Enrich EMMS Online Help
Allow Add of Stock/Exp Part on DP PO - if a PO exists for a work order and you are adding a stock or expense part, if the parameter is:
Allow Change To Item/Mfg/Desc identifies whether or not the stock part number, manufacturer code, and description can be changed on the item master.
Allow Duplicate Part# flags whether or not duplicate part numbers may be entered for different parts in inventory. If part numbers must be unique, this flag should be set to No. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
Allow Issue of Expense Part identifies whether or not expense items can be issued.
Allow Multiple Counts/Warehouse identifies whether or not there can be more than one open count for a warehouse.
Allow Negative Inventory identifies whether or not Enrich will allow you to process any inventory type transactions if the transaction would cause the inventory in the warehouse to go below zero. Fuel inventory is not affected by this parameter.
Allow Non Stocked Part On WO controls whether or not items that are not stocked at the warehouse can be added to a work order and direct purchased for that work order. Possible values are:
Allow Partial Recs On DP Non Stock identifies whether or not multiple receipts can be entered for non-stock direct purchase parts. When set to No, if a user enters a receipt quantity that is different from the PO quantity, the system will change the quantity on the PO and the work order to be the received quantity. When set to Yes, allowing partial receipts, the Record Receipts screen will:
Allow Purchase/Transfer On Core identifies whether or not items defined with an item type of "core" can be transferred and purchased.
Allow Qty Difference - WO POs identifies whether or not a different quantity can be received than was ordered on a work order's purchase order.
Allow Unknown DP Part Receipt controls whether a PO receipt can be recorded against the unknown part, or if the unknown part MUST be replaced prior to recording the PO receipt. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:
Allowed Merge Variance% is the allowed percentage of cost variance when performing a merge/purge of an inventory item. If any of the warehouses have a cost that differs by more than this percent, a warning is issued to the user. This does not require a value; the functions will ignore a zero value.
Auth Chk on Repl Unknown Part identifies whether or not credit checking should be done when replacing the unknown part.
Auto Reply to Component Upd - if set to Yes, you will not see the prompt for Update Component List on a work order; instead, a response of Yes will be assumed and Enrich will continue.
Check Part VMRS Cd On WO Line flags whether Enrich should verify that the VMRS code (system level) associated with a part is the same as the VMRS code (system level) on the work order line on which the part is used. The validation is performed only if the item entered is not the miscellaneous part item.
Core Tracking Method identifies whether and how core tracking is in effect. Options are:
Note: When core tracking is in effect, you will not be allowed to transfer primary or core parts from one work order line to another.
Default Bin Location on Transfer allows you to specify whether or not the default bin should be used on transfers. If set to Y, the row/shelf/bin is first default from the preassigned stock location and is validated. If there is not preassigned stock location, a valid row/shelf/bin location must be entered. If set to N, a blank row/shelf/bin is allowed. If non-blank, it must be a valid row/shelf/bin location.
Edit Discontinued Part identifies whether or not change mode is allowed for a part that is in Discontinued status.
Location Hierarchy Validation is used on work order entry to decide if the hierarchy of locations should be enforced. The hierarchy of locations is:
Max Bar Code Labels To Print is the maximum number of bar code labels to print when printing bar code labels.
Merge-Update Open Transactions identifies whether or not items should be merged in the merge/purge of inventory items process even if they are on open transactions.
Misc Parts Flow Thru To Tender is only used for Shop Work Desk. Miscellaneous parts (i.e. not on the item master) can be put onto a Shop Work Desk work order. If this parameter is set to Yes, it means the work order can be tendered without having to replace those miscellaneous parts with real items. Setting it to No means they have to be replaced.
Miscellaneous Part identifies a miscellaneous part. A miscellaneous part has to be defined as a non-stock item in the item master. When the miscellaneous part is added on a work order, the user is prompted for a description and cost and, optionally, for a vendor part number, selling price, and PO. The inventory, WIP, and cost of goods entries are not generated for miscellaneous parts since it is expected that these parts have already been expensed. This would be an expense only to the unit/customer. You can click on the Prompt button to select the part from a list.
Parts Interface Pricing - Enrich allows inventory price tapes to be uploaded. This business parameter must be set to Yes for Enrich to look for those uploaded prices when pricing out a work order invoice; this is the pricing method that requires the PI columns to be assigned to facility, customer class, or customer. If set to No, the new method of PI pricing will be used: no columns need to be assigned within PI; instead, the price books contain the PI definition and will optionally reference the PI source and column to be used.
Re-create Merged Part is the type of validation to be performed if a merged part is being re-created. You can click on the Prompt button to select the validation type from a list.
Restrict Transfers By Warehouse identifies whether a warehouse is allowed to receive a transfer on behalf of another warehouse. If set to No, users are prevented from switching warehouses. This implies that the user must have a default warehouse -- if they don't and this parameter is set to No, they won't be able to do a transfer receiving.
Stepped Rates By Part allows you to choose whether to apply the step by summarizing the part cost or by using the individual part cost. When set to No, the sum of the part line will be used to get the stepped rate. For example, if the part line is 5 @ 15.00, a value of 75.00 will be used to look up the rate. When set to Yes, the individual part cost will be used to get a stepped rate. If the part line is 5 @ 15.00, a value of 15.00 will be used to get the stepped rate.
Note: There are things that will override the stepped rate if they should happen to be set up. For example, having specific item rates defined on the price book would override the stepped rate. If you use a rate type of PO markup along with stepped rates, the stepped rate would be determined using the current part cost, but the rate would then be applied to the PO price of the part.
Note: This parameter does not apply to labor stepped rates; the sum of all hours on the work order line is used to determine the step.
Stop Issues/Rec During Count controls whether parts can be issued and received while on a count. The default is No. If set to Yes, the posting of receipts and the issuing of parts on work orders will not be allowed if any of the parts exist on an open count. This will stop the entire post even if only one of the parts is on a count, because a receipt or a 'fully issue' is dealt with as a single entity. Also, note that issuing and receiving will be stopped based on the existence of the item/warehouse on the count, regardless of the bin location; if a part is being counted, all activity is stopped in case bins are being added through the count.
Unknown Direct Purchase Part will be used as a placeholder on work orders/purchase orders when the real part number is not known. It cannot have been used on any purchase order prior to becoming the unknown direct purchase part. It must be non-stocked at all warehouses. Once entered and used on a work order and purchase order, this part number cannot be changed. The Allow Non-Stocked Part on WO business parameter must be set to Yes in order to use the unknown part.
Warehouse/Part Bar Code controls whether or not the warehouse code will print on the part bar code label.
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