Enrich EMMS Online Help

Add an employee  

This screen identifies the order in which items must be done to add a new employee to Enrich. Some items are optional, and will be identified as such.

  1. The user must have a user ID created for the AS/400 first. This step is REQUIRED before the user can be set up in Enrich. Your system administrator should do this step. The user ID that is created for the AS/400 will be the same one used in Enrich.
  2. An employee number is required before the employee can be set up in Enrich. The employee number is created by your head office/payroll department. The employee number that is created will be the same one used in Enrich.
  3. If you have ETK (Electronic Time Keeping module) installed, start with:
    1. Create an establishment position
    2. Attach a standard shift
  4. Otherwise, go straight to:
    1. Create an employee record
    2. Create the employee calendar
    3. Attach the employee's skills
    4. Create a new user group, if required
    5. Create a user ID for the new employee
    6. Set up multiple company access, if required
    7. If the new employee will be a purchase agent, create the purchase agent
    8. Set up user defaults
    9. Set up user business parameters
    10. Set up employee cost codes
    11. Give the user specific security access, if required
    12. Override the user's printing defaults, if required
  5. You're DONE - the new employee is set up.

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