Enrich EMMS Online Help
Effective Date is the date the price book goes into effect. It can be a future date.
Expiry Date is the date the price book will end. It is optional.
Cost Type identifies what the pricing is for. Each cost type must appear at least once on a price book. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the cost type from a list. Valid values are:
Discount % is a discount percent to be offered, if applicable.
Discount Amount is a flat-rate discount to be offered, if applicable.
Equipment Rate is the rate to be charged for the equipment unit. If the rate will be stepped, this field must be left blank.
Maximum Amount is the maximum amount to be charged, if applicable. When the maximum amount is being applied and there are multiple sublet lines with a mix of labor/material, any necessary reduction of an amount is applied by cost type, so the sublet labor invoice lines will be reduced first, then sublet material.
Minimum Amount is the minimum amount to be charged, if applicable.
Rate Type identifies how the rate is applied. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the rate type from a list. Valid values are:
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