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Assist Accounting Options business parameters  

These business parameters are required if the Enrich Financials module is installed.

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Business Parameters.
    • The Business Parameters display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on Assist Options and select Change.
    • The Business Parameters Assist Accounting change screen appears.
  3. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Allow Inter-co Account'g Trans - the Financials module allows inter-company transactions in the accounts payable and general ledger interface files. This option controls whether or not the validation of Enrich transactions should allow inter-company transactions to be passed to the Financials.

    A/R Acctg Code Default may be defined for situations where the AR Accounting Code Option does not yield an AR accounting code. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0114, A/R Accounting Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    A/R Acctg Code Option - when transactions are passed to Financials, the GL account for receivables is not explicitly stated in the order entry invoice header interface file. An AR accounting code is passed to Financials, which then translates the AR accounting code back to a GL account using reference category 0014, A/R Accounting Codes. This business parameter defines how the AR accounting code should be derived by Enrich. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Valid options are:

    • B = business parm defined. A single AR accounting code may be defined with an Enrich business parameter. This option would be appropriate for use with a single company and a single accounts receivable GL account.
    • C = customer master. The Financials customer master file can define the AR accounting code to be used for each customer. This option would be appropriate for single or multiple companies, with multiple accounts receivable GL accounts, BUT only one AR account per customer for all receivables generated by the Enrich system.
    • G = GL account. Enrich provides a cross-reference table from general ledger accounts to AR accounting codes. This option is the most flexible for an environment with multiple companies and multiple accounts receivable GL accounts.

    Assignee # = Pay To Vendor allows you to choose whether Enrich Accounts Payable transactions should be sent to Enrich Financials with the PO vendor or the pay to vendor as the vendor to be paid. If this parameter is left at its default value of No, the Enrich Financials AP voucher will be created using the pay to vendor only, with the assignee number being left blank. If the parameter is changed to Yes, the Enrich Financials AP voucher will be created with the vendor entity set to Enrich PO vendor number, and the assignee number set to the Enrich pay to vendor number. Use of this option should be evaluated carefully; while this gives you the ability to do analysis on the PO vendor in Enrich Financials, it will result in separate cheques being issued for each PO vendor that shares a common pay to vendor.

    Assist Native AP Terms identifies whether or not the Financials accounts payable terms will be used to calculate invoice and discount due dates.

    Assist Native AR Terms identifies whether or not AR terms from Financials will be used in Enrich.

    Async Pass to Assist - accounting transactions may be passed to the Financials "Z"interface files in either a batch (B) or real-time (R) mode. Real-time mode means that the transactions are validated and written into the Financials "Z" interface files as the Enrich source transaction is approved or posted. Batch mode means a scheduled job will be set up to pass transactions from Enrich to Financials. Note that Financials does not provide a means of doing a real-time validation and posting of accounting transactions from the "Z" interface files into the production system. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list.

    Date to set WO GL Year/Period allows you to specify what date to use for all work order approval transactions when posting into accounting periods. This only applies to Work Order GL transactions with Source Document Type = WO, TP (GL transactions generated by non-billable work order approval). Options are:

    • A - Work Order Approval Date
    • C - Work Order Closed Date
    • I - Work Order Invoice Date

    If this parameter is blank and the AR parameter Date to Set Year & Period is set to I=Invoice Date:

    • The approval GL for strictly non-billable work order will post based on closed date.
    • The approval GL for a work order with billable lines will post based on the invoice date*.
    • The AR will post based on the invoice date*.

    If this parameter is blank and the AR parameter Date to Set Year & Period is set to W=Work Order Closed Date:

    • The approval GL for strictly non-billable work order will post based on closed date.
    • The approval GL for a work order with billable lines will post based on the closed date.
    • The AR will post based on closed date.

    If this parameter is set to C=Work Order Closed Date:

    • All GL transactions related to the work order approval will post based on the closed date.
    • This could cause a mismatch with the AR entry - the sublet revenue could be in one period and the sublet expense could be in a different period.
    • If using option C, the following settings are recommended:*
      • Date to Set Year & Period = W
      • Invoice Date = Approval Date = No (Customer and Invoice business parameter)
      • Date to Set WO GL Year/Period = C

    If this parameter is set to A=Work Order Approval Date:

    • All GL transactions related to the work order approval will post based on the approval date.
    • This could cause a mismatch with AR entry - the sublet revenue could be in one period and the sublet expense could be in a different period.
    • If using option A, the following settings are recommended:*
      • Date to Set Year & Period = I
      • Invoice Date = Approval Date = Yes
      • Date to set WO GL Year/Period = A

    If this parameter is set to I=Work Order Invoice Date:

    • The approval GL for strictly non-billable work orders will post based on closed date.
    • The approval GL for a work order with billable lines will post based on the invoice date.*

    *Invoice Date: This is the invoice date that is on the J-Invoice Header record related to the work order. This will either be the approval date or the invoice date, based on the Invoice Date = Approval Date business parameter setting in Customer and Invoice business parameters.

    • If Invoice Date = Approval Date is set to No, the invoice date will be whatever the user enters.
    • If Invoice Date = Approval Date is set to Yes, the invoice date will always be the approval date, regardless of what the user enters on the screen.

    Date To Set Year & Period controls the date that will be used for setting the GL year and period for accounts receivable transactions from work orders. Options are Invoice Date and Work Order Closed Date. These dates may be different depending on the length of time between closing and approving the work order. The difference between the dates could cause the AR transaction to go into different fiscal periods when passed to Financials. If the parameter is undefined, it will default to using the Work Order Closed Date. Note that for AR transactions from Lease Rental Contract Billing and Asset Management Unit Disposal, the AR interface uses the invoice date for setting the GL year and period. You can click on the Prompt button to select the date type from a list.

    Default Card Reader # identifies which card reader will be used by default when entering cash payments. You can click on the Prompt button to select the card reader from a list.

    Enrich Voucher Nbr Key is used with voucher numbering method "E" (separate block of numbers for Enrich payables) to define the key to be used for getting the next voucher number from Financials. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 5144 (Voucher Number Key) prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    Facility Key Size is used with voucher number method "F" (range of numbers per Enrich facility) to define the number of characters from the Enrich facility ID code to use for getting the next voucher number from Financials. The Enrich facility ID code is 6 characters in length. Indicate the maximum number of characters used for your facility codes (e.g. branch 210 would be 3).

    G/L Source Code - AM is the Financials GL source code to be used for transactions from the Enrich Asset Management sub-system when numbering JVs by sub-system. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 5028, G/L Source Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    G/L Source Code - LR is the Financials GL source code to be used for transactions from the Enrich Lease Rental sub-system when numbering JVs by sub-system. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 5028, G/L Source Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    G/L Source Code - Shop is the Financials GL source code to be used for transactions from the Enrich Shop sub-system when numbering JVs by sub-system, or for all transactions from Enrich when using a single JV number series. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 5028, G/L Source Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    Hold Code - if you selected B, business parameter, for the Voucher Hold Code Option, enter the hold code to be attached to all AP vouchers here. Otherwise, leave this field blank. It is not promptable.

    J/V Desc On PO Receiver identifies how to describe the JV on the PO receiver. You can click on the Prompt button to select the description from a list. Valid options are:

    • P - purchase order number
    • V - vendor name & PO number

    J/V Numbering Method provides two methods of numbering journal vouchers that are created from its accounting transactions. Journal vouchers within Financials are identified by a GL source code in addition to the company (responsible for the transaction) and the journal voucher number. You can click on the Prompt button to select the method from a list. Valid options for numbering journal vouchers are:

    • B - one source code per Enrich sub-system.
    • E - one source code for all transactions from Enrich.

    Misc Charge Code Default may be defined for situations where the Miscellaneous Charge Code Option does not yield a miscellaneous charge code. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0047, Miscellaneous Charge Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    Misc Charge Code Option - accounts receivable transactions from Enrich are written into the Financials invoice detail record for miscellaneous charges. Within Financials, when an invoice is displayed (Order Entry Inquiry), the column for item number shows the miscellaneous charge code passed from Enrich. The associated GL accounts are only displayed using F15=GL Transaction. (Note that "miscellaneous" is a somewhat confusing term. Miscellaneous refers to the name of the Financials interface file we are using for all Enrich accounts receivable transaction details.) You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Valid options for assignment of the miscellaneous charge code when passing accounts receivable transaction details to Financials are:

    • B = business parm defined. A single miscellaneous charge code may be defined with an Enrich business parameter. This option means that all invoice lines within Financials would be displayed with the same item number and description, e.g. all lines might read "WO...... Work Order".
    • G = GL account. Enrich provides a cross-reference table from general ledger account to miscellaneous charge codes. This option provides a means of interpreting the various invoice detail lines when displayed in Financials.

    Order Type Code Option defines the source of the order type field associated with the AR transaction. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Valid values are:

    • B - business parameter. All order types are created using the order type defined here.
    • C - customer master. All order types are created using the order type code of the customer master.

    Order Type Codes - F/B - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for fuel billing transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    The Order Types will print on report AR442 AR Aged Trial Balance when specified in reference category 5036.

    Order Type Codes - F/T - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for fuel tax transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    The Fuel Tax order type consists of fuel tax, permits, and HVUT. The order types will print on report AR442 AR Aged Trial Balance when specified in Reference Category 5036.

    Order Type Codes - Lease - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for lease transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    Order Type Codes - Misc - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for miscellaneous transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Code, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    Order Type Codes - Rental - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for rental transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    Order Type Codes - Shop - the interfaces from Enrich to Financials use the order type field to define the type of invoice associated with the Enrich AR transaction. This business parameter defines the order type for shop transactions if the Order Type Code Option is set to B - business parameter. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0040, Order Type Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    Pass AP AR GL Together - accounting interfaces to the Financials provide the option of passing related transactions together (e.g. a work order may have generated AR, GL, and AP transactions; the AP transaction may require a second level of approval prior to being available for passing to Financials). This option controls whether all related transactions should be passed together (into the same accounting period), or if they can be passed separately. This can only be set to Yes if you have selected the Batch option for Async PassTo Assist.

    Pass A/P To Assist controls whether or not accounts payable transactions are to be passed to Financials.

    Pass A/R To Assist controls whether or not accounts receivable transactions are to be passed to Financials. NOTE that accounts receivable transactions in Financials are identified by company and "Document Number." The document number is the invoice number for the AR transaction. If you generate invoices from more than one system, you must ensure that your invoice numbers are unique across all systems.

    Pass G/L To Assist controls whether or not general ledger transactions are to be passed to Financials.

    Pass WO G/L With Cons Inv - when a billable sublet work order is approved, an AR transaction is generated for the AR/Revenue and a GL transaction is generated for the Expense/SIP. Under normal circumstances these would go to the same year/period because the work order is being approved all at once. But when Consolidated Billing is in place, the AR transaction is going to be held for consolidation while the GL transaction will get posted through to Financials. So if the Consolidated Billing is not run until the next period, the expense will be in one period while the revenue will be in another. This business parameter allows you to tell Enrich to use the AR transaction for both revenue and expense.

    This will get the costs/revenue to match the timing of the cost and revenue on the P&L. Turning this on means that you aren't recognizing the cost until the customer is billed. Keeping this off means that you recognize the cost when the work order is approved.

    CAUTION: When doing multi-line work orders where some of the lines are non-billable internal repair and some are a billable sublet, there is only 1 combined GL entry when the work order is approved. This entire entry will be held until the AR is consolidated. This will delay the posting of the internal repair costs/unallocated labor.

    NOTE: This is only applicable when transactions are pushed to Financials in Batch Mode. It does not apply to real-time transactions.

    Voucher Description Format identifies how to format the text to describe the AP voucher for shop payables. You can click on the Prompt button to select the format from a list. Valid options are:

    • I = Vendor Invoice Number. The voucher description will be "ENRICH Inv# iiiiiiii" where iiiiiiii is vendor invoice number.
    • P = Purchase Order Number. For sublet work orders, the voucher description will be "PO# ppppppp WO# wwwwwww" where ppppppp is the PO number and wwwwwww is the WO#. For other POs, the voucher description will be "PO# ppppppp type......." where ppppppp is the PO number, and type....... is the PO type (either inventory or miscellaneous).
    • V = Vendor Master Description. The voucher description is taken from the Financials vendor master file.

    For accounts payable invoices from other sources, the Voucher Description is generated as follows:
         Debt Note Payments: "Debt Interest Payment" or "Debt Principal Payment".
         Note Payout: "Note Payout".
         Equipment Invoice: "PO# ppppppp equipment" (ppppppp is the PO number).

    Voucher Hold Code Option defines the source of the hold code for the voucher header record. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Valid options are:

    • B - business parameter defined. All AP vouchers are created with a hold code so that they are not automatically eligible for payment.
    • V - use vendor master hold code. AP vouchers are created using the hold code of the vendor master to which the invoice belongs.

    Voucher Key Prefix is used with voucher numbering method "F" (range of numbers per Enrich facility) when facility ID codes have numeric values. Financials requires that the voucher next number key contain an alpha character. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 5144 (Voucher Number Key) prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    Voucher Numbering Method - accounts payable vouchers within Financials are identified by company and voucher number. Financials is the controlling system for assigning voucher numbers for all AP transactions. Ranges of voucher numbers may be defined for different sources of AP vouchers. You can click on the Prompt  button to select the numbering method from a list. Valid options are:

    • C = Company. Payables from all sources are assigned the next available voucher number (within company). This numbering method should be evaluated by reviewing the Financials panels for access to payables vouchers. This method may be used for centralized management of accounts payable.
    • E = Enrich block of numbers. Vouchers from Enrich payables are separated by using a special range of numbers. This method may be used for centralized management of accounts payable.
    • F = Facility. Vouchers from Enrich payables are separated by using a special range of numbers for each facility. This method may be useful for de-centralized management of accounts payable vouchers.
    • Y = Fiscal Year/Period. Vouchers for a particular accounting period are grouped together using the fiscal year and period as the starting digits of the voucher number (e.g. November 1998 voucher numbers would be 9811xxxx). Transaction volume should be evaluated when selecting this numbering method.

    Voucher Type Codes - AM defines the voucher type to be used for AP asset management vouchers from Enrich if the Voucher Type Code Option is B (business parameter); otherwise this field should be left blank. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0049 (A/P Voucher Type Code) prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    Voucher Type Codes - Shop defines the voucher type to be used for AP shop vouchers from Enrich if the Voucher Type Code Option is B (business parameter); otherwise this field should be left blank. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0049 (A/P Voucher Type Code) prior to using it here. It is not promptable.

    Voucher Type Code Option defines the source of the voucher type code for AP vouchers from Enrich. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Valid options are:

    • B = business parameter defined. All AP vouchers are created with a voucher type.
    • V = vendor master. All AP vouchers are created using the type code of the vendor master to which the invoice belongs.
  4. Click Enter to save the parameters.
  5. Click Exit twice to return to the menu.

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