Enrich EMMS Online Help

Change a customer  

  1. At the EMMS main menu, click the Customer button.
    • The Work With Customers display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on the customer and select Edit Customer.
    • The Edit Customer change screen appears.
      Note: If the customer name field and/or the fuel billing customer field appears in pink, it means there is an internal description for that customer.
  3. Change any fieldsfields as required.

    Credit Rating identifies how good the customer's credit is. You can click on the Prompt button to select the credit rating from a list.

    Custom Extra Units is the number of extra units allowed if the Extra Units field has been set to Yes.

    Customer Class identifies what kind of customer this is, e.g. internal, external, owner/operator, etc. You can click on the Prompt button to select the class from a list.

    Customer Since is the date the company became a customer. It is optional, and only changeable if Financials is not installed. You can click on the calendar button to select the date.

    Extra Units identifies whether or not extra units are allowed for this customer for credit checking. If set to Yes, the Custom Extra Units specified below are allowed for the customer. If set to No, no extra units are allowed. If set to BP Extra, the Max Extra Units business parameter value is used (from Credit Check business parameters), and displayed in Global Extra Units.

    Fleet Count displays the total number of units the customer has for credit checking. This includes all active rental and lease trailers; subs are included if specified on the Credit Check business parameters screen. Customer-owned trailers are not included in the count.

    Fleet Count Limit is the maximum fleet count allowed for the customer for credit checking, if applicable.

    When credit checking is performed, there will be no override ability when the customer is over the Fleet Count Limit. A customer can have a Max Extra Units set up on the customer master and will only get a warning when over the Fleet Count Limit but within the Max Extra Unit amount.

    Note: The Check Fleet Counts at Entity Level Credit Check business parameter determines whether fleet counts are checked at the entity (000 suffix) or suffix level.

    Fuel Billing Customer is the customer number to use when billing this customer for fuel, if different. You can click on the Prompt button to select the customer from a list.

    Global Extra Units displays the number of extra units allowed if Extra Units has been set to BP Extra. It is based on the Credit Check business parameter Max Extra Units.

    GST Category identifies how much federal goods and services tax should be charged to the customer. You can click on the Prompt button to select the tax category from a list.

    Ignore WO Credit Checking - if set to Yes, this allows all work order credit checking to be overridden for the customer. This will be the first check done since, if it is set to "Yes - override credit checking", no further action is required and the work order will always be allowed. Note that this applies to the individual customer suffix level, not to all of the customer's suffixes.

    Lease Billable Maintenance Customer is the customer to bill for maintenance work if the unit is on a lease agreement and the Lease Rental business parameter Billable Maintenance Customer Override L/R is set to Lease or Both. You can click on the Prompt button to select the customer from a list.

    Maintenance Limit is the amount that the customer authorizes without a PO number. If the customer PO required flag is set to Y AND the billable work (invoice amount before taxes) is greater than this maintenance authorization limit, then a PO is required. If the billable work is less than the maintenance limit, a PO number will not be required.

    A PO required message will appear when approving the work order IF the customer PO required flag is set to Y AND the billable work is greater than this amount.

    Max Extra Units is the maximum number of extra units allowed for this customer for credit checking, if applicable. You cannot enter a value here until the customer has been active more than the number of days entered for Minimum Account Open Days in the Credit Check business parameters.

    Outstanding A/R identifies any unpaid accounts receivable amount. This is filled in by Enrich and will default to zero.

    Pass Readings From Billing To Shop can be used to override the business parameter for passing readings from billing to shop for this customer. It identifies whether and what readings should be passed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list.

    Pass Readings From Shop To Billing can be used to override the business parameter for passing readings from shop to billing for this customer. It identifies whether and what readings should be passed. You can click on the Prompt button to select the value from a list.

    PO Required flags whether or not a purchase order is required from the customer before work can proceed. Note that Enrich first checks for the PO Required flag in the Customer Terms Overrides for the WO application; if not found there, it looks at this flag.

    Print Sublet Parts on Customer Invoice identifies whether or not sublet parts should be printed on this customer's invoices, if tracking of sublet parts has been turned on.

    Province/State Code For Tax identifies which province or state tax will be applied to this customer. This is also used in Emconex. You can click on the Prompt button to select the tax from a list.

    Rental Billable Maintenance Customer is the customer to bill for maintenance work if the unit is on a rental agreement and the Lease Rental business parameter Billable Maintenance Customer Override L/R is set to Rental or Both. You can click on the Prompt button to select the customer from a list.

    Size of Fleet is the number of equipment units the customer has in its fleet.

    Total Units Allowed displays the total number of units allowed for credit checking.

    Use 3C Comments on WO identifies whether work order comments for this customer should be in the 3C format -- complaint, cause, and correction.

    Use Standard Billing Hours identifies whether or not standard billing hours should be used for billing this customer. If set to No, Enrich will bill the actual hours from the work order.

    WO Credit Error At % is the upper credit limit percentage allowed. For example, if this value is set at 110% and the customer credit limit is $1000, the user would see an error upon reading $1100. If creating a work order for a customer who has reached this level, an error will be issued and the work order will require supervisor approval to proceed.

    WO Credit Warning At % is the credit limit percentage at which a warning should be presented when creating a work order. For example, if this value is set to 80% and the customer credit limit is $1000, the user would see a warning message upon reaching $800. You will still be able to continue with the work order when this level is reached.

    Work Order Reminder Text is a single line of text that will be displayed at the bottom of any work order created for this customer.

  4. Click Enter to save the changes.

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