Enrich EMMS Online Help
G/L Source Code - AM is the Financials GL source code to be used for transactions from the Enrich Asset Management sub-system when numbering JVs by sub-system. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 5028, G/L Source Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.
G/L Source Code - LR is the Financials GL source code to be used for transactions from the Enrich Lease Rental sub-system when numbering JVs by sub-system. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 5028, G/L Source Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.
G/L Source Code - Shop is the Financials GL source code to be used for transactions from the Enrich Shop sub-system when numbering JVs by sub-system, or for all transactions from Enrich when using a single JV number series. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 5028, G/L Source Codes, prior to using it here. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.
Gen. Fin. Trans. For Est is used in the Risk Management module within Event Manager. There are several claim transaction types, of which 3 are estimate types: PD liability estimate (property damage); PI liability estimate (personal injury); and recovery estimate. If this parameter is set to No, when you create claim transactions of these types, there are no associated general ledger transactions created; they just update the claim summary. If set to Yes, the associated general ledger transactions will be created. Insurance BP.
Generate AP-Receiving identifies whether or not Enrich should generate records from sublet work orders to be transferred to the accounts payable system when items are received into stock. Purchasing BP.
Generate AP-Sublet flags whether or not Enrich should generate records from sublet work orders to be transferred to the accounts payable system. Purchasing BP.
Get Employee Cost API is the program that determines the employee cost basis ($/hour) for use in ETK. This only needs to be specified when you want a customized determination method, such as when interfacing with a payroll system, to determine labor cost. This employee labor cost is used for reporting purposes only, in the Labor Management report when reporting by cost (average for employee) is requested. ETK BP.
GL Account Mask identifies the structure of the GL accounts using an edit mask when a user-defined structure is requested. Use "X" to indicate a character from the GL account and blank or any other character to indicate a mask. Finance and Admin BP.
GL Accounting Structure identifies whether the Enrich company, major, minor structure should be used for GL account numbers or if a user-defined structure is required. When user-defined is requested, the GL account number is stored in the field GL Account - Formatted. You may also indicate if the formatted GL account number is to be used for screen/report input/output functions. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:
GL Transaction View identifies the order in which general ledger transactions will initially be displayed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the order from a list. Valid values are:
Grace Period For PM Completion is only used by the CWA PM Currency function. If a PM was due on January 10 and was completed on January 15, if this business parameter is set to less than 5, the report will say "Completed Late". If this business parameter is set to 5 or more, the report will show that the PM was completed on time. A zero value is allowed. CWA BP.
Grp Clm Pmts For Supplier identifies whether or not payment transactions from different claims but to the same supplier should be grouped into one cheque. Insurance BP.
GST Category Code For "Not Applicable" (Zero %) sets the GST category to use for non-Canadian customers when the records are triggered from Financials to Enrich. You can click on the Prompt button to select the category from a list. Assist Master Files BP.
GST Exempt Flag flags whether or not inventory invoices are exempt from federal tax charges. This flag can be modified at the individual item level. Purchasing BP.
GST Included Flag flags whether or not item costs on the system include federal tax (GST). You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list. Possible values are:
Purchasing BP.
GST Number identifies the company's tax remittance and collection account with the federal government. Customer and Invoice BP.
Guaranteed Buy Back Option Used identifies whether or not the guaranteed buy back option will be used. Used Equipment BP.
Hide PO# Until PO Entry - if set to Yes, the generated purchase order number will not be displayed to the user until such time as the vendor has been selected and the PO is proceeding. This will prevent a PO number from being provided to a vendor until it has been confirmed that the vendor is valid for purchasing. Purchasing BP.
Hold identifies whether or not the report should be held until manually released for printing. Premium Forms BP.
Hold Code - if you selected B, business parameter, for the Voucher Hold Code Option, enter the hold code to be attached to all AP vouchers here. Otherwise, leave this field blank. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.
Holiday Discount Reason Code is the reason code to be used for holiday discounts. You can click on the Prompt button to select the reason code from a list. Lease Rental BP.
Holidays Paid On Probation identifies whether employees on probation are paid for statutory holidays. An employee is considered on probation when their employee job step is equal to the Probation Job Step business parameter. Employee job steps are set through the employee maintenance screen. ETK BP.
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