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Permits business parameters  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Business Parameters.
    • The Business Parameters display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on Permits and select Change.
    • The Permit Business Parameters change screen appears.
  3. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Allow Future Dated Amortization identifies whether or not amortization can be run for future dates.

    Billback Allowance Option - you can choose to have the contract allowance by annual/yearly or the life of the contract when renewing permits. When this parameter is Accumulate Contract to Date, the calculation of the billback amount will be as before. When set to Drop Un-Used, the billback allowance on the contract will be deducted from the permit amount with the difference being the billback amount.

    Bypass Renewal on Sold and Void Units - when set to Yes, a sold or voided unit will not be included in a renewal batch. When set to No, it will be.

    Fully Amortize Permit When Sold identifies whether a permit should be 100% amortized when the unit is sold or if it should continue amortizing against the sold unit until transferred to a new unit.

    IRP Fleet Required For Prorated Plates identifies whether or not the IRP fleet code is mandatory for a permit.

    Permit Adjust Reason Code is the reason code to be used by default for permit adjustments. You can click on the Prompt button to select the reason from a list.

    Permit Amortization Method identifies how the amortization will be performed: Day-To-Day or Month-To-Month. If month-to-month, the program calculates by taking the number of months in the amortization period, dividing by the number of months in the life of the permit (usually 12, but may vary), and multiplying by the cost of the permit. If the amortization is less than a month (possible during facility/pool changes or cancellations), then the prorate by day will be used.

    Permit Type For Licence is the permit type that is used by default for vehicle licences. Note that this is the same parameter as the Permit Type for License Prepaid on the Asset Management Business Parameters; if one is changed, the other will also be changed, automatically. You can click on the Prompt button to select the permit type from a list.

    Process Permits - Maximum Days Between Effective and Invoice Dates is the maximum number of days that will be allowed between the effective and invoice dates when processing permits. The value can be anywhere from 0 to 999 days. It will default to 45 days.

    Rental Agreement Permit Renewal Option is used to populate the customer number and billback amount on the new permit when the unit is on a rental agreement. Valid values are:

    • None - Permits when attached to rental agreements have the customer number and the new billback amount.
    • Blank Out Billback Only - The billback will be set to zero and the customer number remains.
    • Blank Billback and Customer - Both the billback amount and the customer number will be blanked out.

    Restrict Permit Cost From Action List identifies whether or not the permit cost will be editable when accessed through an action list.

    Restrict Permit Type From Action List identifies whether or not the permit type will be editable when accessed through an action list.

  4. Click Enter to save the parameters.
  5. Click Exit twice to return to the menu.

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