Enrich EMMS Online Help
National Ins # ID Class is the ID class used for displaying/updating the national insurance number field for persons. It is used in Event Manager. You can click on the Prompt button to select the ID class from a list. Insurance BP.
National Ins # ID Type is the ID type within the national insurance # ID class used for displaying/updating the national insurance number field for persons. It is used in Event Manager. You can click on the Prompt button to select the ID type from a list. Insurance BP.
No File Claim Tolerance is used with Event Manager. The system will automatically prompt the user to close a "No File" claim after the elapsed time specified in this parameter. Insurance BP.
No Fuel Vendor Code identifies which fuel vendor will be used when one isn't available for a fuel ticket on the fuel tax processing screen. You can click on the Prompt button to select the vendor from a list. Fuel Tax/Billing BP.
Non-billable Labor Costing - when this parameter is set, there is a debit (DR) to WO labor expense, and a credit (CR) to unallocated labor, based on the cost of the labor. If unallocated labor is not set up, the system tries to credit revenue - labor applied for the shop. If this flag is set to Yes, non-billable labor is costed out, so that there is the following entry: DR to WO labor expense, CR to revenue labor applied; DR to labor cost, CR to unallocated labor. Finance and Admin BP.
Not An Invoice Text is the text to be printed on the supporting invoices to indicate that the charges are on a consolidated invoice. Consolidated Billing BP.
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