Enrich EMMS Online Help

Customer class stepped rates  

Price book rates may be stepped based on the work order cost. Material, labor, sublet material, and sublet labor can have stepped rates. For material stepped rates, the stepped amounts define an upper limit or ceiling amount based on the work order part line’s total cost or the part’s individual cost, depending on the setting of the Materials business parameter Stepped Rates by Part. For sublet parts, the stepped amounts define an upper limit or ceiling amount based on the work order line’s total part cost. For labor and sublet labor stepped rates, the stepped amounts define an upper limit or ceiling amount based on the work order line’s total labor cost. If no value is entered under customer rate, stepped rates must exist.

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Administration | Tables --> | Administration Tables | Customer | Customer Classes.
    • The Edit Customer Classes change screen appears.
  2. Right-click on the customer class and select Change Price Book.
    • The Edit Customer Class Price Book change screen appears.
  3. Right-click on the effective date of the price book and select Base Rate.
    • The Edit Customer Class Base Rate change screen appears.
  4. Right-click on the cost type and select Stepped Rate.
    • The Edit Customer Class Step Rates change screen appears.
  5. Click Add .
    • The Edit Customer Class Step Rates add screen appears.
  6. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Ceiling Amount is the highest work order line extended labor cost or work order part line extended or individual part dollar amount for which the rate will be applied, to 2 decimal places.

    Stepped Rate is the rate to be charged to the customer class for work order activities valued up to the ceiling amount, to 3 decimal places.

  7. Click Enter to save the stepped rates.
  8. Click Exit to return to the Edit Customer Class Base Rate change screen.

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