Enrich EMMS Online Help
Allow Multi-sublet PO On WO flags whether or not multi-sublets are allowed on work orders. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
Allow Multiple Sublet Invoices identifies whether or not multiple invoices will be allowed for a sublet.
Allow Parts On Sublets identifies whether or not specific parts will be tracked on sublets.
Allow Sublet Date Entry On Create identifies whether or not the user will be able to enter the PO date when creating a new sublet. The date will still default to the current date. A future date is not allowed, and the date can only be back-dated 30 days (simply as a safety precaution).
Allow Sublet Parts To Be Added To Inv - if parts tracking is turned on, this option determines whether or not sublet parts can be added to the main inventory.
Allow Sublet Split in CI After WO Apprv identifies whether or not you will be allowed to change the sublet split inside the Central Invoicing AP invoice screen, after the work order has been approved.
Allow Sublet WO Price Overrides identifies whether or not to allow overrides on the sublet vendor for back-to-back or menu pricing. If you do not allow overrides, the user will be forced back to the defaults as defined for the preferred vendor.
Approval Limit Required on WO Line Close allows Enrich to be set such that work order lines cannot be closed unless the user has sufficient sublet approval limits. This applies to sublet-only work orders and to sublet lines on regular work orders. When this business parameter is set to Yes and your purchase agent has a limit to the value for sublets, you will not be able to close any sublet lines that exceed that limit. Note that, if you don't have a purchase agent, you will also be prevented from closing lines.
Default Sublet To Maint Vendor identifies whether or not the sublet vendor should be defaulted to the maintenance vendor.
Enter Reference On Sublet identifies whether or not the PO quote/reference will appear as an input field on the creation of a sublet.
When you print a work order with one or more sublets, with this parameter set to Yes, the references for the sublets will print below the sublets. The work order allows for up to 5 sublets to be printed; up to 5 references will also print.
Maintain Sublet Parts After WO Close identifies whether or not the sublet parts information will be kept on the system after the work order has been closed.
Override Mandatory Meter (Sublet) - valid values are:
Print Sublet Parts On Invoice identifies whether or not the sublet parts should be printed on the invoice.
Print Sublet Receiver Report identifies whether or not the receiver report should be automatically printed when receiving sublets.
Stop Auto Close of WO identifies whether or not a work order should automatically close when the associated sublet purchase order is posted. When set to Do Not Prevent, the work order will be closed provided there are no non-sublet lines that remain open.
Sublet $ Amount Default identifies whether the dollar amount on a sublet should default into labor or material. Material is the default. This parameter is checked on receipt of a TP PO (invoice).
Sublet Install Date identifies which date will be used as the sublet install date. You can click on the Prompt button to select the date from a list. Valid values are:
Sublet WO Close Date identifies whether the close date for sublet work orders should be the current date (i.e. the actual date the work order status is changed to closed) or the invoice date.
VMRS Level For Sublet Warranty Flagging identifies the VMRS level that will be checked for warranty flagging on sublets. You can click on the Prompt button to select the level from a list. Valid values are:
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