Enrich EMMS Online Help
Vacation Taken is the code to be used to identify an employee's used vacation time. You can click on the Prompt button to select the code from a list. Note that these 7 indirect labor codes must be different from each other. ETK BP.
Validate Budget Detail is for future use. When set to Yes, the validation program will test the detail ID field against the accounting structure. Unit Level Budgeting BP.
Validate Lease Invoice Date identifies whether or not the system should check the invoice date against the current open period in AR, using the dates set up in the period calendar. If set to Yes, where appropriate, there will be a warning message to say that the invoice date will result in the invoice being posted to a future period rather than the current open AR period. Lease Rental BP.
Validate Maint Alloc Against LR Contract identifies whether or not the work order edit function will ensure that the billing status of a work order line is not set to M (maintenance allocation) unless the unit is on a contract that allows that. Maintenance BP.
Validation List Library/Object identifies the location of the validation list file used by CWA to verify user credentials (passwords). When a web user is added or updated within Enrich, this parameter is used to synchronize the update to the validation list. Note that this business parameter only applies to CWA 1. CWA BP.
VCN E-mail Address - the Vehicle Change Notification is a facility within CWA for a customer to request changes to the location information of his assets. The routine sends an email to the address specified in this parameter. The recipient would then make the change within Enrich and reply to the email when complete. CWA BP.
Vendor Contract Match Level controls how vendor contract matching is performed when looking for a cost for an item. The purchase order will be for a given vendor, and this business parameter describes how to match this vendor to the one from the vendor contract/quote. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Possible values are:
Purchasing BP.
Vendor Number flags whether or not the vendor number will appear on accounts payable transaction headers. Finance and Admin - AP Transaction Edit Rules BP.
Verbiage On CPI Options identifies how wording will appear on CPI options. There are 2 possible values:
If D - Discount rate by is used, instead of "3. For each 1% increase, adjust rate by .75 percent", the screen will display "3. For each 1% increase, discount rate by .25 percent".
Lease Rental BP.
VMRS is the default VMRS code to be used with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the VMRS code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.
VMRS Description Assembly determines the content of the VMRS description on the work order. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Valid values are:
Maintenance BP.
VMRS Description Quantity determines how the description for VMRS is presented on the work order and other screens. This controls whether the work order line quantity is part of the description.
Maintenance BP.
VMRS Level For Sublet Warranty Flagging identifies the VMRS level that will be checked for warranty flagging on sublets. You can click on the Prompt button to select the level from a list. Valid values are:
Sublet BP.
VMRS Use - with the addition of VMRS 2000, the system code can be identified to 3 digits. This parameter allows you to remain with the old system of 2 digits. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Maintenance BP.
VOR Priority 1 Code applies to FleetCare. If a unit has a priority 1 VOR record matching the code here in the Work Order VOR Header and the record doesn't have a completion date, the unit can't be returned to service in Enrich. A message will appear on the Out of Service windows stating the unit can't be returned to service due to VOR and including the VOR work order number. Maintenance BP.
Voucher Description Format identifies how to format the text to describe the AP voucher for shop payables. You can click on the Prompt button to select the format from a list. Valid options are:
For accounts payable invoices from other sources, the Voucher Description is generated as follows:
Voucher Hold Code Option defines the source of the hold code for the voucher header record. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Valid options are:
Voucher Key Prefix is used with voucher numbering method "F" (range of numbers per Enrich facility) when facility ID codes have numeric values. Financials requires that the voucher next number key contain an alpha character. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 5144 (Voucher Number Key) prior to using it here. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.
Voucher Numbering Method - accounts payable vouchers within Financials are identified by company and voucher number. Financials is the controlling system for assigning voucher numbers for all AP transactions. Ranges of voucher numbers may be defined for different sources of AP vouchers. You can click on the Prompt button to select the numbering method from a list. Valid options are:
Voucher Type Codes - AM defines the voucher type to be used for AP asset management vouchers from Enrich if the Voucher Type Code Option is B (business parameter); otherwise this field should be left blank. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0049 (A/P Voucher Type Code) prior to using it here. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.
Voucher Type Codes - Shop defines the voucher type to be used for AP shop vouchers from Enrich if the Voucher Type Code Option is B (business parameter); otherwise this field should be left blank. The value must be defined in the Financials reference file category 0049 (A/P Voucher Type Code) prior to using it here. It is not promptable. Assist Accounting Options BP.
Voucher Type Code Option defines the source of the voucher type code for AP vouchers from Enrich. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Valid options are:
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