Enrich EMMS Online Help
Accounting Active identifies whether or not accounting functions are active within Enrich.
Accounting Date Equip Invoice identifies which date to use when posting equipment invoices: delivery date or invoice date. You can click on the Prompt button to select the date type from a list.
Accounting Date Sublet WO AP identifies whether the accounting date for sublet work orders should be the invoice date or the received date. This parameter controls the date that is used on the initial AP transaction
created at the time of posting the sublet invoice. You can click on the Prompt button to select
the date type from a list.
Allow Manual Transaction Lock Delete flags whether or not users can manually delete transaction locks using the transaction lock utility.
COGS Or WO Expense identifies whether work order GL expense accounts or COGS (cost of goods sold) will be used when billable labor and materials costs are coded to AR transactions. You can click on the
Prompt button to select the value from a list.
Cost of Sublet Accounts identifies whether, on billable lines only, the system should use the sublet expense account types or the cost of sublet account types. There are two for each: sublet expense labor, sublet expense materials, or sublet cost labor, sublet cost parts. If set to Yes, the system will use sublet cost. If set to No or blank, the system will use sublet expense.
Default AP Transaction Status determines what status the transaction will enter the transaction file in. If the default status is set to UUU for unapproved, the transactions will not go through the interface
until the status has been changed by a user to approved (000). Transactions can only be modified when their status is unapproved (UUU). If transactions are set to 000 when they are created, they will be processed by the nightly interface. If
they are successfully processed, they will be changed to status 999, processed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the status from a list.
Default AR Transaction Status determines what status the transaction will enter the transaction file in. If the default status is set to UUU for unapproved, the transactions will not go through the interface
until the status has been changed by a user to approved (000). Transactions can only be modified when their status is unapproved (UUU). If transactions are set to 000 when they are created, they will be processed by the nightly interface. If
they are successfully processed, they will be changed to status 999, processed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the status from a list.
Default Discount Amount specifies whether to default the discount amount based on retrieved terms. When Yes, the system tries to default the discount amount on both purchase of goods and sublet work orders. If left blank, this parameter will be set to No.
Default GL Transaction Status determines what status the transaction will enter the transaction file in. If the default status is set to UUU for unapproved, the transactions will not go through the interface
until the status has been changed by a user to approved (000). Transactions can only be modified when their status is unapproved (UUU). If transactions are set to 000 when they are created, they will be processed by the nightly interface. If
they are successfully processed, they will be changed to status 999, processed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the status from a list.
Deny Enrich Access To Unknown Users identifies whether or not Enrich will deny access to the system for users who are not identified as Enrich users.
Enable Connection Logging identifies whether or not logging of connections is performed. This will allow you to see who is connected from "home" or other IPs outside of the approved list, if the IP white list is enabled. If connection logging is enabled, you can view the connection log through the IP Security option on the security menu.
Enable IP White List identifies whether or not an IP white list is used to determine who will have access to Enrich. In conjunction with the Enable Connection Logging parameter, you can deny certain users the ability to connect to Enrich from home, but allow others. You can also allow certain users to connect to the demo environment from home but not the production environment. If the IP white list is enabled, you can view and change it through the IP Security option on the security menu.
If a user's IP address is not on the approved white list but they have a User Defaults setting that allows them to bypass the white list, they will be granted access and can effectively sign on from home.
If you have the IP white list feature enabled and a user attempts to sign into an environment from a non-white list IP address, and their user ID and user group are NOT set to Bypass White List, they will see a screen displaying the message CONNECTION ACCESS DENIED.
Extended WO Acctng Search - when set to No, extended accounting search will not be used. When set to Yes, Enrich will search to find the correct account number based on VMRS first, then work order GL accounts, then the traditional tables. Account types affected by this parameter are:
Facility For Sublet AP identifies whether to use the assigned or repair facility when looking for a company for sublet vendor selection and for the sublet AP transaction. If not defined, it defaults to repair.
You can click on the Prompt button to select the facility type from a list.
Facility For Sublet In Process identifies whether the facility used for sublets in process will be the assigned or repair facility. Note: If you flip the business parameter to use Assigned, sublets with posted invoices where the work order was unapproved at the time of flipping the parameter will need to be verified to ensure the debit and credit ultimately use the same facility. Otherwise, the invoice post would have used the repair facility while the work order approval would use the assigned facility.
Facility GL Position identifies where the facility is located in general ledger account numbers.
GL Account Mask identifies the structure of the GL accounts using an edit mask when a user-defined structure is requested. Use "X" to indicate a character from the GL account and blank or any other character to indicate a mask.
GL Accounting Structure identifies whether the Enrich company, major, minor structure should be used for GL account numbers or if a user-defined structure
is required. When user-defined is requested, the GL account number is stored in the field GL Account - Formatted. You may also indicate if the formatted GL account number is to be used for screen/report input/output functions. You can click
on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:
Maintenance Allocation Accounting identifies whether maintenance allocation accounting functions generate general ledger or accounts receivable transactions. You can click on the Prompt button to select the transaction type from a list.
Mask On Entry/Display identifies whether to display the unformatted GL account number or the formatted version (using the edit mask) when a user-defined GL account structure is used. This will affect all reports and screens, field output and input. The formatting characters must be entered when this option is set to Yes. Note that the screens only show 22 characters for the GL account; if the edit mask is longer than 22, the remaining characters will be truncated from the display and subsequent entry.
Min % for System Gend Inv Adj is used to determine if the GL entry should be adjusted to keep the GL and inventory sub-ledgers in sync. For example, due to rounding, a GL entry may be $25.99, but the inventory sub-ledger may be $26.00. If this parameter is left as zero, a $.01 entry will be made. If this parameter is greater than $.01, no entry will be generated. No value is required for this parameter.
Minutes To Invalid Transaction Lock is the number of minutes before Enrich should automatically invalidate transaction locks. Note that this parameter does not apply to work rosters; if a user has a lock on a work roster transaction, the lock will never go invalid.
Non-billable Labor Costing - when this parameter is set, there is a debit (DR) to WO labor expense, and a credit (CR) to unallocated labor, based on the cost of the labor. If unallocated labor is not set up, the system tries to credit revenue - labor applied for the shop. If this flag is set to Yes, non-billable labor is costed out, so that there is the following entry: DR to WO labor expense, CR to revenue labor applied; DR to labor cost, CR to unallocated labor.
Optional Tax Handling controls how taxes are handled on PO and sublet receipts. If Yes, the total taxes and special charges for the invoice are distributed to the lines based on the percentage of the invoice total the line is.
Parts COGS/Rev On Non-bill tells the system whether to create the entries for COGS (cost of goods sold) and parts revenue on non-billable lines or not. The default is Y; i.e. if the parameter isn't set up,
the program will code these entries. However, if the parameter is set to N, these lines will be skipped. This will cause an out-of-balance entry if an internal parts markup is being applied to the entry, so be careful when setting this parameter
up. If a markup to internal parts is being applied, ensure that this parameter is NOT set to N. You do want to code the COGS and revenue for parts entries because they will be different amounts if the markup is being applied. You can click on
the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
Sublet Expense Accounts controls whether the SM and SL account types are used when determining which accounts to use for sublet material and sublet labor expense on non-billable work. When this parameter is
set to Y, the SM and SL account types are used from the facility GL accounts table. If it is set to N or is left blank, sublet material and labor are charged via the VMRS and WO GL account tables, where you CANNOT pick account types. You can
click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.
Translock Inactive Job controls whether an existing Enrich transaction lock will always result in the user requesting transaction access getting a message
indicating the transaction is in use; or if the system will look at the job holding the lock and try to determine if the job has become inactive or invalid and the Enrich transaction lock
may be removed, giving access to the transaction. The method chosen determines whether this check even happens, and how detailed a check is done. You can click on the Prompt button to select the method from a list. Options are:
Use Item Category When Searching WO GL Account identifies whether or not the item category should be used when obtaining work order GL accounts. If Yes, this allows you to drive the expense of specific items such as tires and oil to different GL accounts than other parts.
Use Pay Type For WO Labor Costing identifies whether or not labor costs can be defined by pay type at each of the cost basis levels.
Warranty Accounting identifies whether or not the system should generate accounting entries when a warranty claim is processed.
Whs Charged For Transfer Loss identifies a system-level default for which warehouse is normally charged for a loss on a transfer. This occurs when the quantity received by a warehouse is less than what was sent.
It affects the retrieval of the adjustment GL account. It is optional. You can click on the Prompt button to select the default from a list. Valid values are:
WO Accounting Validation identifies whether or not work order accounting validation is on. If Yes, when a transaction fails validation it is deleted and the work order is not approved.
Work Order Approval Mode identifies whether work order approval processing should be done interactively or by batch. You can click on the Prompt button to select the approval mode from a list.
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