Enrich EMMS Online Help
J/V Desc On PO Receiver identifies how to describe the JV on the PO receiver. You can click on the Prompt button to select the description from a list. Valid options are:
J/V Numbering Method provides two methods of numbering journal vouchers that are created from its accounting transactions. Journal vouchers within Financials are identified by a GL source code in addition to the company (responsible for the transaction) and the journal voucher number. You can click on the Prompt button to select the method from a list. Valid options for numbering journal vouchers are:
Job Queue is the default job queue that should be used when the interface is submitted for processing. It is optional. Interface Global Defaults BP.
Job Queue - Long Run Rpts identifies a job queue to use when generating large reports such as the Customer History report and the Customer Repair History report. This can be left blank to use the default job queue. Screen Preferences BP.
Job Queue-PM Forecast Report identifies a special job queue to be used to run the PM forecast program. This can be left blank to use the default job queue. Preventive Maintenance BP.
Job User Profile is the user profile that should be used when the interface job is submitted for processing. It is optional. Interface Global Defaults BP.
Labor is the default labor charge code to use with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the charge code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.
Labor Hours Report Default identifies whether the labor hours report should be created from shift details or from the gangsheet. The user can override this default on the report screen. You can click on the Prompt button to select the default from a list. ETK BP.
Lease Credit Checking identifies whether or not credit checking should be performed on lease creation. Assist Master Files BP.
Lease Extra Substitution Code is a substitution code to be used for lease extras. This is used when a lease customer is renting an additional unit, for reporting purposes only. It is used to split out vehicles on the Contract Revenue report. You can click on the Prompt button to select the substitution code from a list. Lease Rental BP.
License is the default code to use for license expense when the transaction does not have an expense code defined. You can click on the Prompt button to select the expense code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.
License Required For Trip identifies whether or not you need to have a license permit set up for the unit when entering fuel tax trips. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Limit Credit Card Digits controls the entry of credit card numbers in Enrich. It will apply a mask of no less than 6 digits to any number entered in the credit card field on the Payment Tender screen in Enrich. This screen is used for both retail work orders and retail rental agreements. The parameter can be set as low as 1 character showing, to a maximum of 6. If the parameter is not set, Enrich will set it automatically to 4. Note that only credit/debit numbers are masked; check numbers are not masked. Lease Rental BP.
Limit WO Subset - All View - you can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list. Valid values are:
Lite Insurance identifies whether all, miscellaneous customers, or no customers can use the "lite" insurance screens. This is a simple insurance entry screen that doesn't validate on insurance policy. It will help in situations where cash/miscellaneous customers have their own policy and the user doesn't want to enter it into the system. Insurance BP.
Load Fuel From Fuel Island identifies whether or not the trip entry program should automatically load fuel tickets from the Fuel Billing system onto the trip details. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Load Fuel From Trip Fuel Interface identifies whether or not the trip entry program should automatically load fuel tickets from the fuel tax standard interface file. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Load Readings From Interface identifies whether or not the trip entry program should automatically load metric readings from the metric readings interface file. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Locale for Enrich Web GUI is an optional 5-character parameter allowing you to identify the locale (e.g. "en-US") to be used as the basis for spelling and dates in the upcoming web-based GUI. Screen Preferences BP.
Location Excess is the amount of damage costs for which the facility is responsible (which includes any CPDR for the customer). For example, if the customer's CPDR is 500, the facility's location excess is 2000, and the damage cost to a vehicle is 3000, then the customer is billed for 500, the facility is charged for 1500, and the remaining 1000 is drawn from the insurance reserve. Facility Insurance BP.
Location Hierarchy Validation is used on work order entry to decide if the hierarchy of locations should be enforced. The hierarchy of locations is:
Materials BP.
Look Up Customer # Even If Unit Isn't Customer Type is used for the fuel billing and tax entry screens. It specifies whether the customer number is to be automatically looked up when not entered on a fuel ticket or permit. If set to Y, it will look up the customer for the entered unit whether or not it is customer owned; if set to N, the customer will be looked up only if it is a customer-owned unit. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
LR: Validation of Miscellaneous Charges Codes vs Rollup Table - if set to Yes, Enrich will validate whether the charge code being used for a miscellaneous charge is valid on the contract type for the contract in question. If set to No, the validation is done. Customer and Invoice BP.
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