Rules for merging
The part being merged cannot exist on an open transaction, i.e. count, work order, adjustment, purchase order.
The 'to' part/manufacturer combination must exist.
A warning is issued if the average cost in any 'from' warehouse differs from the 'to' warehouse by more than X%, where X is defined through the business parameter.
The warehouse is optional. If entered, the 'from' part must exist in that warehouse. If the warehouse is left blank, the 'from' part will be moved from ALL warehouses in which it exists to the new part. You will not be allowed to specify a warehouse unless more than one exists for the 'from' item. Also, a warehouse is not allowed when attempting to merge serialized parts.
Both the 'from' and 'to' must be serialized or non-serialized. You cannot merge from one type to the other. If merging serialized items, there cannot be any duplicate serial numbers between the 'from' and 'to'.
A merge cannot happen if there are open transfers, regardless of the business parameter being set to allow the update of open transactions, unless all warehouses are being merged.
You can merge expense items as long as 'from' AND 'to' part are expense items.
You can merge non-stock parts, but only in Online mode.
You can merge a stocked part with a non-stocked part and vice-versa, but with limitations:
If the 'from' part is stocked, then the quantity on hand must be zero.
If the merge is 'mixed', meaning that it is a stock to non-stock or non-stock to stock, then the 'from' part must not be on an open transaction. If it is, you will get a message indicating so; you can use the Open Transactions for Item option to display the open transactions for that part.
To determine if a merge is 'mixed', the program looks at the item warehouse records. If a single warehouse has both items defined and defined differently, then it is a mixed transaction.
When determining if the part is on an open transaction the program will check:
Physical counts
Requisition lines (includes work orders)
Purchase order lines
Transfer requests
All checks and validations will be carried out at the warehouse level if you enter a warehouse on the prompt. If a warehouse is entered, then:
Only the quantity on hand of that warehouse is considered.
Only open transactions for that warehouse are analyzed.
Only item records for that warehouse are read to determine if the merge is 'mixed'.
When doing a merge of a part that is non-stocked at the particular warehouse it is merging, and the quantity on hand is not zero, the system will not create inventory/GL adjustments.
Cores can be merged as long as they do NOT belong to any primary parts. Rules for merging cores are:
A core can only ever be merged to another core.
The 'from' core must be detached from any primary part(s) to which it belongs.
The 'from' core must not exist on any open transactions. The detach process will have ensured it does not exist on work orders and POs, but an adjustment or transfer could have been created after the detach.