Enrich EMMS Online Help
Default System For Part Sales - when Shop Work Desk is installed, part sales are generated on screen without requiring a labor line (i.e. component and task combination). Enrich requires a "behind-the-scenes" system and task code to be used for all sales; this is where you enter that default system code. You can click on the Prompt button to select the system from a list.
Default Task Code For Part Sales - when Shop Work Desk is installed, part sales are generated on screen without requiring a labor line (i.e. component and task combination). Enrich requires a "behind-the-scenes" system and task code to be used for all sales; this is where you enter that default task code. You can click on the Prompt button to select the task from a list.
OTC WO Default Reason identifies the default reason that will be used on over-the-counter part sales work orders. You can click on the Prompt button to select the reason from a list.
OTC WO Default Unit is the unit that will be used as the default on over-the-counter part sales work orders. You can click on the Prompt button to select the unit from a list.
OTC WO Show Reason identifies whether or not the reason will show on over-the-counter part sales work orders.
OTC WO Show Unit identifies whether or not the unit will show on over-the-counter part sales work orders.
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