Enrich EMMS Online Help

Transport managers  

The Transport Manager is the person who has responsibility for maintaining O licence compliance and who is deemed to have full and effective control of the vehicles listed on the O licence. The transport manager may manage more than one contract or operating centre. When a transport manager is added to an Operator's Licence, they are required to sign a contract with the traffic area confirming their compliance with the undertakings and conditions attached to the licence.

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | O Licence (UK) | Maintain Transport Managers.
    • The Maintain Transport Managers display screen appears.
  2. To view a transport manager's assigned operating centres:
    1. Right-click on the transport manager and select Assigned Op Centres.
    2. Click Exit to return to the Maintain Transport Managers display screen.
  3. To view a transport manager's assigned traffic areas:
    1. Right-click on the transport manager and select Assigned Traffic Areas.
      • The Assigned Traffic Areas display screen appears. These are assigned through the Traffic Areas table.
    2. Click Exit to return to the Maintain Transport Managers display screen.
  4. To add a transport manager:
    1. Click Add .
      • The Edit Transport Manager add key screen appears.
    2. Type in a unique ID for the transport manager, then click Enter .
      • The Edit Transport Manager add screen appears.
    3. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

      Status is the current condition of the transport manager. You can click on the Prompt button to select the status from a list.

      First Name is the transport manager's given name.

      Preferred Name is the transport manager's preferred name.

      Last Name is the transport manager's surname.

      Salutation is the salutation to be used in correspondence with the transport manager. You can click on the Prompt button to select the salutation from a list.

      Gender is the transport manager's sex. You can click on the Prompt button to select the gender from a list.

      Other Names are any other names used by the transport manager, e.g. nicknames.

      Address is the address of the transport manager's office.

      City is the city in which the transport manager's office is located.

      Province/State is the province or state in which the transport manager's office is located. You can click on the Prompt button to select the province or state from a list.

      Postal Code/Zip Code is the postal or zip code for the transport manager's office.

      Telephone Number is the transport manager's telephone number, including area code.

      TM Manual Sent is the date the TM manual was sent to the transport manager.

      Mobile Number is the transport manager's mobile number, including area code.

      TM Manual Received is the date the transport manager received the TM manual.

      Fax Number is the transport manager's fax number, including area code.

      E-mail is the transport manager's email address.

    4. Click Enter to save the transport manager.

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