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Revenue/Expense Summary business parameters  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Business Parameters.
    • The Business Parameters display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on Revenue/Expense Summary and select Change.
    • The Edit Business Parameters-Rev/Exp change screen appears.
  3. Click Add .
    • The Edit Business Parameters-Rev/Exp add screen appears, allowing you to add tasks to the parameters.
  4. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Depreciation is the default code to use for depreciation expense when the transaction does not have an expense code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the expense code from a list.

    Fuel Charges is the default code to be used for fuel charges when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list.

    Insurance is the default code to use for insurance expense when the transaction does not have an expense code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the expense code from a list.

    Interest Expense is the default code to use for interest expense when the transaction does not have an expense code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the expense code from a list.

    Internal Labor is the default code to be used for internal labor when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list.

    Internal Parts is the default code to be used for parts when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list.

    Labor is the default labor charge code to use with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge code from a list.

    License is the default code to use for license expense when the transaction does not have an expense code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the expense code from a list.

    Memo is the default code to be used for memo work orders when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list.

    Memo Work Order Creates Nul Rev/Exp controls creation of accounting transaction records for memo work orders. This enables reporting of this activity by the Customer Activity Report and viewing from the Revenue/Expense screens.

    • The memo work order was originally intended for entering historical cost information, and no invoice or revenue information was produced. Clients are now using the memo work order to enter historical invoice information for their customers. This is work performed and billed by a totally separate third party. The client is entering it as a service to the customer, enabling reporting of expenses by unit from the customer's perspective.
    • When this business parameter is set to Yes, the memo work order close will create transactions in the Equipment Accounting Transaction file that will be summarized into the Revenue/Expense Summary file. The "included unit P/L" flag will be set to No so these records will not affect accounting interfaces. One entry is transaction type MR (maintenance revenue) and source document type WO; the offsetting entry is transaction type EU (unit expense) and source document type WO.
    • A memo charge code must also be entered before the accounting transaction will be created. The memo charge code should be set up in the charge code table with a type of Memo WO.

    Other is the default code to be used for other items when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list.

    Other is the default code for other charges to be used with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge code from a list.

    Outside Rental is the default code to use for outside rentals expense when the transaction does not have an expense code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the expense code from a list.

    Parts is the default parts charge code to use with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge code from a list.

    Sublet Labor is the default code to be used for sublet labor when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list.

    Sublet Labor is the default sublet labor charge code to be used with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge code from a list.

    Sublet Parts is the default code to be used for sublet parts when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list.

    Sublet Parts is the default sublet parts charge code to use with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge code from a list.

    Task is the default task code to use with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the task code from a list.

    Update Revenue/Expense File identifies whether the summarization for the revenue expense reports should be performed. If set to Yes, complete the remaining fields on the screen.

    VMRS is the default VMRS code to be used with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the VMRS code from a list.

  5. Click Enter to save the parameters.
  6. Click Exit twice to return to the menu.

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