Enrich EMMS Online Help
Item is the item to be merged to. You can click on the Prompt button to select the item from a list. If duplicates exist, you will be prompted to select the correct item. When prompting, if you select a primary part (one that has cores) you will receive an error message: "Cannot merge to a part that
has a core."
Warehouse is a specific warehouse to merge to. Leave blank for all. You can click on the Prompt button to select the warehouse from a list.
Mfg Code is the manufacturer of the part. You can click on the Prompt button to select the manufacturer from a list.
Create From Item As An Equivalence is only available when using the online processing method. When selected as part of the merge, this will create an item equivalence record on the 'to' item that has an internal item number of the 'from' item.
Bar Codes To Print only appears when using online processing AND when bar coding is turned on in the environment. When those conditions are met, you have 4 choices for bar code label printing:
On to Print list of merged items or back to Utilities