Enrich EMMS Online Help

Create a purchase requisition  

Purchase requisitions are purchase orders without a vendor attached. The vendor can only be assigned by an authorized purchase agent (through the Change Order function) after the requisition has been processed.

  1. At the EMMS main menu, click the Purchasing button.
    • The Work With Outstanding POs display screen appears.
  2. Click Add .
    • The Enter the PO Header Type screen appears.
  3. Make sure Purchase Requisition is selected.
  4. Click the Create Purchase Order button or click Enter .
    • The Purchase Requisition Entry change screen appears.
  5. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Due Date is the date the goods being ordered are expected to be received. It defaults to the current date but can be changed, and should be if the items being purchased will be back-ordered.

    Order Date is the date the requisition was created. It defaults to the current date.

    Order Type identifies whether the order is for inventory or miscellaneous items. Choose Inventory.

    Ordered By is the code and name of the assigned purchase agent; it cannot be changed.

    Warehouse Code is the warehouse ordering the items. It defaults to the system-defined warehouse. You can click on the Prompt button to select the warehouse from a list.

  6. Click Enter .
    • This will reserve the purchase order number.
    • The Order Line Entry add screen appears.
  7. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    GL is an override account the item should be charged to. It can be left blank to default to the general ledger account assigned to the item in the item master, and should be left blank for shop supplies. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the account from a list.

    Item Number is the inventory item to be ordered. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the item from a list.

    • If the Primary/Core Process core tracking method is in use, adding a primary part to a regular inventory PO will cause the core to be added as well, with a quantity that matches the primary. If you change the quantity on the primary, the core follows along. If you delete the primary part, the core will be deleted as well.

    Order Qty is the number of units of the item to be ordered. For shop supplies, set this to 1. A value is required.

    Per Unit is the price per unit of the part, or the total cost of the item for shop supplies. It can be left blank to default to the price currently on the system for the item from the selected vendor. If no price is available, the system will prompt for one. A negative is not allowed.

    • The cost is searched for in the following order: contract cost; item upload cost; vendor/item cost; last PO. The item upload cost only takes effect when the part interface pricing is turned on and there is a cost on the interface file for the part being ordered. A warning is given in you enter a value different from the contracted price.

    UOM identifies how the item is measured for ordering. It can be left blank to default to the unit of measure assigned to the item in the item master. It should be left blank for shop supplies. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the unit of measure from a list.

  8. Click Enter to save the items.
  9. Click Change to go to the Order Line Entry change screen.
  10. When all items have been entered, click Process .
    • The Process Order screen appears.
  11. Click Process.
    • The PO Status changes to Processed.

      PO Status identifies the current condition of an order. Possible values are:

      • Accrued (A) - the purchase order is for sublet work that has not yet been received and posted.
      • Cancelled (X) - the order was processed, no goods were received, and the balance was cancelled.
      • Closed (C) - the order has been received in full, or received in part with balance cancelled.
      • Hold (H) - an open purchase order that exceeds the agent's dollar limit, or an open release authorization that exceeds the standing order's dollar limit.
      • Open (O) - the order is created and contains items; it is changeable.
      • Partial (P) - some goods have been received, but not all.
      • Processed (S) - the order is finalized and sent to the vendor; it is no longer changeable, but goods can be received for it.
      • Reserved (R) - the purchase order header has been created, but no items entered; it is changeable, but cannot be processed until items are entered.
  12. The authorized purchase agent can now assign the vendor through the Change Order function.

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