Enrich EMMS Online Help
Absolute or Elapsed flags how the interval will be measured, i.e. elapsed value or absolute value. If a program is to be performed every 1000 miles, but the first time it was performed at 900 miles, the next time it will be performed on that unit is:
You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the flag from a list.
Category allows for grouping of similar programs for reporting purposes.
Description is a brief description of the program.
End Date is the date the program will be stopped. This is optional.
Est Hours is the amount of time the program will usually take to perform on a single unit of equipment, to 2 decimal places.
Interval Type identifies what kind of interval or period this program will be performed at. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the interval type from a list. Valid values are:
Lead % - intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, the percent value (e.g. 10) is entered here. If the interval is to have minimum and maximum, this field is left blank.
Metric identifies the type of measurement that is being taken to decide when the program is to be performed, e.g. brake thickness, odometer reading. It is only required for metric interval types. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the metric from a list.
O identifies whether or not this is a "once only" interval. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the value from a list.
Pgm Type identifies what kind of program this is, e.g. disposal, inspection, maintenance, etc. You can click on the Prompt button to select the program type from a list.
The disposal is an expiry date type of PM. It will NOT trigger. The next expiry date will be entered to identify the date at which the unit is estimated to be disposed. The PM should be set up with a lead time at which to begin warnings. When a work order is created for a unit that has one of these types of PMs, a warning will appear in red on the work order screen to let you know that it is going to be disposed of soon. This will help prevent major work from being undertaken on a unit that is on its way out.
Priority identifies the level of urgency this program should be assigned when a work request is created as a result of it. You can click on the Prompt button to select the priority from a list.
Start Date is the date the program will go into effect; it can be a future date. This is required.
To Value - intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800). If the interval you are defining is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the maximum value (e.g. 1000) is entered here. If the interval is a percent variance on a measurement, that measurement (e.g. 800) is entered here. Note that, for days intervals, intervals greater than 99999 are not allowed; for months intervals, intervals greater than 999 are not allowed.
UOM identifies how the minimum and maximum values are measured, e.g. miles, kilometers, etc.). You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the unit of measure from a list.
Value - intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, this field is left blank. If the interval is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the minimum value (e.g. 800) is entered here. Note that, for days intervals, intervals greater than 99999 are not allowed; for months intervals, intervals greater than 999 are not allowed.
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