employee over and above this amount will be considered overtime and the compensation type changed to that specified in the Overtime Compensation Type business parameter. This will only occur if the Change Overtime Compensation Type business parameter is set to Yes and this value is not zero. This change occurs during gangsheeet creation.

    Overtime Compensation is used during gangsheet creation when shift hours are considered overtime hours. Overtime hours can be identified by the number of hours worked in a pay week or by the number of days worked in a pay week. Any time over and above this amount is considered overtime and the compensation type code will be changed to this value. This change will only occur if the Change Overtime Compensation Type business parameter is set to Yes and either of the overtime hours or overtime days business parameters is not zero. You can click on the Prompt button to select the compensation type code from a list.

    Pass Div/Dept To Optimum only applies if the Optimum Payroll system is installed. If set to No, the interface program will not pass the division number to Optimum, and the Optimum system will decide which division receives the payroll expense when payroll is posted. If set to Yes, the interface program will read the facility/department/division cross-reference to find the Optimum division to code to the time keeping record.

    Pass Job# to Optimum only applies if the Optimum Payroll system is installed. If set to Yes, the interface program will pass the work order number to Optimum. The work order number must then be defined as a job in the Optimum Payroll system; otherwise, the time keeping record will be in error and will not be passed until corrected.

    Probation Job Step is the specific job step code that identifies an employee on probation. When probation is in use for statutory holiday pay, this must have a non-blank value.

  7. Click Enter to save the parameters.
  8. Click Exit twice to return to the menu.

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