Enrich EMMS Online Help
Facility is the facility that contains the warehouse. It is optional. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the facility from a list. Maintenance - Warehouse Search Order BP.
Facility For Intercompany AP is used to determine the offsetting GL account for payables. You can click on the Prompt button to select the facility from a list. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Facility For Sublet AP identifies whether to use the assigned or repair facility when looking for a company for sublet vendor selection and for the sublet AP transaction. If not defined, it defaults to repair. You can click on the Prompt button to select the facility type from a list. Finance and Admin BP.
Facility For Sublet In Process identifies whether the facility used for sublets in process will be the assigned or repair facility. Note: If you flip the business parameter to use Assigned, sublets with posted invoices where the work order was unapproved at the time of flipping the parameter will need to be verified to ensure the debit and credit ultimately use the same facility. Otherwise, the invoice post would have used the repair facility while the work order approval would use the assigned facility. Finance and Admin BP.
Facility GL Position identifies where the facility is located in general ledger account numbers. Finance and Admin BP.
Facility Key Size is used with voucher number method "F" (range of numbers per Enrich facility) to define the number of characters from the Enrich facility ID code to use for getting the next voucher number from Financials. The Enrich facility ID code is 6 characters in length. Indicate the maximum number of characters used for your facility codes (e.g. branch 210 would be 3). Assist Accounting Options BP.
Facility Prov/State On PO identifies whether the province/state on purchases will be the vendor's province/state (No), the purchasing facility's province/state (Yes), or the billing Customer's (C) province/state on sublet work orders/purchase orders. Purchasing BP.
Facility Self-Assess Non-Billable WO Material identifies whether self-assessed taxes for non-billable work order material should be based on the unit's assigned facility or the repair facility. If repair facility is selected, the system will calculate the self-assessed tax using the work order repair facility rates and create the tax GL transaction for the repair facility. Maintenance BP.
Feature Code is a feature code that will appear on the equipment profile. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the feature from a list. CWA - Equipment Feature List BP.
Feature Code is a specific feature required for Roadcall. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the feature from a list. Roadcall - Equipment Features BP.
Feature Code is the feature code to be used for used equipment. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the feature from a list. Used Equipment - Feature List BP.
Feature Code - Body Type identifies the feature code that is used to indicate body type. O Licence BP.
Feature Code-Vehicle Colour is used in the Risk Management module within Event Manager. When you select a unit in EM-Risk Management, the vehicle color is displayed in one of the panels. This parameter determines where to get that information from. The vehicle color is stored as an equipment feature in Enrich. You can click on the Prompt button to select the feature code from a list. Insurance BP.
Feature Cost Code is the default cost code for each unit that has one defined. For example, if a unit has feature code CC and that feature's value is EXT, and if this business parameter's value is CC, the defaulted cost code on a work order for that unit would be EXT. You can click on the Prompt button to select the feature cost code from a list. Maintenance BP.
Feedback E-mail Address is the email address that any feedback from the CWA website will be directed to. CWA BP.
File Colour For "No File" is the file color that designates a claim to be a "No File" claim. It is used in Event Manager. You can click on the Prompt button to select the color from a list. Insurance BP.
Fill In Affiliate Side of X-Reference - if Yes, the system automatically creates the cross-reference records for any missing cross-references detected by the interface edit. The affiliate side of the cross-reference records will contain the information found in the interface file received from the affiliate. The national side of the cross-reference records will still have to be entered manually in the cross-reference screens. If No, the cross-reference records must be manually created in the cross-reference screens for any missing cross-references detected by the interface edit. Both the affiliate side and the national side will have to be entered manually. Centralized Billing BP.
Fix/Var Mandatory For Leases identifies whether or not leases must have both fixed and variable sections. Lease Rental BP.
Fixed/Var Charges On Same Invoice - this parameter is non-functional. Lease Rental BP.
Fixed Charges Contr Sect defines the value of the contract section where fixed monthly billing amounts are defined. This option is used by the Maintenance Contract History Report, and is required when Lease Rental is installed. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the value from a list. Screen Preferences BP.
Fixed Fee Section allows you to specify the contract section that contains the portion of fixed fee charges to be billed to a customer but is payable directly to the bank instead of payable to the affiliate. Charges for this section will be calculated for lease contracts on the charges received from the affiliate. It is not promptable. Centralized Billing BP.
Flag On Billable Lines identifies whether or not billable work order lines should flag warranty. If the parameter is not set up, it will default to Yes. Warranty BP.
Flag On Parts Issued identifies whether the VMRS codes attached to parts issued on the work order should be used to flag warranty. If the parameter is not set up, it will default to Yes.
Note that this was developed for versions of Enrich prior to v5.4, and it is recommended that it no longer be used; set it to No (do NOT leave it blank, as that implies Yes). If used, be aware
that only parts that have been issued, not requisitioned, will be checked. Also note that the parts do not have to exist as components on the unit's component list in order for warranty to be triggered.
Warranty BP.
Flag On Work Done identifies whether the VMRS codes entered on a work order should be used to flag warranty. If the parameter is not set up, it will default to Yes. Warranty BP.
Foreign Exchange flags whether or not Enrich should generate records to be transferred to the accounts payable system when foreign exchange is applied to purchase of inventory or sublet work. Purchasing BP.
Fuel Charges is the default code to be used for fuel charges when the transaction does not have a charge code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.
Fuel Efficiency Tolerance Message identifies the type of error that will be generated when a unit's fuel efficiency doesn't fall within the trip fuel efficiency tolerances as defined in the Trip Fuel Efficiency Tolerances table. Options are to issue an error, preventing the user from continuing, or issue a warning. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Fuel Island Cost Method identifies whether average cost (from inventory) or entered cost (on the fuel island screen) will be used as the basis of the product pricing. It is used only for pricing. Note that when Enrich generates the cost of goods sold and inventory GL transactions, the average cost is always used. When determining the average cost, if the item exists in more than one warehouse for the facility, the average of these will be used. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Fuel Island Metric ID identifies the standard measurement taken at the fuel island. You can click on the Prompt button to select the metric from a list. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Fuel Item Category is the item category that is used to identify fuel. You can click on the Prompt button to select the category from a list. CWA BP.
Full Payment Req'd For Cash Cust - if Yes, the system will ensure that the outstanding balance on a rental agreement is less than or equal to zero before allowing the agreement to become active. It will also automatically pop up a payment screen when you return the vehicle so you can identify a credit due to the customer or additional payment required. If No, the rental agreement will be activated regardless of the outstanding balance. Lease Rental BP.
Fully Amortize Permit When Sold identifies whether a permit should be 100% amortized when the unit is sold or if it should continue amortizing against the sold unit until transferred to a new unit. Permits BP.
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