Enrich EMMS Online Help

Business parameters - O  

Occup Type-Claim Handler is the occupation type that designates an employee to be a claims handler. It is used in Event Manager. You can click on the Prompt button to select the occupation type from a list. Insurance BP.

Occup Type-Rental Manager is the occupation type that designates an employee to be a rental manager. It is used in Event Manager. You can click on the Prompt button to select the occupation type from a list. Insurance BP.

Occup Type-Service Manager is the occupation type that designates an employee to be a service manager. It is used in Event Manager. You can click on the Prompt button to select the occupation type from a list. Insurance BP.

Odometer Metric identifies which type of measurement is used for the standard odometer readings on a work order; e.g. odometer reading, hours in service, etc. You can click on the Prompt button to select the metric from a list. Maintenance BP.

Open WO Warning On WO Create - if set to Yes, when you create a work order the system will check to see if there are any existing open work orders for the specified facility and unit. If there are, a message will be displayed and you will be able to use a function key to get a list of those work orders. If you choose to edit one of the existing work orders, the work order creation is aborted and you can add the work order to the one you are editing. Maintenance BP.

Opt Info Req'd PM Forecast flags whether or not any of the optional fields on the PM Forecast screen will be required. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list. Screen Preferences BP.

Optimum Payroll Installed flags whether or not the Optimum Payroll product is installed on the system. This parameter is updated automatically by the installation of Optimum Payroll; it cannot be changed manually. ETK BP.

Optional Tax Handling controls how taxes are handled on PO and sublet receipts. If Yes, the total taxes and special charges for the invoice are distributed to the lines based on the percentage of the invoice total the line is. Finance and Admin BP.

Order Type Code Option defines the source of the order type field associated with the AR transaction. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Valid values are:

Assist Accounting Options BP.

Order Type Codes - F/B - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for fuel billing transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

The Order Types will print on report AR442 AR Aged Trial Balance when specified in reference category 5036. Assist Accounting Options BP.

Order Type Codes - F/T - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for fuel tax transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

The Fuel Tax order type consists of fuel tax, permits, and HVUT. The order types will print on report AR442 AR Aged Trial Balance when specified in Reference Category 5036. Assist Accounting Options BP.

Order Type Codes - Lease - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for lease transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.

Order Type Codes - Misc - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for miscellaneous transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Code, prior to using it here. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.

Order Type Codes - Rental - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for rental transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.

Order Type Codes - Shop - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for shop transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.

OTC WO Default Reason identifies the default reason that will be used on over-the-counter part sales work orders. You can click on the Prompt button to select the reason from a list. Over-the-counter Parts BP.

OTC WO Default Unit is the unit that will be used as the default on over-the-counter part sales work orders. You can click on the Prompt button to select the unit from a list. Over-the-counter Parts BP.

OTC WO Show Reason identifies whether or not the reason will show on over-the-counter part sales work orders. Over-the-counter Parts BP.

OTC WO Show Unit identifies whether or not the unit will show on over-the-counter part sales work orders. Over-the-counter Parts BP.

Other is the default code to be used for other items when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.

Other is the default code for other charges to be used with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.

Out Reading Required On Lease identifies whether or not an out reading is required on a lease unit. Lease Rental BP.

Output Queue is the output queue the report should go to. Premium Forms BP.

Outside Rental is the default code to use for outside rentals expense when the transaction does not have an expense code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the expense code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.

Outside Rental Equipment Group identifies which equipment group outside rentals belong to. You can click on the Prompt button to select the group from a list. Lease Rental BP.

Override Blank Fuel IF PO - when a file is uploaded for GASBOY1M, if this is set to blank or No, the ticket number defaults to the PO number; if set to Yes, the ticket number will not default into the PO number field, which remains blank. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.

Override Contract Type flags whether or not the contract type normally chosen should be changed to the Default Contract Type. Customer and Invoice BP.

Override Fuel If Facility is optional. When a facility code is entered here, the COMDTA2 interface will always set the interface facility to this value for all interface transactions. You can click on the Prompt button to select the facility from a list. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.

Override Mandatory Meter (Sublet) - valid values are:

Sublet BP.

Override UserID Electronic Inv OprMsg is the override user ID to be used for sending operator messages when using electronic receipt of PO invoices. Valid values are:

Purchasing BP.

Overtime After # Hours is the regular number of hours in the standard employee pay week. Hours worked by the employee over and above this amount will be considered overtime and the compensation type changed to that specified in the Overtime Compensation Type business parameter. This will only occur if the Change Overtime Compensation Type business parameter is set to Yes and this value is not zero. This change occurs during gangsheet creation. ETK BP.

Overtime After Days is the regular number of days in a standard employee pay week. Days worked by the employee over and above this amount will be considered overtime and the compensation type changed to that specified in the Overtime Compensation Type business parameter. This will only occur if the Change Overtime Compensation Type business parameter is set to Yes and this value is not zero. This change occurs during gangsheeet creation. ETK BP.

Overtime Compensation is used during gangsheet creation when shift hours are considered overtime hours. Overtime hours can be identified by the number of hours worked in a pay week or by the number of days worked in a pay week. Any time over and above this amount is considered overtime and the compensation type code will be changed to this value. This change will only occur if the Change Overtime Compensation Type business parameter is set to Yes and either of the overtime hours or overtime days business parameters is not zero. You can click on the Prompt button to select the compensation type code from a list. ETK BP.

Overwrite Budget Item identifies what to do when the budget being created already exists. Unit Level Budgeting BP.

Own Damage Cost Tolerance is used with Event Manager. The system will automatically update the own damage cost flag for a claim after X days from the date the incident is reported, where X is the number of days specified in this parameter. Insurance BP.

Ownership Feature Code is the feature code that will identify ownership. It is used for the asset management Fleet List report, and the value entered here will appear as a column heading. The system will then look for any feature code values on the unit associated with the code identified. It is also used in the Net Book Value report. It is optional. You can click on the Prompt button to select the feature from a list. Lease Rental BP.

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