Enrich EMMS Online Help
Allow Bypass (Prt Immediate) identifies whether or not the user will have the option to bypass consolidation to process an invoice as normal, i.e. print it immediately. When an invoice is created from an Enrich application and consolidated billing is enabled, the consolidated billing definitions are checked to see if this invoice should be held and placed on the consolidated invoice. If set to Yes, this parameter allows the user to override the definitions and bypass sending the invoice to consolidated billing.
Auto Print Generated Invoices determines whether or not consolidated invoices are automatically printed when they are generated. If No, the print must be manually requested.
Consolidated Billing Enabled identifies whether or not Consolidated Billing is functional.
Create Invoice With Zero Trans specifies whether or not the consolidated billing run should generate an invoice for a customer even when there were no transactions for the period.
Not An Invoice Text is the text to be printed on the supporting invoices to indicate that the charges are on a consolidated invoice.
Print Original Inv W/Crt'd - when Consolidated Billing is enabled and an invoice is held for consolidated billing, this parameter identifies whether or not the original invoice will be printed, e.g. as paper backup of the original invoices prior to consolidation. If set to Yes, the original invoice is printed, and marked as "Not an invoice" since it is being consolidated.
Print Supporting Invoices identifies whether or not all associated supporting invoices from the Enrich applications are printed when the corresponding consolidated invoice that contains the charges is printed. It defaults to Print as backup.
Same Customer Entity Required indicates whether customers on the Consolidated Billing definitions and the customer lists must have the same customer entity. If Yes, the customer entity must be the same; only the customer suffix (branch) may vary. If No, different customers may be combined on the same consolidated billing definition or customer list. Company must always be the same.
WO Status To Display identifies whether Approved or Billed work orders should be displayed in Consolidated Billing.
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