Enrich EMMS Online Help

Business parameters - symbol  

% Over NBV Allowed For Insurance identifies the percentage by which the NBV (net book value) of a unit can exceed the insurance policy limitation. It is optional. Insurance BP.

% Over NBV of Unit for Insurance is a percentage by which to adjust the NBV of the unit before doing an insurance check. It is optional. Insurance BP.

20th Century 1st Year is the 2 digits identifying which year the data conversion programs should consider a 20th century rather than a 21st century year. All 2-digit dates using the year entered here or a higher year will be considered 20th century. Data Conversion BP. 

3C 1COMP on WOE Line allows you to specify whether or not 3C comments will be required on estimates. The options are M=Mandatory or O=Optional. If mandatory, it will follow the VMRS/Customer/etc. hierarchy; approval will not be allowed if comments are not entered. Work Order Estimating BP.

3rd Contract Type identifies a specific contract type that overrides ll other contracts when generating accounting transactions. When Enrich is searching for valid contracts for a unit that is on a work order, it stops search when one of the four contract types defined here is found. Then, the contract type found is used to generate the accounting entries. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contract type from a list. Customer and Invoice BP.

4th Contract Type identifies a contract type that overrides all other contracts when generating accounting transactions. When Enrich is searching for valid contracts for a unit that is on a work order, it stops searching when one of the four contract types defined here is found. Then, the contract type found generates the accounting entries. You can click on the Prompt button to select the contract type from a list. Customer and Invoice BP.

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