Enrich EMMS Online Help
Calculate PST On WO Labor Cost flags whether or not provincial or state sales tax is charged to units that are assigned to a different facility than they are being repaired at. When these facilities are not in the unit's home province, PST will be charged if this flag is Yes. Maintenance BP.
Calculate Shop Supplies Min/Max is set to Total when shop supplies minimum and maximum charges are calculated based on the invoice total. It is set to Line when the min/max's are calculated on each line. Customer and Invoice BP.
Calculate Sublet Min/Max identifies how sublet minimum and maximum charges are calculated: based on the invoice total or based on each line. The Combined options allow you to combine labor and materials. Min/max is applied after the individual invoice lines have been calculated. All price book edit and display screen show the sublet min/max option in effect. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Possible values are:
Calculation of Next Due Date tells Enrich how to calculate the next due date for a metric interval when the interval has already been exceeded. The choices are:
An example is a unit where the interval is 60000 kms. The PM was last completed Feb 28 with a reading of 100000 kms. The reading on March 3 was 210000, way past the 60000 kms. More readings were entered, i.e. on March 15, April 6, April 15. Today is
April 27 and the current reading is 225000. Rate per day is 500 kms. Without a change (or with the add rate-per-day option), Enrich would determine that 120 days are required to reach the PM
interval and Feb 28 + 120 days would give a next due date of June 28. With the new option (get date of 1st reading), Enrich would look for the date of the 1st reading that exceeded the 60000
interval, which is March 3, and that would become the next due date.
Preventive Maintenance BP.
Card Request Email Address is the email address that any requests for fuel cards will be sent to. CWA BP.
Carrying Percentage or Burden, associated with each inventory item, is used to provide an accurate carrying cost for an item. It is also required when calculating an item's EOQ value for re-ordering. Purchasing BP.
Cash Customer Billing Option identifies how cash customers will be billed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the billing option from a list. Valid values are:
Lease Rental BP.
Central Reservation Facility is the central reservation facility, if applicable. The user creating the reservation must have this facility as his default in order for the reservation to be recognized as a central reservation and not just a standard reservation. It should be left blank if you do not have central reservations for your company. You can click on the Prompt button to select the facility from a list. Lease Rental BP.
Centralized Billing Enabled identifies whether or not Centralized Billing is used on this system. Centralized Billing BP.
Charge From Date/Time=Due Out controls whether the Charge From Date and Time get set to the Due Out Date and Time when the Due Out Date and Time are moved forward. Possible values are:
The "Always Change" option will set the Charge From Date and Time to the same values as the Due Out Date and Time when the Due Out Date and Time are changed on a reservation or a pending rental agreement.
Lease Rental BP.
Charge LC Fac For Fixed Sub identifies whether or not the lease facility will be charged for fixed substitute charges. If set to Yes, the system will use the sub class scope rates to do an internal charge to lease activity. The sub customer class is defined in the business parameter. The reallocation will create a general ledger transaction to debit the lease facility of the lease unit and credit the rental facility using account types ES and RU. Lease Rental BP.
Charge To Date/Time=Due In controls whether the Charge To Date and Time and the Planned In Date and Time get set to the Due In Date and Time when the Due In Date and Time are moved forward. Possible values are:
The "Always Change" option will set the Charge To Date and Time to the same values as the Due In Date and Time when the Due In Date and Time are changed on a reservation or a pending rental agreement.
Lease Rental BP.
Charge To Date Stops Billing - if set to Yes, charges will be billed up to and including the charge to date, even if the actual rental period may have ended earlier or later than that date. Lease Rental BP.
Check Current Balance and Hold Status identifies whether Enrich should perform an interactive check of the customer's current accounts receivable balance and hold code within Financials when creating a work order or a rental contract. This option is independent of whether you have separate customers or not. If set to No, checks are not performed. If set to Yes, Enrich:
Check Current Balance and Hold Status For Manual Charges identifies whether or not credit checking will be performed for manual charges. If set to Yes, the system will do the credit check for manual charges even if the parameter Check Current Balance and Hold Status is set to No. Assist Master Files BP.
Check Elapsed Hours indicates when and how the elapsed hour check is performed during shift time entry. When turned on, the elapsed hours between the employee's last shift time entry and the current shift time entry is compared with the maximum allowed elapsed hours as defined below. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:
Check Exact Match Only On Thresholds - if set to Yes, it means that the lookup of thresholds as well as the count of work orders done within the threshold days must match exactly with the VMRS on the work order.
If set to No, the lookup will select records where the work order VMRS is at least as detailed as the table setup. For example, if the work order had 013001001, it would first look for an exact match on all 9 characters. If not found, it would look
for a match on 013000000. The count will include any work orders having a VMRS starting with the work order VMRS. For example, if the work order had 013, it would count work orders found with 013 and 013001 and 013001001. But if the work order had
013001, it would only include 013001 and 013001001.
Maintenance BP.
Check Fleet Counts at Entity Level is only used if the Credit Check Type is set to B or F. If set to Yes, the fleet count limits are checked at the 000 suffix only
if set to No, the fleet count limits are checked at the suffix level (001, 002, etc.)
Credit Check BP.
Check Future Date Entry determines whether the future date check is applied during shift time entry. When turned on, the employee receives an error or warning if they enter a shift date or time in the future. This is only used when the employee is allowed to override the shift date or time. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:
Check Insurance On Rental Reservation identifies whether insurance checking should be done when a reservation is made active. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Valid values are:
Insurance BP.
Check Part VMRS Cd On WO Line flags whether Enrich should verify that the VMRS code (system level) associated with a part is the same as the VMRS code (system level) on the work order line on which the part is used. The validation is performed only if the item entered is not the miscellaneous part item. Materials BP.
Chg Overtime Compensation Type identifies whether overtime or double-time calculations are performed, which may result in the payroll compensation type being changed. This would occur during gangsheet creation. When set to Yes, several additional ETK business parameters should be defined that identify when hours should be considered overtime or double-time. ETK BP.
Claim Required flags whether or not a claim must be processed for warranty work. If set to Yes, the user will not be able to close a work order without creating a claim. You can create the claim as "rejected" if this parameter is set to Yes and you really don't believe the work is warrantable. A claim must exist for each work order line that indicates warranty. Warranty BP.
Claim View identifies the view that should initially be presented when viewing outstanding claims. If no selection is made, the default will be 1 - View by Enrich Claim Number. The claims panel has a toggle to allow all 7 views regardless of the one chosen here as default. You can click on the Prompt button to select the view from a list. Warranty BP.
Claims Handler identifies the insurance claims handler at this facility. You can click on the Prompt button to select the claims handler from a list. Facility Insurance BP.
Claims With Approved WO Only identifies whether or not the work order has to be approved in order for the claim to be included as outstanding. Warranty BP.
Close Count-Default Print Var Flag is the default value to be used for the Only Print Items With Variance field on the Close Physical Count screen. Screen Preferences BP.
Close Reason For Cancel - when closing a Roadcall, if this reason is entered, the program knows that the user is cancelling the Roadcall incident, so the created work order can also be cancelled. You can click on the Prompt button to select the reason from a list. Roadcall BP.
Close WO Line From ETK indicates whether the technician can automatically close the work order line from the time entry screen in ETK. ETK BP.
COGS Or WO Expense identifies whether work order GL expense accounts or COGS (cost of goods sold) will be used when billable labor and materials costs are coded to AR transactions. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Finance and Admin BP.
Company Name For Title is the company name that should appear on the title of reports. Screen Preferences BP.
Company Use Contract Type is the contract type that will be used for company-use agreements (e.g. shunting, repairs off site, fueling, pick ups). It will generate no accounting transactions, but will record mileage for maintenance, fuel tax, audit, etc. If left blank, company use contracts will not be available. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contract type from a list. Lease Rental BP.
Completed Task Status Code is the status that is assigned to a task that has been completed. This status is used to end an indirect labor task. You can click on the Prompt button to select the status from a list. ETK BP.
Completion Message is a 60-character text field that is only relevant when the PM Completion Date to Use parameter has been set to User Supplied Date. When you close a PM line on a work order, the PM Completion Date window pops up, allowing you to override the completion date if you wish. The message entered here will appear in red at the bottom of the window.
This can be left blank.
Preventive Maintenance BP.
Confirm When Misc Unit Matches Real Unit - when set to Yes, if you create a work order for a miscellaneous unit where the unit number matches that of a unit in the equipment master, you will see a pop-up window letting you know about the match and asking you to confirm that you want to continue with the creation of the work order.
This will work when creating a regular work order; a sublet work order that comes from the work order action list; the creation of an over-the-counter work order; and the work order action list item that allows the unit/customer to be changed.
Maintenance BP.
Consolidated Billing Enabled identifies whether or not consolidated billing is functional. Consolidated Billing BP.
Contract Expiry Threshold is the number of days remaining on the contract that determines when to display a warning message that a vehicle is nearing expiry of contract. Insurance BP.
Contract Type For Accounting - if set to Contract, Enrich uses the equipment contract to determine the type. Otherwise, the equipment pool is used. If the contract type is not found, the default contract type is used. We generally recommend that contracts = pools. Lease Rental BP.
Contract Type To Default WO Billable Status determines whether the equipment contract or the lease agreement is used to default the billing status. Customer and Invoice BP.
Convert Currency identifies whether or not the system will convert all rental billings from foreign facilities at the foreign exchange rate in effect on the billing date. This does not apply to the AR transaction. This normally would be set to No. Enrich Software Corp. should be consulted before setting it to Yes. Lease Rental BP.
Copies is the number of copies of the report to print. Premium Forms BP.
Core Tracking Method identifies whether and how core tracking is in effect. Options are:
Note: When core tracking is in effect, you will not be allowed to transfer primary or core parts from one work order line to another.
Materials BP.
Cost Basis Type is a generic type of cost, e.g. employee cost. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the cost basis type from a list. Cost Basis BP.
Cost of Sublet Accounts identifies whether, on billable lines only, the system should use the sublet expense account types or the cost of sublet account types. There are two for each: sublet expense labor, sublet expense materials, or sublet cost labor, sublet cost parts. If set to Yes, the system will use sublet cost. If set to No or blank, the system will use sublet expense. Finance and Admin BP.
Country Code For USA identifies the country code that will be used for the United States. You can click on the Prompt button to select the country from a list. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
CPDR Charge Code is the charge code used for the manual charge transaction created when billing the CPDR (Customer Physical Damage Responsibility - the customer's excess they need to pay when a vehicle is damaged) to the customer. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list. Insurance BP.
CPI Value Decimal Place identifies the number of decimals to use for the CPI rate. Allowed values are 0-5; it defaults to 5. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Lease Rental BP.
CPI Zero Value Code identifies the code that keeps the "null" CPI value. This value will be used to indicate that the contract header and/or the unit on a contract should not receive a CPI increase. Lease Rental BP.
Create Cash Log On Payment - if Yes, when a payment is made on a reservation/rental, the Cash Log for that facility and day will be retrieved from Financials and the payment will be added to that cash log and passed to Financials. This will only work if you have Enrich Financials installed. Reference file 5143 must be set up with the next number sequence. Tender types must be set up for payment type.
If the cash log is created, it generates a receipt in Financials (one receipt per day per location for the cash, cheque, and/or credit card payments received for that day) and the payments are automatically applied to the invoices.
Without Enrich Financials, a report will be created to allow you to track payments made. Additional setup and training is required.
If No, the cash log on the payment screen will remain blank and the payment will not be passed to Financials. You must manually create deposit receipts in Financials for the cash and credit card payments. (You might want to do this because the cash
log process may not match the actual business processes of how and when bank deposits are actually created and deposited, therefore making it difficult to do bank reconciliations if the cash log receipts don't match the actual bank deposits.)
Lease Rental BP.
Create Invoice With Zero Trans specifies whether or not the consolidated billing run should generate an invoice for a customer even when there were no transactions for the period. Consolidated Billing BP.
Create One Event Per Invoice is used with the invoice matching procedure. If checked, the system will create one event for each invoice in error. If it is not checked, the system will create one review event for each batch processed. Emconex Interface BP.
Create PM Letters Until WO Line Closed - if set to Yes, PM letters will continue to be generated until any associated work order line is closed. If set to No (default), PM letters will only be generated until the PM is placed onto a work order. Preventive Maintenance BP.
Create Trip From Rentals identifies whether or not Enrich should automatically create a trip header for the unit when you create and/or close a rental contract in the Lease Rental module. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Create WO From PM Letter relates to printing of PM letters for the dealer. If set to Yes and the PM is not yet on a work order, a work order will be generated. Work orders are only generated when the user requesting the PM letters is defined as a "sublet only" or "sublet and regular" type of user; if the user is only allowed to create regular work orders, no work order will be automatically generated. Preventive Maintenance BP.
Credit Check on Rental Extension identifies whether or not a credit check will be performed if the planned in date or charge to date is extended on an active rental agreement. Credit Check BP.
Credit Check Type identifies what type of credit check will be performed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the type from a list. Valid values are:
Options B and F allow for trailer limits/unit limits on the customer master. If either is selected, the following 3 fields (Maximum Extra Units, Minimum Account Open Days, Include Subs in Fleet Count) should also be filled in.
The Check Fleet Counts at Entity Level parameter is only used if this parameter is set to B or F.
Credit Check BP.
Credit Negative Metrics On RC identifies whether or not to allow negative readings on a rental agreement. When set to Yes, it will allow billing of negative miles on a first billing, whether it's a billing run or termination. The parameter is ignored for any subsequent billings. The first time a unit is billed, if the mileage is negative and the parameter is set to Yes, it will credit the miles. If the parameter is set to No, it will put zero in the miles. Lease Rental BP.
Cursor Positioning identifies where the cursor will be when users first access a screen. You can click on the Prompt button to select the position from a list. Valid values are:
Custom Shop Report Menu allows you to have a custom menu for reports. The custom menu name will be provided by Enrich Software Corp. If it is in the business parameter, then the path EMMS| Administration | Reports | Maintenance | Custom Reports will take you to that menu. If you wish to take advantage of having a custom shop reports menu, you will need to engage us to do it for you. We would then create a custom menu with whatever assortment of existing Enrich functions you want put together. Screen Preferences BP.
Customer Mandatory On Trip identifies whether or not a customer is required on all trips. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Customer Req'd On Equipment Requisition identifies whether or not a customer number must be entered on a requisition. The default is Yes. Asset Management BP.
Cycle Count Default Count Type identifies whether the count type will default to cycle count or total physical count when creating a cycle count. Screen Preferences BP.
Cycle Count-Default Row Shelf Bin identifies the default row shelf bin rule when creating a cycle count:
Cycle Count-Item Category Mandatory identifies whether or not an item category is mandatory when creating a cycle count. Screen Preferences BP.
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