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Preventive Maintenance business parameters  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Business Parameters.
    • The Business Parameters display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on Preventive Maintenance and select Change.
    • The PM Business Parameters change screen appears.
  3. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Allow PM Completion Date Change identifies whether or not a PM completion date can be changed.

    Allow PM's To Be Selected identifies whether the user will be given the opportunity to select which PMs are going to be attached for new units or when a group is changed. Options are Yes, No, or History Only.

    Auto Close Sub-programs controls whether the child PM program appears on the work roster/work order or not. When set to Yes, the child PM is closed automatically, even though it does not appear on the roster or work order. When set to No, the child PM programs will appear on the roster and therefore on the work order as well.

    Auto Trigger Sub-programs controls whether or not a unit has to be specifically attached to a sub program in order to trigger. When set to No, if a unit is set up on a parent program but not a child program, the child program will not automatically be triggered. When set to Yes, even if a unit is not set up on a child PM, it will trigger.

    Calculation of Next Due Date tells Enrich how to calculate the next due date for a metric interval when the interval has already been exceeded. The choices are:

    • add rate-per-day to the last completion date
    • get date of 1st reading that exceeds interval

    An example is a unit where the interval is 60000 kms. The PM was last completed Feb 28 with a reading of 100000 kms. The reading on March 3 was 210000, way past the 60000 kms. More readings were entered, i.e. on March 15, April 6, April 15. Today is April 27 and the current reading is 225000. Rate per day is 500 kms. Without a change (or with the add rate-per-day option), Enrich would determine that 120 days are required to reach the PM interval and Feb 28 + 120 days would give a next due date of June 28. With the new option (get date of 1st reading), Enrich would look for the date of the 1st reading that exceeded the 60000 interval, which is March 3, and that would become the next due date.

    Completion Message is a 60-character text field that is only relevant when the PM Completion Date to Use parameter has been set to User Supplied Date. When you close a PM line on a work order, the PM Completion Date window pops up, allowing you to override the completion date if you wish. The message entered here will appear in red at the bottom of the window. This can be left blank.

    Create PM Letters Until WO Line Closed - if set to Yes, PM letters will continue to be generated until any associated work order line is closed. If set to No (default), PM letters will only be generated until the PM is placed onto a work order.

    Create WO From PM Letter relates to printing of PM letters for the dealer. If set to Yes and the PM is not yet on a work order, a work order will be generated. Work orders are only generated when the user requesting the PM letters is defined as a "sublet only" or "sublet and regular" type of user; if the user is only allowed to create regular work orders, no work order will be automatically generated.

    Date For PM Letter WO is the date to use when generating work orders from PM letters. The options are System Date (the default) and PM Due Date.

    Days For Readings is the number of days to look at the system for past readings when running the PM forecasting function. For example, if 60 days has been specified here, Enrich will look through readings up to 60 days old to determine when a PM program will re-trigger.

    Department For PM Triggering is the department to use when triggering PMs. If a value is found in this parameter, Enrich will use it as long as the combination of facility/department exists. If the parameter is blank or the combination is not found, Enrich will use the first department found for the facility. You can click on the Prompt button to select the department from a list.

    Job Queue-PM Forecast Report identifies a special job queue to be used to run the PM forecast program. This can be left blank to use the default job queue.

    PM Calendar Rental Option is used when rental PM interval overrides are in play. Options are:

    • Prompt for review. The user will see a message on the Rental PM Interval Override panel, in red, prompting them to review the PM/unit calendar.
    • Auto delete. The calendar entries will be automatically deleted, no review required.

    PM Completion Date To Use identifies whether the system date, the work order open date, or a user supplied date is used as the completion date for PMs when the work order line is closed. If Work Order Open Date is used, validation will be performed on the work order to ensure that the work order open date is not set to a date prior to the last completion date of any PM on the work order. The System Job Date is the date the user signed onto Enrich (i.e. the current date). It defaults to system job date.

    If a user-supplied date is used, you will be presented with a pop-up window when a PM is marked as complete. You will be able to supply a date, as long as it falls between the work order open date and the current system date. In other words, you can’t back-date prior to the work order being open or use a future date. This pop-up window will initially default to the work order open date.

    PM Expiry Message is an optional message that will appear in red on the Enter Next Expiry Date for PM popup window, which appears when you close an expiry PM line on a work order.

    PM Tracking Audit Is Turned On identifies whether or not PM audit tracking has been enabled.

    Process PM Letters By identifies whether PM letters are produced by contract type or facility. When set to By Contract Type, you can access the PM Letter Addresses function. Generic letter programs exist for the customer and vendor letters; they are:

    • PMC - F7S3PFK - customer letter
    • PMD - F7S6PFK - vendor letter

    The Premium Forms version of the PM letters that are by contract type are:

    • PMC - F7TAXFK - customer letter
    • PMD - F7TCXFK - vendor letter

    Reason Code For PM Letter WO is the reason code to be used on work orders that are automatically generated from the PM dealer letters. If not defined, Enrich will attempt to get the system default reason. If that is not found, Enrich will get the first reason code found in the reason code table. You can click on the Prompt button to select the reason from a list.

    Require PM Address For PM Letter - if set to No, the PM letter address type does not need to exist. If set to Yes, if the customer does not have a PM letter address type, then a PM letter will not be created.

    Require PMC Contract for PM Letters - if set to Yes, when creating PM letters for customers, if the customer does not have a PMC contact type the program will not select that customer.

    Restrict PM Component/Task On WO - if set to Yes, By PM & Unit, an activity (component and task) cannot be added to a work order or the work roster if the activity is on a preventive maintenance program. This only affects manual addition of lines on the work order. However, if the unit on the work order is not set up for the PM program that has the activity in question, it can be added. To prevent this exception, set this parameter to Yes, By PM Only. Existing activities on a work order will not be affected unless a manual change of the activity is attempted.

    Sliding PM Date Chg On WR/Letters - when set to Yes, if a PM is triggered and sliding was involved, the roster description will use the sliding date, i.e. the due date of the child that caused the triggering. The program tracking record will use the sliding due date as the PM due date. The PM letter will use the due date that was stamped on the program tracking record at the time the PM was triggered; therefore, it will use the due date of the child. When set to No, the roster description and PM letter will use the due date of the parent.

    Trigger PM's When on Sales List - when set to No, PMs will still trigger if the status on the disposal list is blank or pending, but will not trigger if the status is For Sale, Guaranteed Buy Back, or Sold. When set to Yes, PMs will trigger no matter what status the unit has on the disposal list.

    Use Calendar Date or Standard Calcs identifies which date will be used on the PM Status. This is only relevant if you use calendars on PMs. When set to Calendar Date, the next due date will be the next calendar date; this is the default. When set to Standard Calculations, the next due date will be the standard calculations for the particular type of PM instead of its next calendar date; for example, if the PM is an expiry type the next due date would be its next expiry date, not its next calendar date.

    Use Daily Rate On PM's - if set to Yes, the PM information panel will attempt to calculate rate per day for any metrics attached to the PM. The rate per day will then be used to calculate the next due date for the PM. This due date will drive the percentage shown on the PM panel if it causes the PM to be due sooner than the intervals. The same logic will be used to drive the triggering functions. Note that rate per day is a utilization amount per day, not a dollar rate.

    When Generating PM Letters, Equipment Will Be Assigned To a Customer Using identifies how equipment will be assigned for PM letters. Possible values are:

    • PM letter location. Only create customer PM letters when equipment is assigned to a customer PM letter location.
    • Current equipment alias. Only use current equipment alias to determine customer.
    • Letter location if assigned. Equipment alias otherwise. Always create customer PM letters and try to determine customer by equipment assignment to a customer PM letter location but, if not assigned to a customer location, use equipment alias to determine customer.

    When To Close Sublet PM's identifies whether sublet PMs are closed at the time of assignment on the work order (default) or when the work order line is closed.

  4. Click Enter to save the parameters.
  5. You can now work with PM letter addresses.
  6. Click Exit twice to return to the menu.

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