Enrich EMMS Online Help
Use Address Validation identifies whether or not vendor and customer address validation will be performed by an external service provider. When validating an address with an external tax provider, validation errors will be a warning, allowing the user to continue with saving address information. This is for custom use only.
Use External Tax Interface identifies whether or not a third-party tax interface will be used. This is for custom use only.
Seconds Delay - if there is an interruption of the connection with the external tax provider, this is usedfor retrying the connection to get the taxes. It is the seconds delay between each retry. A value of zero (0) is not acceptable.
Max Retries - if there is an interruption of the conection with the external tax provider, this is used for retrying the connection to get the taxes. It is the maximum allowed retries. A value of zero (0) is not acceptable.
Email(s) for errors - if the connection with the external tax provider cannot be done, an email is sent to these addresses. Set up at least one email addresses; separate multiple addresses with a comma. Email addresses entered here are not verified. Note that the Default From Email and Mail Server SMTP used for these emails are taken from the WO Estimating Business Parameters.
Defaults - addresses are required to calculate taxes. Set up each area's specific address default:
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