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Insurance business parameters  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Business Parameters.
    • The Business Parameters display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on Insurance and select Change.
    • The Business Parms - Insurance (Page 1) change screen appears.
  3. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Allow Multiple Insurance Schedules identifies whether or not multiple insurance schedules can exist for a unit. A value is required.

    Ins Undertaking Period (Initial) is the number of days an undertaking is good for when it is first applied. It is optional.

    Ins Undertaking Period (Renew) is the number of days an undertaking can be renewed for after the initial period expires. It is optional.

    Insurance Required on Receipt - when a unit is received, Enrich will place the unit on a user-defined default insurance policy if one is found. If a default policy is not found and this value is set to Yes, Enrich will prompt the user for an insurance policy number. The user must select one to continue.

    Use Govt Policy Flag on Ins Policies identifies whether or not the government policy flag is used. When used, government policies are excluded from the selection screen of customer policies. If the business parameter is set to No, then the Government Policy field will be hidden on insurance policies.

    % Over NBV Allowed for Insurance identifies the percentage by which NBV (net book value) of a unit can exceed the insurance policy limitation. It is optional.

    % Over NBV of Unit for Insurance is a percentage by which to adjust the NBV of the unit before doing the insurance check. It is optional.

    Allow Insurance Add on Rental flags whether or not company insurance can be added for rentals.

    Check Insurance on Rental Reservation identifies whether insurance checking should be done when a reservation is made active. A value is required. You can click on the Prompt  button to select a value from a list. Possible values are:

    • E - Exended Chk/Override - extend to the NBV additional options, allow override;
    • N - No - do not look at the NBV additional options;
    • O - Override Allowed - do not look at NBV additional options and do allow override of insurance;
    • X - Extended Chk/No Override - do look at the NBV additional options and do not allow overrides;
    • Y - Yes - check insurance.

    Lite Insurance identifies whether all, miscellaneous customers, or no customers can use the 'lite' insurance screens. This is a simple insurance entry screen that doesn't validate on insurance policy. It will help in situations where cash/miscellaneous customers have their own policy and the user doesn't want to enter it into the system.

    Multiple Insurance Allowed - when set to Yes, you can select and check against multiple insurance policies in the rental/lease agreements, and have multiple policies print on the agreement. The system will automatically look for any sections applicable for the customer for the contract type. The policies that can be used must have the customer on the rental agreement as "named insured" on the policy, and it can only be used to match standard insurance sections that are defined both on the contract and on the policy.

    Display CPDR - Customer Physical Damage Responsibility - a customer's excess they need to pay when a vehicle is damaged. Used in Risk Management. If insurance can be sold to customers, this should be set to Yes so the CPDR field will be displayed on the reservation/rental screens. It is informational only.

    Use Intended Use Table determines whether or not the Intended Use table can be used to select Intended Use on a reservation or rental agreement. If set to No, you are able to manually enter intended use rather than selecting from the table. The table is only available if this business parameter is set to Yes.

    Storage Use Code is used to determine if a trailer is being used for storage purposes, and therefore doesn't have the same insurance requirements. This is optional, and only for insurance validation.

    Insurance Not Found on RS Action drives the action to be taken when a customer insurance policy is not found on creating a reservation. Options are:

    • Company Insured - the Customer Insured flag will be set to No.
    • Warning Message - the Customer Insured flag will be left as it was prior to the insurance check and a warning message will be issued.
    • No Action - the customer Insured flag will be left as it was prior to the insurance check.

    In order to use this business parameter, contract rule 57 - Default Customer Insured Option - must be set to N. This rule defaults the Customer Insured Flag to No when the reservation or rental is created, if that is how the rule is set.

    Insurance Section 4 NF Action identifies whether or not customer insurance that does not have a type 4 (max value) insurance section will be allowed.

    Schedule of Units Subs Section - if the insurance Endorsements section selected here appears in the insurance sections for a lease and it exists on the policy details of the customer insurance, the sub will have blanket coverage. A selection is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Unit substitutions for leases are done with rental agreements. Blanket insurance for subs is allowed when:

    • Not covered by a blanket policy. Blanket policy is when the blanket policy value is Y, the policy is Lease blanket and a Lease contract has been created; or policy is Rental blanket and a Rental contract has been created.
    • This business parameter has an insurance section set up as its value.
    • Standard Insurance Sections has a section set up that matches the value of this business parameter.
    • The insurance policy has this section selected and Included set to Y.
    • The unit on the rental agreement is not in the schedule of units of the policy.
    • The replaced unit on the rental agreement is not in the schedule of units of the policy.
  4. Click Enter to save the parameters.
  5. Click Next Page .
    • The Business Parms Insurance - UK Page 1 change screen appears.
  6. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Rate Review Function Active identifies whether or not the insurance rate review function is available for use.

    Allow Switch Co/Cust Ins identifies whether or not the system will allow a switch from company to customer insurance for a customer.

    Contract Expiry Threshold is the number of days remaining on the contract; this determines when to display a warning message that a vehicle is nearly expiry of contract. It is optional.

    Diary Due Date Default - for system-generated diary events, this is the default period used to calculate the diary due date. It is used with Event Manager and is optional.

    Equipment Super Type - Trailer is the equipment type used to validate the trailer number, if any, entered in the Motor Vehicle Detail Form. It is used with Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the type from a list.

    Own Damage Cost Tolerance - the system will automatically update the Own Damage Cost Flag for a claim after X days from the date the incident is reported, where X is the number of days specified in this parameter. It is used with Event Manager and is optional.

    No File Claim Tolerance - the system will automatically prompt the user to close a "No File" claim after the elapsed time specified in this parameter. This is used with Event Manager and is optional.

    Default Tax Code is the default tax code to use for claim transactions. It is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the code from a list.

    Rate Review Interval is the number of days until the next rate review date. It is optional.

    Rate Review Grouping allows you to determine the grouping that will show in the rate review summary screens. Possible groupings are customer entity number or customer suffix. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the grouping from a list.

    Note that after changing this business parameter to customer entity number, the conversion program must be re-run; contact the Help Desk for more information.

    Duplicate Claim Tolerance - a warning is displayed if similar claim information has been entered within a defined tolerance; e.g. a claim for the same vehicle has been entered in the last X days, where X is the number of days specified in this business parameter. It is optional.

    Basic claim information, as well as registration number in the case of motor claims, will be used as criteria to determine if claims are similar.

    Diary Due Date Tolerance - for user-initiated or user-updated diary events, this is the maximum allowable period range for the due date that can be entered. It is used with Event Manager and is optional.

    WO Reason Code - Insurance is the reason code used for a work order to be billed against a claim. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    CPDR Charge Code is the charge code used for the manual charge transaction created when billing the CPDR (Customer Physical Damage Responsibility - the customer's excess they need to pay when a vehicle is damaged) to the customer. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the charge code from a list.

    Gen Fin Trans For Est is used in the Risk Management module within Event Manager. There are several claim transaction types, of which 3 are estimate types: PD (Property Damage) Liability Extimate, PI (Personal Injury) Liability Estimate, and Recovery Estimate.

    • If this parameter is set to No, when you create claim transactions of these types, there are no associated general ledger transactions created; they just update the claim summary.
    • If set to Yes, the associated general ledger transactions will be created.

    Grp Clm Pmts For Supplier identifies whether or not payment transactions from different claims but to the same supplier should be grouped onto one cheque.

    Decline Own Damage Reason is the reason code to use when the system automatically updates the flag to N after the specified elapsed time. It is used in Event Manager, and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    File Colour For "No File" is the file color that designates a claim to be a "No File" claim. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Incident Loc Type - Facility is the incident location type that designates the incident location to be a facility. It is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Root Cause Code For Theft is the root cause code that determines that a claim is a "Theft/Vandalism" claim. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Diary Type - Diary Review is the diary event type used for the system-triggered diary review event. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Diary Type - Close Claim is the diary event type used for the system-triggered close claim event created for no file claims. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

  7. Click Enter to save the parameters.
  8. Click Next Page .
    • The Business Parms Insurance - UK Page 2 change screen appears.
  9. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    A/P Voucher Type Code is used in the Risk Management module within Event Manager. When the risk management department wants to make a payment to either a supplier or a claimant, they create payment instructions within the EM-Risk Management system. When these payment instructions are processed, it creates a voucher in Accounts Payable in Enrich Financials and marks the vouchers as selected for payment. The A/P voucher type code selected here is used for these vouchers created for the payment instruction. You can click on the Prompt  button and select the value from a list.

    Feature Code - Vehicle Colour is used in the Risk Management module within Event Manager. When you select a unit in EM-Risk Management, the vehicle color is displayed in one of the panels. This parameter determines where to get that information. The vehicle color is stored as an equipment feature in Enrich. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Diary Type - Incident Report is the diary event type used for the system-triggered incident report event. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Diary Type - Document Review is the diary event type used for the system-triggered diary review event. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Occup. Type - Service Manager is the occupation type that designates an employee to be a service manager. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Occup. Type - Claim Handler is the occupation type that designates an employee to be a claims handler. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Occup. Type - Rental Manager is the occupation type that designates an employee to be a rental manager. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Drivers License ID Class is the ID class used for displaying/updating the driver's license field for people. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Drivers License ID Type is the ID type within the Drivers License ID Class used for displaying/updating the drivers license field for people. It is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    National Ins # ID Class is the ID class used for displaying/updating the national insurance number field for people. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    National Ins # ID Type is the ID type within the National Insurance # ID Class used for displaying/updating the national insurance number field for people. It is used in Event Manager and is optional. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

    Motor Inc Type - Windshld Brk is used in the Risk Management module within Event Manager. In one of the EM-Risk Management panels, certain data are displayed or hidden based on whether the claim is for a windshield breakage (i.e. some fields are applicable ONLY to windshield breakage, and some fields are NOT applicable to windshield breakage). This parameter is used to determine whether or not the claim is for a windshield breakage. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the value from a list.

  10. Click Enter to save the parameters.
  11. Click Exit twice to return to the menu.

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