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Business parameters - B  

Bar Coding identifies whether or not bar coding has been installed to work with ETK. ETK BP.

Barcode Override for API BCM identifies an optional facility-level override for the barcode API BCM (multiple) print program. Facility BP.

Barcode Override for API BCP identifies an optional facility-level override for the barcode API BCP (multiple/PO) print program. Facility BP.

Barcode Override for API BCS identifies an optional facility-level override for the barcode API BCS print program. Facility BP.

BCC To Email Sender identifies whether or not a blind copy of the email should be sent to the sender. Premium Forms BP.

Bill Affiliate - when a work order is created for a customer unit and the customer is for an affiliated company, this parameter controls whether the non-billable reports will be billed to the affiliate (Yes), or if the transaction will be disallowed and the work order converted to a miscellaneous work order (No). When this is set to Yes, you can also create, change, and delete maintenance rates for a unit and customer in multiple companies at once. Customer and Invoice BP.

Bill Closed RA to Charge To Date identifies whether Closed rental agreements should bill to the Charge To date or to the billing date. If the business parameter is Charge To Date (Yes), no changes to function have been made. If the business parameter is Billing Date, the system will do the following:

Lease Rental BP.

Bill of Sale - Balance Check controls the Balance Is Not Zero screen, and includes a check for blank option, identifying whether an error or warning should be issued. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Used Equipment BP.

Billable Maintenance Cust Override identifies whether or not customer values can be overridden on billable maintenance. On the contract unit schedule A screen, there is a billable maintenance customer override; you can make a change here and all billable work orders can be charged to another customer number (e.g. customer suffix number would be one reason you might want to drive the work orders to another customer number). Lease Rental BP.

Billable Maintenance Customer Override L/R identifies whether an override billing customer, if one exists on the customer master, should be used on work orders. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Options are:

When a work order is created:

Note: It is unlikely, but a unit can be on a lease and a rental at the same time. If this happens, and the business parameter is set to Both, and there is a rental billable customer and a different billable customer set for leases, the system will use the rental billable customer. Lease Rental BP.

Billback Allowance Option - you can choose to have the contract allowance by annual/yearly or the life of the contract when renewing permits. When this parameter is Accumulate Contract to Date, the calculation of the billback amount will be as before. When set to Drop Un-Used, the billback allowance on the contract will be deducted from the permit amount with the difference being the billback amount. Permits BP.

Billback Issue Credits controls credit invoices on the fuel tax reading upload. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Values are:

Fuel BP.

Billback MPG Calc controls the MPG calculation on posting of the fuel tax reading upload. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list. Values are:

Fuel BP.

Billing Closed Contracts flags whether a closed lease or rental should be included in a billing run. If the parameter is left blank, it will default to Bill None. You can click on the Prompt button to select the flag from a list Valid values are:

Lease Rental BP.

Billing Distance Update controls when billing readings are synchronized with the metric measurement readings within EMMS. You can click on the Prompt button to select the option from a list. Options are:

Asset Management BP.

Billing Equipment Type determines which equipment type, Delivered or Requested, is used to determine the rates for a rental. Lease Rental BP.

Billing Forecast Active identifies whether or not the billing forecast function is active. It allows you to restrict the submission of the old billing processing depending on the contract types being processed by the new billing forecast. Valid values are:

If the parameter is set to LC, you will not be able to enter a lease contract type on the Contract Billing Control. If the parameter is set to R, you will not be able to enter a rental contract type on the Contract Billing Control. If the parameter is set to B, you will not be able to use Contract Billing Control. If the parameter is set to N, the default, you will not be able to use Billing Forecast.

Please Note: Billing forecast should NOT be turned on without consultation, as it requires significant set-up and training effort to use.
Lease Rental BP.

Billing Forecast Days is the default number of days to forecast from today's date. When you run the forecast, this is the default, but it can be changed. When the forecast is run during the nightly process, this is the number of days used in the calculation. Lease Rental BP.

Billing Frequency IFTA identifies whether IFTA will be billed monthly or quarterly. This will be used if no company, customer, or unit level defaults exist. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.

Billing Frequency W/D identifies whether weight/distance charges will be billed monthly or quarterly. It can only be set to quarterly if the IFTA billing frequency is quarterly. This will be used if no company, customer, or unit level defaults exist. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.

Billing Group = Customer Number - if set to Yes, billings are grouped by customer without the need to set up billing groups. This can only be used if the last 6 digits of the customer numbers are unique. Lease Rental BP.

Billing Proof Report Type identifies which version of the billing proof report should be printed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the report type from a list. If blank is selected, the type 1 report will be used. Valid values are:

  1. Facility/Unit - Detail
  2. Customer/Contract - Summary
  3. Unit - Summary
  4. Facility/Unit - Summary
  5. Customer/Contract - 5

Lease Rental BP.

Billing Reading E-mail is the email address that will receive notification when billing readings are updated in CWA. CWA BP.

Billing Reading Override - if shop or fuel readings are passed to billing and this parameter is set to Yes, billing readings will override shop or fuel readings on the same date. If set to No, the most recent reading will be used. Lease Rental BP.

Billing Reading Prev Display identifies which previous reading will be displayed in CWA: metric, billing, or none. CWA BP.

Body Type Feature Code is the feature code that will identify body type. It is used for the Vehicle Off Lease Report, and the value entered here will appear as a column heading. The system will then look for any feature code values on the unit associated with the code identified. It is optional. You can click on the Prompt button to select the feature code from a list. Lease Rental BP.

Bucket 1 - 6 identifies the percentage weight to be given to various aged receivables if aged receivables are to be included when determining customer credit status. 100% should be entered as 1.00. Credit Check BP.

Budget Default Metrics defines what metrics will be used primarily. When a new budget is created, this will prompt as the default. It is expected to be the metrics that is used for accounting reporting (e.g. monetary). You can click on the Prompt button to select the metrics from a list. Unit Level Budgeting BP.

Bypass Renewal on Sold and Void Units - when set to Yes, a sold or voided unit will not be included in a renewal batch. When set to No, it will be. Permits BP.

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