Enrich EMMS Online Help
3rd Contract Type identifies a specific contract type that overrides all other contracts when generating accounting transactions. When Enrich is searching for valid contracts for a unit that is on a work order, it stops search when one of the four contract types defined here is found. Then, the contract type found is used to generate the accounting entries. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contract type from a list.
4th Contract Type identifies a contract type that overrides all other contracts when generating accounting transactions. When Enrich is searching for valid contracts for a unit that is on a work order, it stops searching when one of the four contract types defined here is found. Then, the contract type found generates the accounting entries. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contract type from a list.
Allow Billable Multi-unit WO defines whether or not billable multi-unit work orders are allowed. Only one customer can be billed for the entire multi-unit work order.
Allow Customer Tax State identifies whether or not the customer's state should be used to charge tax on billable work orders; if set to No, the state of the repair facility will be used.
When creating OTC work orders, if this business parameter is set to Yes:
Autoprint Inv On Approval specifies whether or not Enrich should automatically print invoices once the work order has been approved. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Valid values are:
Bill Affiliate - when a work order is created for a customer unit and the customer is for an affiliated company, this parameter controls whether the non-billable reports will be billed to the affiliate (Yes), or if the transaction will be disallowed and the work order converted to a miscellaneous work order (No). When this is set to Yes, you can also create, change, and delete maintenance rates for a unit and customer in multiple companies at once.
Calculate Shop Supplies Min/Max is set to Total when shop supplies minimum and maximum charges are calculated based on the invoice total. It is set to Line when the min/max's are calculated on each line.
Calculate Sublet Min/Max identifies how sublet minimum and maximum charges are calculated: based on the invoice total or based on each line. The Combined options allow you to combine labor and materials. Min/max is applied after the individual invoice lines have been calculated. All price book edit and display screen show the sublet min/max option in effect. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Possible values are:
Contract Type To Default WO Billable Status determines whether the equipment contract or the lease agreement is used to default the billing status.
Default Company identifies the company to which customer association is defaulted when creating customers and customer contracts. You can click on the Prompt button to select the company from a list.
Default Contract Type identifies a specific type of contract that will be assigned to units that have none defined (to use with the accounting module). If the Override Contract Type is set to Yes, the contract type normally chosen will be changed to this default contract type. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contract from a list.
Dispatch Customer Contact Type is the dispatch customer contact type that will be used on the Distance Billing Input Report. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contact type from a list.
Equipment Type Tax For Billing allows taxation of billable work order lines by equipment type. It is only available if the equipment type tax is not already in use for self-assessment of inter-provincial tax.
Evergreen Policy In Use - if contracts are not to be considered for use once they expire, this flag should be set to No. It is set to Yes when, regardless of the expiry date of a contract, it continues to be used to apply rates, billable/non-billable status, and accounting rules if no other contract exists to supersede it.
GST Number identifies the company's tax remittance and collection account with the federal government.
Invoice# = Work Order# - if this flag is set to Yes, invoice numbers will match the work order numbers that generated them when billable work appears on a work order. If set to No, the invoice number is a sequential number, not necessarily matching the work order number.
Invoice Date = Approval Date determines whether the invoice date equals the approval date. If set to No, the invoice date is the closed date.
Invoice Reprints to Local Outq identifies whether or not reprints of invoices are to be sent to your local queue.
LR: Validation of Miscellaneous Charges Codes vs Rollup Table - if set to Yes, Enrich will validate whether the charge code being used for a miscellaneous charge is valid on the contract type for the contract in question. If set to No, the validation is done.
Miscellaneous Customer Class identifies a default customer class for customers that don't have one. This will allow them to inherit the customer class price book for the appropriate customer class. You can click on the Prompt button to select the customer class from a list.
Override Contract Type flags whether or not the contract type normally chosen should be changed to the Default Contract Type.
Primary Contract Type identifies a special contract type that overrides all other contracts when generating accounting transactions. When Enrich is searching for valid contracts for a unit that is on a work order, it stops searching when one of the four contract types defined here is found. Then, the contract type found is used to generate the accounting entries. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contract type from a list.
Screen Selector Search identifies how the customer selection will be performed. Options are:
Secondary Contract Type identifies a contract type that overrides all other contracts when generating accounting transactions. When Enrich is searching for valid contracts for a unit that is on a work order, it stops searching when one of the four contract types defined here is found. Then, the contract type found is used to generate the accounting entries. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contract type from a list.
Show Non-bill On Invoice identifies whether or not non-billable lines from a work order should be shown on an invoice along with the billable lines.
Tax Code-GST should contain the value "GST". It is used to apply federal tax, and look for GST customer exemptions within the customer tax-exemption tables. You can click on the Prompt button to select the tax code from a list.
Tax Code-PST should contain the value "PST". It is used to apply provincial or state tax, and look for PST customer exemptions within the customer tax-exemption tables. You can click on the Prompt button to select the tax code from a list.
Tax Exemption Rule identifies how tax exemptions will be handled at the shop level. You can click on the Prompt button to select the rule from a list. Options are:
Tax On Billable WO Lines determines whether Enrich should generate tax on billable work order lines. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Valid values are:
Terminated Contract For Status determines the billable status of a work order based on terminated agreements. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Options are: A - always; B - only when work order is created before agreement was terminated.
Use Facility Print Override for Shop PO and WO - when set to Yes, allows users who do not have a facility assigned to them to use the facility print overrides when printing shop POs (PO and TP) and work orders. In this case, the print facility will be based on the facility/warehouse of the document.
Use Invoice Check Digit identifies whether or not to add a check digit to the end of invoice numbers. Note that this is for custom use only, and is secured.
Use Retail Customer On WO identifies whether or not a retail customer can be entered on work orders.
Use Tax Rules In EMMS identifies whether or not tax rules will be used in the shop system. If Yes, the shop functions will look to the Lease Rental tax rules for the tax calculations and will ignore the PST/GST business parameters. When this parameter is set to No, tax for billable work orders will be retrieved from the invoice detail file. When it is set to Yes, the system will use the work order billing files for the tax information.
NOTE: When this is set to Yes and you are adding a customer, all taxes in the Tax Code file will be set to Y=Exempt on the shop customer and the contract customer files except the tax codes found in the Financials Customer Master's Tax Code 1, 2, and 3 fields. Therefore, if you don't want the customer to be exempt for PST, for example, then the PST tax code must be entered in one of the Tax Code fields on that customer's Financials customer master.
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