Enrich EMMS Online Help
Allow Crew Entry identifies whether or not the crew number field appears on work orders (including sublet) and rental agreements. Crew number is a reference field to be used as required; there is no processing based on this field.
AP Transaction View identifies the order in which accounts payable transactions will initially be displayed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the view from a list. Valid values are:
AR Transaction View identifies the order in which accounts receivable transactions will initially be displayed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the view from a list. Valid values are:
Auto Out of Service identifies whether or not the Place Unit Out of Service screen should be presented when a user places a unit on a new work roster entry or on an ad hoc work order.
Billable Sts for Equip Repair History is used as a default when you first access the Equipment Repair History screen, but can be changed there. You can click on the
Prompt button to select the status from a list. Valid values are:
Close Count-Default Print Var Flag is the default value to be used for the Only Print Items With Variance field on the Close Physical Count screen.
Cursor Positioning identifies where the cursor will be when users first access a screen. You can click on the Prompt button to select the position from a list. Valid values are:
Cycle Count Default Count Type identifies whether the count type will default to cycle count or total physical count when creating a cycle count.
Cycle Count-Default Row Shelf Bin identifies the default row shelf bin rule when creating a cycle count:
Cycle Count-Item Category Mandatory identifies whether or not an item category is mandatory when creating a cycle count.
Date/Time Change on WO OOS identifies whether or not you will be able to change the date and time on the Out of Service popup that appears in the work order flow. If set to Yes, a different panel will appear, allowing you to change the date and time; there is no confirm prompt on this screen. Date/time cannot be future. When returning to service, the date/time must be after the OOS date/time. When placing a unit OOS, it is okay to backdate, even with a date that might be prior to a previous OOS record.
All points within the work order process that pop the Out of Service panel will use this business parameter to determine which panel to use.
Default Comment Type - OOS identifies whether or not there is a default type of comment for out of service. If set to No, the user will be asked to select a comment type when they create comments. Note that this only applies to Lease Rental comment types.
Default Facility On WR identifies whether or not the work request screen will be limited on initial entry to the user's default facility. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
Default Roster Desc takes the user to the Add Work Roster screen if there are no existing roster entries when a rental agreement is closed. When this happens, the unit number is defaulted in as well.
Dflt Comments to Y identifies whether the Comments field defaults to Yes or No on the out of service screens.
Dflt Return to Service identifies whether the Return to Service field defaults to Yes or No on the Equipment In/Out of Service and Return Equipment to Service screens.
Enrich Date Format identifies the date format to be used for this environment in Enrich. You can click on the Prompt button to select the format from a list. Valid values are:
Exclude Cap Cost Repair Reason Code allows you to exclude the selected reason code for capital costs by default on the Repair History screens; it can be left blank. You
can click in the field then click the Prompt button to select the reason code from a list.
Exclude Cap Improv Repair Reason Code allows you to exclude the selected reason code for improvement costs by default on the Repair History screens; it can be left blank.
You can click in the field then click the Prompt button to select the reason code from a list.
GL Transaction View identifies the order in which general ledger transactions will initially be displayed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the order from a list. Valid values are:
Grp/Type/MkMdlYr determines the level of matches required for the Parts Suggestion Box. You can click on the Prompt button to select the level from a list. Valid values are:
Invoice View identifies how the Work With Invoices screen will initially display. You can click on the Prompt button to select the view from a list.
Limit WO Subset - All View - you can click on the Prompt button
to select the flag from a list. Valid values are:
Mandatory Wts For Equip identifies whether or not the weight fields (gross unit weight and tare weight) on the Edit Equipment screen are mandatory.
No of Suggest is the number of records to search for on the Parts Suggestion Box. This will control how long you have to wait.
PM Status View identifies which screen will appear first when viewing the PM status for a specific unit from the equipment action list. The Alt View option will take you to the other view. The options are:
Print Tickets-Default Count or Tickets identifies the default value for count sheets or count tickets on the Print Inventory Count Sheets/Tickets screen.
Print Tickets-Default Sort Order identifies the default value for the If Sheets, Select Sort Order field on the Print Inventory Count Sheets/Tickets screen.
Prompt By identifies whether the prompt on parts will initially appear sorted by description, item, or parts lookup. It defaults to description. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list.
Purchase Order View identifies how the Work With Purchase Orders screen will initially display. You can click on the Prompt button to select the view from a list. Valid values are:
Restrict POs By Group controls the view of purchase orders by user group. If Yes, the system will only show those POs that were created by your user group. Users are not able to view POs created by users who
belong to a different group. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
Roadside Service Entry identifies whether or not the Roadside Service Entry number can be entered on the work order. This is an optional field on the work order, for information only. No processing is based on this field.
Selection Item No Type identifies how inventory item selection screen will initially be displayed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the sort from a list. Valid values are:
Show Exp Qty on Counts allows you to seet a default for the Show Expected Quantities Yes/No field when printing count sheets for a physical inventory. Valid values are:
When set to 3 or 4, users will not be able to change the value when printing the count sheets.
Show OOS Window on WO Edits controls the out of service functionality for placing a vehicle out of service upon entry to editing a regular or sublet work order, and returning the vehicle to service upon exiting from the edit of the same work order. Values are:
Note that this does not apply to multi-unit work orders, memo work orders, over-the-counter work orders, or warranty work orders.
Show Outstanding WR On WO flags whether or not outstanding work requests will be displayed on a work order for the same unit (S=shop or B=both) or when closing a rental or lease contract (L=LR or B=both). If
B, L, or S, it will also show outstanding work requests for a unit's attachments. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list. Valid values are:
Telephone Format is the format to be used when displaying phone/fax numbers in the system if Use Telephone # Format is set to Yes. The format will be applied from right to left. If the format entered here is ###### (###) ###-#### and you enter a phone number of 5551323, the number will display as 555-1323. If you enter 45035551323, the number will display as 4 (503) 555-1323. If you enter 4-503-555#1323 it will still display as 4 (503) 555-1323; any non-numeric characters entered with a phone number will not be saved.
Use Telephone # Format identifies whether or not telephone number formatting should be used. If No, whatever you enter in phone/fax fields is what will be saved and displayed. If Yes, the format to be used when displaying phone/fax numbers must be entered in the Telephone Format field to the immediate right of this field.
Use VAT For Tax Description identifies whether or not the term VAT will be used in the system in place of the term Tax.
Warehouse/Xref Default Cycle Count Flag identifies the default cycle count code when adding a stocking location for a part on the Edit Stocking Information screen or when adding a new part.
Warranty Claim View identifies how the Warranty Claim screen will initially display. You can click on the Prompt button to select the view from a list.
WO Cursor allows the positioning for work orders only to be different from the default cursor positioning parameter. For example, the default may be set to top of panel, but this parameter could be set to unit
number. All 9 Work With Work Order views will look at this parameter. One thing to note is that when the parameter is set to 1 for first subfile line, the positioning will work properly initially, but
there are situations where it will default back to top of panel. For example, if you page through a number of pages, then press Enter, the cursor will move from the first subfile line to the top of panel. From that point, only paging to a page
that wasn't previously displayed will cause it to re-position on the first subfile line. You can click on the Prompt button to select the position from a list. Valid values are:
WO Metric View - if set to M, mandatory metrics load first on the work order screen; if set to A, the metrics appear in alphanumeric order. You can click on the Prompt button to select the view from a list.
WO Req Date Mand identifies whether or not a requested completion date/time is mandatory when creating standard work orders; it will not be required on memo, credit, or over-the-counter work orders. It defaults to No.
Work Order View identifies how the Work Orders screen should be initially displayed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the view from a list. Valid values are:
Work Roster View identifies how the Display Work Roster screen will initially display. You can click on the Prompt button to select the view from a list. Valid values are:
WR - Assigned/Repair Fac defaults the Work Roster screen to either assigned or repair facility. You can click on the Prompt button to select the view from a list.
Company Name For Title is the company name that should appear on the title of reports.
Custom Shop Report Menu allows you to have a custom menu for reports. The custom menu name will be provided by Enrich Software Corp. If it is in the business parameter, then the path EMMS| Administration | Reports | Maintenance | Custom Reports will take you to that menu. If you wish to take advantage of having a custom shop reports menu, you will need to engage us to do it for you. We would then create a custom menu with whatever assortment of existing Enrich functions you want put together.
Fixed Charges Contr Sect defines the value of the contract section where fixed monthly billing amounts are defined. This option is used by the Maintenance Contract History Report, and is required when Lease Rental is installed. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the value from a list.
Job Queue - Long Run Rpts identifies a job queue to use when generating large reports such as the Customer History report and the Customer Repair History report. This can be left blank to use the default job queue.
Locale for Enrich Web GUI is an optional 5-character parameter allowing you to identify the locale (e.g. "en-US") to be used as the basis for spelling and dates in the upcoming web-based GUI.
Maintenance Expense is the expense code for maintenance, used to accumulate column totals. You can click on the Prompt button to select the expense code from a list.
Metric Type For Reefer determines the contract section for the maintenance allocation amount billable on the Maintenance Allocation Reconciliation Report. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the metric type from a list.
Opt Info Req'd PM Forecast flags whether or not any of the optional fields on the PM Forecast screen will be required. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
Print Vendor On PO controls whether the vendor code prints on the PO. This only controls whether the actual vendor number appears beside the vendor name on the printout of the shop PO.
Regular Maint Cost Section identifies the fixed maintenance charges section for the Cost/Distance Analysis Report. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the section from a list.
Retain Multi-mbr (Days) is the number of days to retain download file members.
Tire System Code is the expense code for tires, used to accumulate column totals. You can click on the Prompt button to select the expense code from a list.
WO Terms Text Print identifies when the work order terms text is printed with the work order. It normally only gets printed with the mechanic's copy when it's a customer work order, in which case this
field can be left blank. If set to Always, then it will be printed on every work order that is printed. This is optional. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list.
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