Enrich EMMS Online Help

Add a fuel ticket  

When a fuel ticket is being entered and the system detects that the customer's credit is on hold, a warning will be displayed on the screen: "WARNING - Customer's credit is on hold."

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Fuel Island | Work With Fuel Tickets (Facility).
    • The Fuel Tickets display screen appears.
  2. Click Add .
    • The Edit Fuel Ticket change screen appears.
  3. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Bill Type identifies whether or not the ticket is billable. Note that the billable type is not available unless the Fuel Billing module is installed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the bill type from a list. Valid values are billable, non-billable, or service lane non-bill.

    Card Number is the number on the fuel card that was used to make the purchase. It is optional.

    Customer is the customer that purchased the fuel. You can click on the Prompt button to select the customer from a list. If left blank, the system will attempt to look up the current customer based on the unit number and the ticket date entered.

    Department is the department or shop that created the fuel ticket. You can click on the Prompt button to select the department from a list.

    Driver ID identifies the driver submitting the ticket. It is optional.

    Facility is the facility selling the product. You can click on the Prompt button to select the facility from a list.

    PO # is the customer's purchase order number for the ticket, if available. It only applies if the Fuel Billing module is installed.

    Price Per Std UOM is the selling price of the fuel per unit of measure, to 4 decimal places. This only applies if the Fuel Billing module is installed.

    Product is the fuel or other product that was sold on this fuel ticket. You can click on the Prompt button to select the product from a list.

    • If the product field is left blank but the pump is entered, the product will be searched for. The pump is optional, but if the product code is entered and related to a tank, the pump number is required. If there is only one pump associated with the tank, it will be filled in automatically; otherwise, you will see a pump selection screen.
    • If both the pump and item are filled in but the item is not related to a pump, the pump number will be zeroed out.
    • Note that there is no checking to ensure that the item is not on a physical count or frozen.

    Pump # is the pump that the fuel ticket is for. If the product field is left blank but the pump is entered, the product will be searched for. The pump is optional, but if the product code is entered and related to a tank, the pump number is required. If there is only one pump associated with the tank, it will be filled in automatically; otherwise you will see a pump selection screen.

    If both the pump and item are filled in but the item is not related to a pump, the pump number will be zeroed out.

    Quantity is the amount of fuel or other products that was purchased.

    Reference # typically refers to a source document that the input is being keyed from. It is optional. If entered, it prints on the fuel ticket and the fuel invoice.

    Ticket Date is the date the fuel ticket was created. Note that the date and time play a critical role in reconciling with tank readings; therefore, they need to be accurate.

    Time is the time of day the fuel ticket was created, using the 24-hour clock. Note that the date and time play a critical role in reconciling with tank readings; therefore, they need to be accurate.

    Unit is the equipment unit that was fueled. It is mandatory unless the appropriate business parameter has been set to optional. You can click on the Prompt button to select the unit from a list.

    UOM is the unit of measure that the purchase quantity is measured in, e.g. gallons, litres. You can click on the Prompt button to select the unit of measure from a list.

  4. The price section is filled in by Enrich, identifying the price per unit of measure, the total gross price, the tax, and the ticket total. However, if the appropriate business parameter is set, you may be able to enter an override price here. Negative prices are allowed on fuel tickets.
  5. Click Enter to save the ticket.
  6. To create a new ticket:
    1. Click Add .
    2. Repeat steps 3-5.
  7. To add another product to the current ticket:
    • Click Add Next Prod .
      • The screen refreshes, leaving the ticket number filled in, and you can enter the next product's information.
  8. You can now enter readings for the ticket or process the ticket.

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