Enrich EMMS Online Help

Included units on PM through complete unit listing  

NOTE that adding a unit to a PM from this view will not automatically cause its group to become part of the PM template. That must be managed at the PM group level.

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs.
    • The Work With Programs display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on the program and select Equipment.
    • The Display Included Equipment Groups screen appears.
  3. Click View by Unit .
    • The Units Included on PM display screen appears.
  4. Click Change .
    • The Units Included on PM display change screen appears.
  5. To select units via a subset:
    1. Click Subset .
      • The Subset Equipment screen appears.
    2. Fill in the fieldsfields as required; all are optional.

      Allowed Value is the feature's allowed value that the list should be limited to, if required.

      Assigned Facility is a specific assigned facility to include. You can click on the Prompt button to select the facility from a list.

      Contains - if set to Yes, equipment will be selected if the feature value contains the value selected. If set to No, it has to be an exact match.

      Equipment Type is a specific type of equipment to include. You can click on the Prompt button to select the equipment type from a list.

      Equipment Pool is a specific equipment pool to include. You can click on the Prompt button to select the pool from a list.

      Feature is a specific equipment feature found on the units to include. Up to 3 features can be entered. You can click on the Prompt button to select the feature from a list.

      Make is a specific make of vehicle to include. You can click on the Prompt button to select the make from a list.

      Model is a specific model of vehicle to include. You can click on the Prompt button to select the model from a list.

      Year is a specific year of manufacture to include.

    3. Click Enter .
      • You return to the Units Included on PM display screen, where the list of units will be subsetted as specified.
    4. Click Subset Select/Deselect .
      • The Subset Select/De-select enter screen appears.
    5. Click Enter .
      • If the PM has sub-programs, the Confirm Select for Sub-Programs screen appears.
    6. To add the units to the sub-programs as well, click on the Yes radio button. Otherwise, make sure the No radio button is selected.
    7. Click Enter .
      • The Confirm prompt appears.
    8. Click Confirm.
      • You will return to the Units Included on PM display screen where the listed units will be selected for the PM.
  6. To select units individually:
    1. Click Show All/Selected to view all defined equipment units, if required.
    2. Right-click on the unit and select Select.
      • An asterisk will appear to the left of the unit number to show that it was selected.
    3. Repeat step b for each unit to be added to the PM.
  7. You can now override program intervals for a specific equipment unit and/or override the parts requirements for a specific equipment unit.

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