Enrich EMMS Online Help

Customer package pricing overrides  

The selling price and discount can be overridden. These overrides exist in an "or" relationship and are applied in the order: manufacturer/model OR manufacturer OR equipment type OR facility.

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Retail Maintenance | Tables --> | Retail Maintenance Tables | Packages.
    • The Work With Packages display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on the package and select Pricing.
    • The Package Pricing enter screen appears.
  3. Click the Yes radio button beside Customer, then click Enter .
    • The Customer Package Pricing display screen appears.
  4. Right-click on the customer and select Change.
    • The Customer Package Pricing enter screen appears.
  5. Click Customer Pricing Overrides .
    • The Customer Pkg Price Overrides change screen appears.
  6. Click Add .
    • The Customer Pkg Price Overrides add screen appears.
  7. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Discount % is the percent discount to be applied to the package for the specified manufacturer/model OR manufacturer OR equipment type OR facility.

    Discount Amount is the discount amount to be applied to the package for the specified manufacturer/model OR manufacturer OR equipment type OR facility.

    Equipment Type is the equipment type that the override applies to. At least one of Mfg, Model, Equipment Type, or Facility is required on a line. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the equipment type from a list.

    Facility is the facility that the override applies to. At least one of Mfg, Model, Equipment Type, or Facility is required on a line. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the facility from a list.

    Mfg is the equipment manufacturer that the override applies to. At least one of Mfg, Model, Equipment Type, or Facility is required on a line. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the manufacturer from a list.

    Model is the equipment model that the override applies to. This can only be entered in conjunction with manufacturer. At least one of Mfg, Model, Equipment Type, or Facility is required on a line. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the model from a list.

    Selling Price is the override selling price of the package for this customer for the specified manufacturer/model OR manufacturer OR equipment type OR facility.

  8. Click Enter to save the overrides.
  9. Click Exit to return to the Customer Package Pricing enter screen.

What next?

  1. Customer class package pricing
  2. Customer equipment package pricing
  3. Shop package pricing
  4. Package tables