Enrich EMMS Online Help
Allow IP White List Bypass indicates whether the user has or does not have the ability to bypass the IP white list, or whether the system should look at the user group setting to make that determination.
Default For Work With POs identifies the type of PO to show on the Work With PO panels. Allowed options are TP (sublet) and PO (regular PO). If a user is not defined in this table, they will be assumed to use a value of PO. You can click on the Prompt button to select the default from a list.
Default WO Source To Add identifies what type of work orders this user can create. If this is set to Sublet/Regular, when the user creates a work order, the Work Order Type to Create screen will appear, requiring the user to select which type of work order to create.
Locale for Enrich Web GUI is an optional 5-character parameter allowing you to identify the locale (e.g. "en-US") to be used as the basis for spelling and dates in the upcoming web-based GUI.
PO Signature Page Segment allows you to define a different signature line by user to appear on a printed PO. To use this option, you must have a customer PO, and you must let Enrich Software Corp. know to include it on the PO for you.
Purchase Order View identifies the initial view of purchase orders for the user. Options are PO View (outstanding PO's), or Query (invoicing query). This default is only applicable if centralized invoicing is in effect; otherwise it is ignored.
Restrict Visibility of Labor Cost on WOs - if set to Yes, the user will not be able to see total work order cost or labor cost on any panel. In addition, the Hourly Rate and Cost columns will not appear on the Labor Hours screens.
If left blank, the system will check the user group value and default that in for the user.
Note: Some assumptions go along with this. One is that the work order cost panel has been secured so the user cannot get to it. Another is that the cost versus mechanic version of the work order print pop-up panel has been secured so the user can't pick the cost version. Another is that the user will have been secured from using the labor panels.
The following screens will hide cost for users where this business parameter has been set to Yes:
Use Multi VMRS Select identifies whether or not the user can select multiple VMRS codes when prompting on VMRS when creating sublet-only work orders.
User's PO Approval Group is the group the user is associated with for approval levels. You can click on the Prompt button to select the group from a list.
User's WO Address Default is only used with an external tax system. It identifies whether the user's work order address default is Customer, Facility, or Manual Entry. You can click on the Prompt button to select the type from a list.
User's Vendor Type Code can be used to secure the user from seeing different types of vendors; e.g. parts/shop people can only see parts/shop vendors, not financing vendors. In order to use it in this way, the vendor type code must be set up in ref #0012, assigned to vendors in the vendor master, then identified here. If left blank here, the user will be able to see all vendor types. You can click on the Prompt button to select the type from a list.
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