Enrich EMMS Online Help
Task identifies the task code to be used when an add-on work request is created by the system. A general system code should be used. The description of the add-on is placed on the work roster for clarification. A value is required. You can click on the Prompt button to select the task from a list. Asset Management BP.
Task is the default task code to use with expense codes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the task code from a list. Revenue/Expense Summary BP.
Task Code For Damage Reserve defines the VMRS code to be used when an add-on work request is created by the system. A general task code should be used. The description of the add-on is placed on the work roster for clarification. A value is required. You can click on the Prompt button to select the task code from a list. Asset Management BP.
Tax Based on Delivery Point - if set to Yes, taxes will be based on the facility; if No, taxes will be based on the customer. Facility OTC Sales BP
Tax Code-GST should contain the value "GST". It is used to apply federal tax, and look for GST customer exemptions within the customer tax-exemption tables. You can click on the Prompt button to select the tax code from a list. Customer and Invoice BP.
Tax Code-PST should contain the value "PST". It is used to apply provincial or state tax, and look for PST customer exemptions within the customer tax-exemption tables. You can click on the Prompt button to select the tax code from a list. Customer and Invoice BP.
Tax Exemption Rule identifies how tax exemptions will be handled at the shop level. You can click on the Prompt button to select the rule from a list. Options are:
Tax On Billable WO Lines determines whether Enrich should generate tax on billable work order lines. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Valid values are:
Tax on Interdivisional identifies whether or not interdivisional customers should be charged tax. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Telephone Format is the format to be used when displaying phone/fax numbers in the system if Use Telephone # Format is set to Yes.
The format will be applied from right to left. If the format entered here is ###### (###) ###-#### and you enter a phone number of 5551323, the number will display as 555-1323. If you enter 45035551323, the number will display as 4 (503) 555-1323. If
you enter 4-503-555#1323 it will still display as 4 (503) 555-1323; any non-numeric characters entered with a phone number will not be saved.
Screen Preferences BP.
Terminated Contract For Status determines the billable status of a work order based on terminated agreements. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Options are: A - always; B - only when work order is created before agreement was terminated. Customer and Invoice BP.
Ticket Entry Alwd Days Past Unit Sold identifies the number of days past the unit sold date for which fuel tickets can still be entered for a unit. For trip entry, this parameter will be used as follows for sold units:
Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Tire System Code is the expense code for tires, used to accumulate column totals. You can click on the Prompt button to select the expense code from a list. Screen Preferences BP.
Tolerance is a number of miles or kilometers. If Load Fuel From Fuel Island is set to Yes, the program will get all tickets up to the end of the trip, by the odometer reading, and will also add a tolerance to get fueling that was done just after the trip was completed. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Tolerance Amount is the purchase tolerance amount allowed for the specified PO type. It can be left blank to indicate that no tolerance is allowed. The tolerance will be used in a "whichever is less" method if both values are non-zero. Purchasing - PO Tolerances BP.
Tolerance Percent is the purchase tolerance allowed for the specified PO type as a percentage of the purchase amount. It can be left blank to indicate that no tolerance is allowed. The tolerance will be used in a "whichever is less" method if both values are non-zero. Purchasing - PO Tolerances BP.
Toll Charge Code is the charge code to be applied to the toll charge. It must exist in the Charge Codes table. You can click on the Prompt button to select the charge code from a list. Lease Rental BP.
Toll Upload Folder identifies which folder the toll file will be uploaded to if toll violations are being uploaded. Lease Rental BP.
Toll Upload Method identifies whether the upload will be reading the .csv record from a folder or using a table that a user can transfer to. You can click on the Prompt button to select the method from a list. Lease Rental BP.
Transponder Feature Code - if the unit number is blank on the toll input table and the system is unable to locate it using the plate number, the program will then try to get the unit number by using the transponderID on the input table. It will go to the Item Instance Feature table using this parameter for the Feature Type and the Transponder ID to get the item/serial number and then the unit Number. You can click on the Prompt button to select the feature code from a list. Lease Rental BP.
Track Audit On Deleted WOs - when set to Yes, if you delete a work order a record will be written to the audit file. The Enter Comments screen will appear, where you can optionally enter additional information about the reason for deleting. If no additional comments are entered, the audit record will have text reading "WO 123455789 deleted by user XXXXX". The second line of audit text will have "Unit # 123456789". If the work order was for multiple units, it will just say "multi". Maintenance BP.
Track Costs For Unit P&L identifies whether or not costs should be tracked at the unit level for the profit and loss statement. If Yes, an information entry is made into the unit P&L file. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Track WO Audit Stamps identifies whether or not the system should maintain a detailed audit of work orders, providing the ability to see who/when a work order has been modified in order to go back to that person for further clarification.
An update to the work order is considered to be any instance of a user updating anything about the work order. If a user edits a work order and adds multiple lines, updates the comments, and updates work order header information, it is counted as a single update instance. Note that this is over and above the audit stamps that exist for creation, last changed, and approval. Maintenance BP.
Transfer Contract Type is the contract type that will be used for transfers between facilities. It does not replace the actual transfer of a unit to a facility to drive expense/revenue. The transferred unit will appear on the Available Equipment list where it is physically located. It will not appear at its assigned location. The assigned location will still drive revenue/expenses, but the physical location will be driven by this transfer rental contract. There will be no accounting transactions, only mileage and fuel if required. If left blank, transfer contracts will not be available. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contract type from a list. Lease Rental BP.
Translock Inactive Job controls whether an existing Enrich transaction lock will always result in the user requesting transaction access getting a message indicating the transaction is in use; or if the system will look at the job holding the lock and try to determine if the job has become inactive or invalid and the Enrich transaction lock may be removed, giving access to the transaction. The method chosen determines whether this check even happens, and how detailed a check is done. You can click on the Prompt button to select the method from a list. Options are:
Trigger PM's When on Sales List - when set to No, PMs will still trigger if the status on the disposal list is blank or pending, but will not trigger if the status is For Sale, Guaranteed Buy Back, or Sold. When set to Yes, PMs will trigger no matter what status the unit has on the disposal list. Preventive Maintenance BP.
Type of Customers Sales Allowed identifies what type of customer is allowed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Valid values are:
Note: If this parameter is set to 4-NonGBB-Cash, GBB Account and the guaranteed buy back type flag on the Guaranteed Buy Back display screen is set to Open, the bill of sale can be raised against a retail customer
or an account customer representing the OEM; i.e. both fields will be available for input on the Create Bill of Sale enter screen.
Used Equipment BP.
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