Enrich EMMS Online Help

Business parameters - U  

Unit Alias Expiry (Days) is the number of days between when a unit's alias comes into effect and when the old alias expires. During these days, both unit identifiers can be used to refer to a unit. Maintenance BP.

Unit Collection Charge Code is the charge code to be used for unit collection charges. If left blank, you will not be able to add a collection driver or collection charges to any rental agreements. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list. Lease Rental BP.

Unit Delivery Charge Code is the charge code to be used for unit delivery charges. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list. Lease Rental BP.

Unit Number flags whether or not the unit number will appear on accounts payable transaction headers. Finance and Admin - AP Transaction Edit Rules BP.

Unit Number Prefix may be used to distinguish units assigned by Enrich from unit numbers set up manually. The value stored here is prefixed to the unit number when the number is assigned by the system. It is optional. Asset Management BP.

Unit Numeric Portion - when creating unit numbers, Enrich can be set to automatically generate them based on the number identified here. Possible values are 3,4, 5, or 6; this identifies the numeric length of your unit number. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Asset Management BP.

Unit of Measure is automatically assigned from the metrics definition table. Unit Level Budgeting BP.

Unit Optional At Ticket Entry identifies whether or not the unit number is required for a new fuel ticket. The unit number may need to be optional if data is being captured at a customer summary level. If the unit is optional, the customer will be required. It defaults to No. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.

Unit Renumber Validation On Original - when this is set to Yes, Enrich will not allow you to renumber a unit to the original number of another unit. When set to No, you will be able to renumber to any unit number that does not exist, regardless of whether or not it was the original unit number of another unit. Maintenance BP.

Unknown Direct Purchase Part will be used as a placeholder on work orders/purchase orders when the real part number is not known. It cannot have been used on any purchase order prior to becoming the unknown direct purchase part. It must be non-stocked at all warehouses. Once entered and used on a work order and purchase order, this part number cannot be changed. The Allow Non-Stocked Part on WO business parameter must be set to Yes in order to use the unknown part. Materials BP.

UOM Code For identifies the unit of measure that will be used for the specified measures: pounds, miles, gallons, quarts, kilograms, kilometers, litres. You can right-click in these fields and select Prompt to select the unit of measure from a list. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.

Update Revenue/Expense File identifies whether the summarization for the revenue expense reports should be performed. If set to Yes, complete the remaining fields on the screen. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.

Upload Folder - Fuel identifies the destination folder on the server for fuel uploads. It must match the folder identified in CWA Parameters under Fuel Upload Path. This is pre-set for ASP customers. It will look something like /enrich/xxx.dta/f. CWA BP.

Upload Folder - Readings identifies the destination folder on the server for meter reading uploads. It must match the folder identified in CWA Parameters under Reading Upload Path (upload.reading). This is pre-set for ASP customers. It will look something like /enrich/xxx/dta/r. CWA BP.

URL is the URL that will be used to access the server when running the Emconex events. Emconex Interface BP.

Use 1st Fac/Pool Assign for Debt Note identifies whether or not the system should check for the first unit assignment in the event that a debt note schedule has been set up for payments prior to the first assignment date. When set to No and the debt note has a start date prior to the in-service date, there is no facility/pool assignment, and the look-up of the facility/pool for the unit will not find anything; this can cause transactions to get stuck in the interface and the j-EAT record to not have a GL account, thus not getting reported on unit P&L. Asset Management BP.

Use 3C Comments On WO Line identifies whether the work order line comments should default to the 3C (complaint, cause, and correction) comment structure. Warranty BP.

Use Address Validation identifies whether or not vendor and customer address validation will be performed by an external service provider. When validating an address with an external tax provider, validation errors will be a warning, allowing the user to continue with saving address information. This is for custom use only. Third Party Interfaces BP.

Use Aged Receivable identifies whether or not aged receivables are included when determining customer credit status. Credit Check BP.

Use Asset Level Depreciation identifies whether or not asset level depreciation will be used. This field is password protected; you must contact the Help Desk before you can use it. Once changed to Yes, it cannot be changed back to No. Asset Management BP.

Use Calendar Date or Standard Calcs identifies which date will be used on the PM Status. This is only relevant if you use calendars on PMs. When set to Calendar Date, the next due date will be the next calendar date; this is the default. When set to Standard Calculations, the next due date will be the standard calculations for the particular type of PM instead of its next calendar date; for example, if the PM is an expiry type the next due date would be its next expiry date, not its next calendar date. Preventive Maintenance BP.

Use Current Reservations identifies whether or not current reservations for the customer are included when determining customer credit status. Credit Check BP.

Use Daily Rate On PM's - if set to Yes, the PM information panel will attempt to calculate rate per day for any metrics attached to the PM. The rate per day will then be used to calculate the next due date for the PM. This due date will drive the percentage shown on the PM panel if it causes the PM to be due sooner than the intervals. The same logic will be used to drive the triggering functions. Note that rate per day is a utilization amount per day, not a dollar rate. Preventive Maintenance BP.

Use emmsinv Job Queue For Invoicing identifies whether or not invoice processing should be handled with the EMMSINV job queue rather than the standard job queue. It will only apply if you have set up a special job queue called EMMSINV to be used for billing; otherwise, QBATCH will be used. Lease Rental BP.

Use Facility Print Override for Shop PO and WO - when set to Yes, allows users who do not have a facility assigned to them to use the facility print overrides when printing shop POs (PO and TP) and work orders. In this case, the print facility will be based on the facility/warehouse of the document. Customer and Invoice BP.

Use For Reporting flags whether or not the feature will be used for reporting. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the flag from a list. CWA - Equipment Feature List BP.

Use For Reporting flags whether or not the feature will be used for reports. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the flag from a list. Roadcall - Equipment Features BP.

Use For Reporting Flag identifies whether or not the feature will be used in reporting on used equipment. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the flag from a list. Used Equipment - Feature List BP.

Use Free Days on Rental Escalation identifies whether the Free Days flag value should be considered when calculating the weekly rates. If the parameter is Yes, the daily rates will be escalated and rounded using the Fixed Rental Rate Rounding Factor, and will always round up. The weekly rates will then by calculated by:

If the business parameter is No, both the daily and weekly rates will be escalated and rounded using the Fixed Rental Rate Rounding Factor and will always round up.
Lease Rental BP.

Use Full/Simple Claim Entry identifies whether automatically generated claims should contain detail information, or if this information will be completed at a later time. If an extra step is being used to set a claim to Processed, then either full or simple claim entry may be selected. If there is no extra step, then the full claim entry must be used. For sites that have a separate warranty department, it may be beneficial to have the extra step and minimize the entry required at work order time. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Warranty BP.

Use Future Fixed Bills identifies whether or not expected future fixed bills are included when determining customer credit status. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:

Credit Check BP.

Use Govt Policy Flag On Ins Policies identifies whether or not the government policy flag is used. When used, government policies are excluded from the selection screen of customer policies. If the business parameter is set to No, then the government policy field will be hidden on insurance policies. Insurance BP.

Use Intended Use Table determines whether or not the Intended Use table can be used to select intended use on a reservation or rental agreement. If set to No, you are able to manually enter intended use rather than select from the table. The table is only available if this business parameter is set to Yes. Insurance BP.

Use Invoice Check Digit identifies whether or not to add a check digit to the end of invoice numbers. Note that this is for custom use only, and is secured. Customer & Invoice BP.

Use Item Category When Searching WO GL Account identifies whether or not the item category should be used when obtaining work order GL accounts. If Yes, this allows you to drive the expense of specific items such as tires and oil to different GL accounts than other parts. Finance and Admin BP.

Use Locations In Warranty allows you to turn on component locations in warranty. This is needed if you have data in the pre-existing files but don't want that data to automatically affect processing. Warranty BP.

Use Multi VMRS Select identifies whether or not the user can select multiple VMRS codes when prompting on VMRS when creating sublet-only work orders. User BP.

Use Non-current Receivables defines whether you want finance lease receivables broken out into current and non-current. This is because those using the Enrich template chart of accounts and account default tables will have both current and non-current finance lease receivables accounts defined, and we cannot assume that the presence of a non-current finance lease receivables account means that you want to maintain a separate account balance for non-current receivables. This option is secured. Asset Management BP.

Use Pay Type For WO Labor Costing identifies whether or not labor costs can be defined by pay type at each of the cost basis levels. Finance and Admin BP.

Use Policy On Warranty identifies whether the policy period should be considered when flagging a warranty on a work order. Warranty BP.

Use Report Run Option identifies the report surrogate of the P&L CPM report that is to be run to prepare data to be passed to Enrich Financials. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. P&L Prep Data for Assist BP.

Use Retail Customer On WO identifies whether or not a retail customer can be entered on work orders. Customer and Invoice BP.

Use Specified Sub Reasons - if set to Yes, when creating a reservation or rental agreement, if a substitution reason is entered, the system will find the contract type and scope for the substituted unit and verify whether the substitution reason is allowed for that unit. If the substitution reason is allowed, the reservation or rental agreement will be created; if it is not allowed, the request will be denied. Lease Rental BP.

Use Sub Scope for Reallocation flags whether or not the system should look for sub scopes. When set to Yes, if the substitution reason is SUB and the reason for substitution is not Pre-Lease, Replacement, or Lease Extra, the system will look for sub scopes. Lease Rental BP.

Use Tax Interface identifies whether or not a third-party tax interface will be used. This is for custom use only. Third Party Interfaces BP.

Use Tax Rules In EMMS identifies whether or not tax rules will be used in the shop system. If Yes, the shop functions will look to the Lease Rental tax rules for the tax calculations and will ignore the PST/GST business parameters. When this parameter is set to No, tax for billable work orders will be retrieved from the invoice detail file. When it is set to Yes, the system will use the work order billing files for the tax information.

NOTE: When this is set to Yes and you are adding a customer, all taxes in the Tax Code file will be set to Y=Exempt on the shop customer and the contract customer file except the tax codes found in the Financials Customer Master's Tax Code 1, 2, and 3 fields. Therefore, if you don't want the customer to be exempt for PST, for example, then the PST tax code must be entered in one of the Tax Code fields on that customer's Financials customer master. Customer and Invoice BP.

Use Telephone # Format identifies whether or not telephone number formatting should be used. If No, whatever you enter in phone/fax fields is what will be saved and displayed. If Yes, the format to be used when displaying phone/fax numbers must be entered in the Telephone Format field to the immediate right of this field. Screen Preferences BP.

Use the Buyer's Intent Flag identifies whether or not the buyer's intent is shown or printed. Used Equipment BP.

Use VAT For Tax Description identifies whether or not the term VAT will be used in the system in place of the term Tax. Screen Preferences BP.

Use Warehouse Search Order flags whether or not you can define the order in which warehouses are searched for parts that have been entered on a work order. Maintenance BP.

Use WO Open As Close Date identifies whether or not the system should auto-populate closing and work order invoice dates with the open date when the work order is being closed. Maintenance BP.

User Data allows you to set up an identifier for the print job that will show up on the output queue. Premium Forms BP.

User ID is the user ID of the person for whom the warehouse access is being defined. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the user from a list. Maintenance - Warehouse Search Order BP.

User's PO Approval Group is the group the user is associated with for approval levels. You can click on the Prompt button to select the group from a list. User BP.

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