Enrich EMMS Online Help
Each shop or department can have its own set of price books defined.
Effective Date is the date the price book will go into effect. It can be a future date.
Expiry Date is the date the price book will end. It is optional.
Cost Type identifies whether the pricing is for labor, materials, environmental charges, supplies, sublet labor, or sublet material. Each cost type must appear at least once on a shop's base rates. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the cost type from a list.
Discount % is a percentage discount offered, if applicable.
Discount Amount is a flat-rate discount offered, if applicable.
Maximum Amount is a maximum amount to be charged. It is optional.
Minimum Amount is a minimum amount to be charged. It is optional.
Rate Type identifies how the rate will be applied. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the rate type from a list. Valid values are:
Shop Rate is the rate to be charged for the specified cost type, to 3 decimal places. If the rate will be stepped, this field must be left blank.
Super/Equip Type is a specific type or super type of equipment to which the rate will be applied. Leave blank for all. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the type from a list.
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