Enrich EMMS Online Help

Customer category rates  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, click the Customer button.
    • The Work With Customers display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on the customer and select Edit Customer.
    • The Edit Customer change screen appears.
  3. Click Price Book .
    • The Edit Customer Price Book change screen appears.
  4. Right-click on the effective date of the price book and select Change.
    • The Edit Customer Base Rate change screen appears.
  5. Right-click on the cost type and select Cat Rates.
    • The Customer Item Cat Rates change screen appears.
  6. Click Add .
    • The Customer Item Cat Rates add screen appears.
  7. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

    Category is the item category to which the rates will apply. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the item category from a list.

    Rate Type identifies how the rate will be applied. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the rate type from a list. Valid values are:

    • fixed - a dollar amount regardless of the actual costs.
    • margin - a margin is applied; invoice amount = cost / [1 - rate].
    • markup - a markup is applied; invoice amount = cost * rate.
    • per hour - a rate per labor hour.
    • percent of labor.
    • flow through - invoice amount is the same as the cost amount.
    • markup PO price - markup the part based on PO price instead of the average cost. The cost from the PO directly linked to the work order will be marked up. If the part is not linked to a work order, the last purchased cost for the item at the warehouse will be used. If this value is not found or is zero, the average cost from the associated requisition line will be marked up.

    Category Rate is the rate to be charged for items in the category, to 2 decimal places.

    Disc % is a discount percent to be applied to the category. It is optional.

  8. Click Enter to save the rates.
  9. Click Change to return to the Customer Item Cat Rates change screen.
  10. To enter manufacturer rates for a category:
    1. Right-click on the category and select Mfg Rates.
      • The Customer Cat/Mfg Rates change screen appears.
    2. Click Add .
      • The Customer Cat/Mfg Rates add screen appears.
    3. Fill in the fieldsfields as required.

      Item Mfg is the company that manufactures the item category. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the manufacturer from a list.

      Rate Type identifies how the rate will be applied. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the rate type from a list. Valid values are:

      • fixed - a dollar amount regardless of the actual costs.
      • margin - a margin is applied; invoice amount = cost / [1 - rate].
      • markup - a markup is applied; invoice amount = cost * rate.
      • per hour - a rate per labor hour.
      • percent of labor.
      • flow through - invoice amount is the same as the cost amount.
      • markup PO price - markup the part based on PO price instead of the average cost. The cost from the PO directly linked to the work order will be marked up. If the part is not linked to a work order, the last purchased cost for the item at the warehouse will be used. If this value is not found or is zero, the average cost from the associated requisition line will be marked up.

      Mfg Rate is the amount to be charged for items in the specified category from the specified manufacturer, to 2 decimal places.

      Disc % is a discount percent to be applied. It is optional.

    4. Click Enter to save the rates.
    5. Click Exit to return to the Customer Item Cat Rates change screen.
  11. Click Exit to return to the Edit Customer Base Rate change screen.

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