Preventive maintenance programs are pre-defined maintenance, inspection, service, and rebuild programs that are performed on a periodic or one-time basis. They may include measurements, and they will often include more than one activity. Programs will automatically generate work requests for equipment or components at the specified intervals. Note that PMs will not trigger if the unit is on the disposal list. PMs can be set up and modified at any time. An unlimited number of preventive maintenance and inspection programs can be defined to Enrich.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program to be copied and select Copy. The Copy Program Definition enter screen appears.
Type in a code for the New Program.
New Program: is the code you wish to assign to the new program.
Click Enter
. All aspects of the program will be copied
(structure, activities, components, equipment, patterns, PM rates,
and overrides) and you will return to the Work
With Programs display screen where the new program will
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Interval. The Edit Program Specifications change screen appears.
Change any fields as required.
Click Enter
to save the changes.
You can now change activities, equipment, sub-programs, rules, and patterns for the program.
When adding a new PM, the steps are as follows:
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Click Add
. The Add
Program Specification enter screen appears.
Type in a code to identify the new Program.
Program: is a code identifying a specific maintenance or inspection program.
Click Enter
. The Edit
Program Specifications add screen appears.
Type a Description of the program in the field to the right of the program code.
Description: is a short description of the program.
Select the Pgm Type this will be.
Pgm Type: identifies
what kind of program this is (e.g. disposal, inspection,
maintenance, etc.). You can click on the Prompt
button to display a
selection list.
The disposal is an expiry date type of PM. It will NOT trigger. The next expiry date will be entered to identify the date at which the unit is estimated to be disposed. The PM should be set up with a lead time at which to begin warnings. When a work order is created for a unit that is one of these types of PMs, a warning will appear in red on the work order screen to let you know that it is going to be disposed of soon. This will help prevent major work from being undertaken on a unit that is on its way out.
Type in the Start Date, End Date, Category, Est Hours and, if necessary, select a Priority for the program.
Priority: is
the code identifying what urgency this program should
be assigned when a work request is created as a result
of it. You can click on the Prompt
button to display a
selection list.
Est Hours: is the amount of time the program will usually take to perform on a single unit of equipment, to 2 decimal places.
Category: allows for grouping of similar programs for reporting purposes.
End Date: is the date the program will be stopped. This is not required.
Start Date: is the date the program will go into effect. It can be a future date. It is required.
Select an Interval Type and whether it is Absolute or Elapsed.
Absolute or Elapsed: flags how the interval will be measured (i.e. elapsed value or absolute value). If a program is to be performed every 1000 miles, but the first time it was performed at 900 miles, the next time it will be performed on that unit is:
-for absolute - 2000 miles;
-for elapsed - 1900 miles.
You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Interval Type: is a code identifying what kind of interval or period this program will be performed at. Possible values are:
Days - when using rate-per-day to calculate the next due date, the system will not trigger a PM if it has already been completed past the date calculated
Expiry Date
Based on a Metric
Recurring Metric - this type of interval will cause the PM to trigger every time a reading is entered for the range specified.
You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Type in the Lead %, Value, To Value as required.
To Value: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800). If the interval you are defining is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the maximum value (e.g. 1000) is entered here. If the interval is a percent variance on a measurement, that measurement (e.g. 800) is entered here.
Value: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, this field is left blank. If the interval is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the minimum value (e.g. 800) is entered here.
Lead %: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, the percent value (e.g. 10) is entered here. If the interval is to have minimum and maximum, this field is left blank.
Select the UOM and Metric to be used.
Metric: identifies the type of measurement that is being taken to decide when the program is to be performed (e.g. brake thickness, odometer reading). It is only required for metric interval types. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
UOM: identifies how the minimum and maximum values are measured (e.g. miles, kilometers, etc.). You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Repeat steps 8 to 10 for each interval type to be used for the program.
Click Enter
to save the program.
Now you can set up the activities, components, equipment, PM patterns, sub-programs, rules, and PM templates for the program.
Define the activities for the program
A program can have an unlimited number of specific activities associated with it. Each activity can have sub-activities, required measurements, parts, and skills, and equipment standards. To set up program activities:
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Activities. The Display Program Activities screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Program Activities display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all defined activities.
Right-click on the activity to add and select Select. An asterisk will appear to the left of the activity to show it has been selected.
Repeat step 5 for each activity to be added to the program. (Note: If you try to add more than 1 activity to a PM that is linked to a package, an error will appear. If you try to add an activity that has sub-activities to a PM that is linked to a package, an error will appear.)
Click Exit
to return to the Display
Program Activities screen.
You can now add sub-activities for an activity, add metrics for an activity, add parts for an activity, add skills required for an activity, or add equipment standards for an activity.
Once activities have been defined, you can:
Any program activity can have sub-activities making it up. For example, the program 'Check Brakes and Drums' could have two sub-activities: "Check Brakes and Drums - Front' and 'Check Brakes and Drums - Rear'. And each sub-activity can have sub-activities of its own, as required.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Activities. The Display Program Activities screen appears.
Right-click on the activity and select Sub-activities. The Display Sub-Activities screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Sub-Activities display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all defined activities.
Right-click on the activity and select Select. An asterisk will appear to the right of the activity to show it has been selected.
Repeat step 6 for each sub-activity to be added to the activity.
Click Exit
twice to return to the
Display Program Activities
You can specify that specific measurements should be taken whenever a particular activity on a particular program is run.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Activities. The Display Program Activities screen appears.
Right-click on the activity and select Metrics. The Display Operation Metrics screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Activity Metrics display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all defined metrics.
Right-click on the metric to be added to the activity and select Select. An asterisk will appear to the left of the measurement to show that it has been selected.
Repeat step 6 for each metric to be added to the activity.
Click Exit
twice to return to the
Display Program Activities
You can define the parts that will be required for a program activity and they will automatically appear on the work order created from the work request.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Activities. The Display Program Activities screen appears.
Right-click on the activity and select Parts. The Display Program Activity Parts screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Program Activity Parts display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all parts.
Click in the Quantity Required field of a part to be added and type in the number of units of the part that are required for the activity.
Quantity Required: is the number of units of the part that are required for the operation.
Right-click on the part and select Select. An asterisk will appear in front of the selected part.
Repeat steps 6 to 7 for each part to be added to the activity.
Click Exit
twice to return to the
Display Program Activities
You can identify the skills required to perform a particular program activity. You can also record the standard time it should take a person with that skill to perform the activity.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Activities. The Display Program Activities screen appears.
Right-click on the activity and select Skills. The Display Activity Skills screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Activity Skills display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all skills.
Click in the Standard Hours field for a skill you want to add and type in the number of hours required to perform the activity.
Standard Hours: is the standard number of hours it should take for someone with this skill to perform this activity.
Right-click on the skill and select Select. An asterisk will appear in front of the selected skill.
Repeat steps 6 to 7 for each skill to be added to the activity.
Click Exit
twice to return to the
Display Program Activities
Add PM activity equipment group standards. Once these have been set up, you can:
You can identify standard work times and repeat thresholds for program activities on selected equipment groups. You can also identify procedures, skills, and check lists for the equipment groups.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Activities. The Display Program Activities screen appears.
Right-click on the activity and select Equipment Standards. The Activity Equipment Group Standards display screen appears.
Type in the Standard Hours and Repeat Threshold for an equipment group you wish to add to the activity.
Repeat Threshold: is the minimum number of days there should be between repairs on the specified component for these types of unit. If set to 45, and a work order is created to "change brakes & drums - front" 30 days after the last "change brakes & drums - front" repair on this unit, a warning message is displayed on the work order screen. This lets the technician know when the frequency of repairs is unusually high for a particular unit. This is optional.
Standard Hours: is the number of hours the operation normally takes to perform, to 2 decimal places. This is optional.
Right-click on the equipment group and select Select. An asterisk will appear in front of the group to show it has been selected.
Repeat steps 4 to 5 for each equipment group whose standards are to be added to the activity.
You can now add procedures, skills, and check lists for the selected groups.
Click Exit
to return to the Display Program Activities
Add equipment group procedures
You can define special procedures for a program activity as it relates to a specified equipment group.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Activities. The Display Program Activities screen appears.
Right-click on the activity and select Equipment Standards. The Activity Equipment Group Standards display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group you wish to add procedures for and select Procedures. The Edit Operation Code Item Procedures add screen appears.
Type in the Procedures, making sure to tab to a new line when you want to start a new procedure.
Procedures: describes any special procedures that must be followed for the activity as it relates to the specified equipment group.
Click Enter
to save
the procedures.
Click Exit
to return to the
Activity Equipment
Group Standards display screen.
You can define special skills for a program activity as it relates to a specified equipment group.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Activities. The Display Program Activities screen appears.
Right-click on the activity and select Equipment Standards. The Activity Equipment Group Standards display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group you wish to add skills for and select Skills. The Edit Activity/Equipment Group Skills display screen appears.
Click Show
All/Selected to view
all defined skills.
Type in the Standard Hours for a skill you wish to add.
Standard Hours: is the standard number of hours it should take for someone with this skill to perform this activity.
Right-click on the skill and select Select. An asterisk will appear to the left of the skill to show it has been selected.
Repeat steps 6 to 7 for each skill to be added.
Click Enter
to save
the skills.
Click Exit
to return to the
Activity Equipment
Group Standards display screen.
Add equipment group check lists
You can set up different program activity check lists for each equipment group.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Activities. The Display Program Activities screen appears.
Right-click on the activity and select Equipment Standards. The Activity Equipment Group Standards display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group you wish to add check lists for and select Check List. The Operation Code Item Check List add screen appears.
Type in the Check List items, making sure to tab to a new line when you want to start a new item.
Check List: is a list of items that must be performed, in the order they should be performed.
Click Enter
to save
the check list.
Click Exit
to return to the
Activity Equipment
Group Standards display screen.
Identify sub-programs, if applicable
Any program can include other programs as part of the required activities. When the master program is triggered onto a work request, all the sub-programs will also be triggered.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Programs. The Display Included Programs screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Included Programs display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all defined programs.
Right-click on a program you wish to add and select Select. An asterisk will appear to the left of the program to show it has been selected.
Repeat step 5 for each program to be added as a sub-program.
Click Exit
twice to return to the Work With Programs display
Identify the components that are affected by the PM, if applicable
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Components. The Display Included Item Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Included Item Groups display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all defined component groups.
Right-click on a component you wish to add and select Select All. An asterisk appears to the left of the component type to show it has been selected.
Repeat step 5 for each component to be added to the PM.
Once components have been identified, you can:
You can override the defined program intervals for a specific component type (e.g. if engine overhauls are done every 90,000 miles but 350 Chev engines need to be done every 75,000 miles).
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Components. The Display Included Item Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Included Item Groups display screen appears.
Right-click on the component type and select Intval Ovr. The Display Item Interval Override screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Item Interval display screen appears.
Change the Lead %, Interval Value, Interval Lower Limit, and/or the UOM for each interval type to be overridden.
UOM: identifies how the minimum and maximum values are measured (e.g. miles, kilometers, etc.). It is only required for metric interval types. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Interval Lower Limit: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, this field is left blank. If the interval is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the minimum value (e.g. 800) is entered here.
Interval Value: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the maximum value (e.g. 1000) is entered here. If the interval is a percent variance on a measurement, that measurement (e.g. 800) is entered here.
Lead %: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, the percent value (e.g. 10) is entered here. If the interval is to have minimum and maximum, this field is left blank.
Click Enter
to save the changes.
Click Exit
twice to return to the
Edit Included Item Groups
display screen.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Components. The Display Included Item Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Included Item Groups display screen appears.
Right-click on the component type and select Prts Ovr. The Choose Activity for Parts Override display screen appears.
Right-click on the activity you wish to create the override for and select Select. The Display Item Parts screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Item Parts display screen appears.
If necessary, click Show
to view all parts.
Click in the Quantity Required field for a required part and type in the number of units of the part that are required for the program.
Quantity Required: is the number of units of the part that are required for the program.
Right-click on the part and select Select. An asterisk will appear in front of the selected part.
Repeat steps 8 to 9 for each part override you wish to add.
Click Exit
three times to return
to the Edit Included
Item Groups display screen.
Specify component instances, if applicable. Once these have been set up, you can:
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Components. The Display Included Item Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Included Item Groups display screen appears.
Right-click on the component type and select Item Instances. The Edit Included Item Instances display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all defined instances (e.g. individual serial
numbers) of the component.
Right-click on an instance you wish to add and select Select. An asterisk will appear in front of the instance.
Repeat step 6 for each instance you wish to add.
You can now override the program intervals and/or override the parts requirements for a selected instance.
Click Exit
to return to the Edit Included Item Groups
display screen.
Override component instance intervals
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Components. The Display Included Item Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The
Edit Included Item
Groups display screen appears.
Right-click on the component type and select Item Instances. The Edit Included Item Instances display screen appears.
Right-click on the component unit and select Interval Override. The Display Item Interval Override screen appears.
Click Change
. The
Edit Item Interval
display screen appears.
Change the Lead %, Interval Value, Interval Lower Limit, and/or the UOM for each interval type to be overridden.
UOM: identifies how the minimum and maximum values are measured (e.g. miles, kilometers, etc.). It is only required for metric interval types. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Interval Lower Limit: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, this field is left blank. If the interval is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the minimum value (e.g. 800) is entered here.
Interval Value: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the maximum value (e.g. 1000) is entered here. If the interval is a percent variance on a measurement, that measurement (e.g. 800) is entered here.
Lead %: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, the percent value (e.g. 10) is entered here. If the interval is to have minimum and maximum, this field is left blank.
Click Enter
to save
the changes.
Click Exit
to return to the
Edit Included Item
Instances display screen.
Override component instance parts
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Components. The Display Included Item Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The
Edit Included Item
Groups display screen appears.
Right-click on the component type and select Item Instances. The Edit Included Item Instances display screen appears.
Right-click on the component unit and select Parts Ovr. The Choose Activity for Parts Override display screen appears.
Right-click on the activity you wish to create the override for and select Select. The Display Item Parts screen appears.
Click Change
. The
Edit Item Parts
display screen appears.
If necessary, click Show
All/Selected to view
all parts.
Click in the Quantity Required field for a required part and type in the number of units of the part that are required for the program.
Quantity Required: is the number of units of the part that are required for the program.
Right-click on the part and select Select. An asterisk will appear in front of the selected part.
Repeat steps 9 to 10 for each part you wish to add.
Click Exit
twice to return
to the Edit Included
Item Instances display screen.
Identify the equipment groups that are covered
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Equipment. The Display Included Equipment Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Included Equipment Groups display screen appears.
Click Show
to view all defined equipment groups.
Right-click on a group you wish to add and select Select All. An asterisk will appear to the left of the group to show it has been selected.
Repeat step 5 for each equipment group you wish to add.
You can now select specific equipment units within a group to be included on the program, override program intervals for a group, override parts requirements for a group, and/or work with the PM template for new units for a group.
Once equipment groups have been identified, you can:
Override equipment group program intervals
You can override the defined program intervals for a specific equipment group.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Equipment. The Display Included Equipment Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Included Equipment Groups display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group and select Int Ovr. The Display Item Interval Override screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Item Interval display screen appears.
Change the Lead %, Interval Value, Interval Lower Limit, and/or the UOM for each interval type to be overridden.
UOM: identifies how the minimum and maximum values are measured (e.g. miles, kilometers, etc.). It is only required for metric interval types. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Interval Lower Limit: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, this field is left blank. If the interval is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the minimum value (e.g. 800) is entered here.
Interval Value: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the maximum value (e.g. 1000) is entered here. If the interval is a percent variance on a measurement, that measurement (e.g. 800) is entered here.
Lead %: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, the percent value (e.g. 10) is entered here. If the interval is to have minimum and maximum, this field is left blank.
Click Enter
to save the changes.
Click Exit
twice to return to the
Edit Included Equipment
Groups display screen.
Override equipment group parts requirements
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Equipment. The Display Included Equipment Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Included Equipment Groups display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group and select Parts Ovr. The Choose Activity for Parts Override display screen appears.
Right-click on the activity you wish to create the override for and select Select. The Display Item Parts screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Item Parts display screen appears.
If necessary, click Show
to view all parts.
Click in the Quantity Required field for a required part and type in the number of units of the part that are required for the program.
Quantity Required: is the number of units of the part that are required for the program.
Right-click on the part and select Select. An asterisk will appear in front of the selected part.
Repeat steps 8 to 9 for each part you wish to add.
Click Exit
three times to return
to the Edit Included
Equipment Groups display screen.
Specify included equipment units, if not all units of a group will be included. This can be done either through individual groups or through a complete unit listing. Once these have been specified, you can:
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Equipment. The Display Included Equipment Groups screen appears.
Click View by Unit .
The Units Included on PM display screen appears.
Click Change . The
Units Included on PM display change screen appears.
You can add units to the program in two ways: by selecting the individual units or by subsetting the list of units. To select units individually:
Click Show
All/Selected to view
all defined equipment units, if required.
Right-click on the unit and select Select. An asterisk will appear to the left of the unit number to show that it was selected.
Repeat step b for each unit to be added to the PM.
To select units via a subset:
Click Subset
. The
Subset Equipment
screen appears.
Fill in the fields as required (all are optional):
is a specific make of vehicle to include.
You can click on the Prompt
button to display a selection list.
is a specific model of vehicle to include.
You can click on the Prompt
button to display a selection list.
Year: is a specific year of manufacture to include.
Type: is a specific type of equipment
to include. You can click on the Prompt
button to display a selection list.
Pool: is a specific equipment pool
to include. You can click on the Prompt
button to display a selection list.
Facility: is a specific assigned facility
to include. You can click on the Prompt
button to display a selection list.
is a specific equipment feature found on the
units to include. Up to 3 features can be
entered. You can click on the Prompt
button to display a selection list.
Allowed Value: Is the feature's allowed value that the list should be limited to, if required.
Contains: if set to Yes, equipment will be selected if the feature value contains the value selected. If set to No, it has to be an exact match.
Click Enter
. You
return to the Units
Included on PM display screen, where the list
of units will be subset as specified.
Click Subset
Select/Deselect . The Subset Select/De-select
enter screen appears.
Click Enter
. If the
PM has sub-programs, the Confirm
Select for Sub-Programs screen appears.
To add the units to the sub-programs as well, click on the Yes radio button. Otherwise, make sure the No radio button is selected.
Click Enter
. The
Confirm prompt
Click Confirm. You will return to the Units Included on PM display screen where the listed units will be selected for the PM.
NOTE that adding a unit to a PM from this view will not automatically cause its group to become part of the PM template. That must be managed at the PM group level
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Equipment. The Display Included Equipment Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Included Equipment Groups display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group and select Included Equipment. The Edit Included Equipment display screen appears.
If necessary, click Show
to view all equipment units in the group.
Right-click on a unit you wish to add to the program and select Select. An asterisk appears to the left of the unit to show it has been selected.
Repeat step 6 for each unit you wish to add
Right-click on a unit you wish to remove from the program and select De-select. The asterisk will be removed from the left of the unit.
Repeat step 8 for each unit you wish to remove.
You can now override program intervals for a specific equipment unit and/or override the parts requirements for a specific equipment unit.
Override program intervals for a unit
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Equipment. The Display Included Equipment Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The
Edit Included Equipment
Groups display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group and select Included Equipment. The Edit Included Equipment display screen appears.
Right-click on the unit you wish to override intervals for and select Interval Override. The Display Item Instance Intervals screen appears.
Click Change
. The
Edit Item Instance
Intervals display screen appears.
Change the Lead %, Interval Value, Interval Lower Limit, and/or the UOM for each interval type to be overridden.
UOM: identifies how the minimum and maximum values are measured (e.g. miles, kilometers, etc.). It is only required for metric interval types. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Interval Lower Limit: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, this field is left blank. If the interval is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the minimum value (e.g. 800) is entered here.
Interval Value: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the maximum value (e.g. 1000) is entered here. If the interval is a percent variance on a measurement, that measurement (e.g. 800) is entered here.
Lead %: intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, the percent value (e.g. 10) is entered here. If the interval is to have minimum and maximum, this field is left blank.
Click Enter
to save
the changes.
Click Exit
twice to return
to the Edit Included
Equipment display screen.
Override parts requirements for a unit
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Equipment. The Display Included Equipment Groups screen appears.
Click Change
. The
Edit Included Equipment
Groups display screen appears.
Right-click on the equipment group and select Included Equipment. The Edit Included Equipment display screen appears.
Right-click on the unit you wish to override parts for and select Parts Override. The Choose Activity for Parts Override display screen appears.
Right-click on the activity you wish to create the override for and select Select. The Display Item Instance Parts screen appears.
Click Change
. The
Edit Item Instance
Parts display screen appears.
If necessary, click Show
All/Selected to view
all parts.
Click in the quantity field for a required part and type in the number of units of the part that are required for the program.
Right-click on the part and select Select. An asterisk will appear in front of the selected part.
Repeat steps 9 to 10 for each part you wish to override.
Click Exit
three times to return
to the Edit Included
Equipment display screen.
Change PM rules, if required
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Interval. The Edit Program Specifications change screen appears.
Click Rules
. The Maintain
PM Rules screen appears.
Change the fields as required:
Mandatory PM: determines if the PM must be placed onto a work order. Options are:
No - the user is not forced to place the PM on the work order.
Yes - the user will always be forced to place the PM on the work order. Mandatory PM's are generally those that are identified as safety related.
Add Only - the user will only be forced to place the PM on the work order when creating a new work order.
Authority Level: identifies what level of authority a user must have in order to remove the PM from the work roster/work order. You can right-click in the value field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Complete By Date: is used for reporting on programs that have a definite requirement to be completed by a particular date. Only one-time PMs should have a complete by date.
PM Sliding: defines how the PM can slide. There are four options to choose from:
Sliding either way - this means the PM is allowed to slide to other PMs, either early or late.
Sliding early only - this means the PM is allowed to slide to other PMs, but only if it will cause this PM to be done early.
Sliding late only - this means the PM is allowed to slide to other PMs, but only if it will cause this PM to be done later.
Fixed - this means the PM cannot slide to any other PM. This is the default.
If any of the sliding options are selected, you must also enter the maximum number of days by which the PM is allowed to slide. For a PM allowed to slide in either direction, the number of days will apply to both being early and being late. There is no ability to indicate that a PM can slide X days early but only Y days late.
Note that there is no ability to override the PM sliding rule at the individual unit level.
You can force a PM onto a work order, regardless of any sliding requirements. If a PM is forced, it will be independent (i.e. no other PMs will slide with it).
Sliding is done based on the due dates of the PMs and not the trigger date.
If there are multiple PMs to which a PM can slide, it will go to the one nearest in days, whether that be early or late, assuming the PM is allowed to slide both ways.
If a PM is sliding to be done early and it has a sub-program (child), the child will be triggered regardless of its individual sliding rules. The parent program will always take precedence and will always drag its children along.
Can PMs Slide to Me: identifies whether (Y) or not (N) other PMs are allowed to slide to this PM. No is the default.
Warranty Claim Required: identifies whether or not a warranty claim is required if auto-generation of claims is turned on. The system will not allow the close of a work order without generation of a claim if there is a PM that has this rule turned on. If you have the business parameter turned on to auto-create warranty claims, you must also provide a valid warranty code in the first “value” column.
Night Job Delete Subs: indicates whether child programs should be deleted from the roster during the PM night job (FNNIXFK) when the parent is going to trigger. As long as the child work roster entry isn’t already assigned to a work order, it can be deleted and then will be dragged along with the parent. This applies when the PM business parameter for auto close sub programs is set to Yes.
Trigger PM On Completion: allows you to indicate a PM code. Enrich will look for this rule whenever a PM is marked as complete. If the rule has a PM code specified, that PM will be triggered for the unit.
Note that once PM (Y) is triggered as a result of the completion of PM (X), there is no longer any connection between the 2 programs in terms of Enrich. If PM (X) is subsequently “uncompleted”, there will be no automatic delete of the PM (Y) trigger.
Also note that only true system completions of a PM will perform the rule 008 logic. Using PM history updating will NOT check this rule. Using that type of function is assumed to be an exception and, in that case, the user is responsible for ensuring all steps are taken.
Turn Off Auto Triggering: allows you to turn off the automatic Enrich triggering. In other words, this PM will never trigger on its own. The only way it would get to the roster is by being forced by the user or by being the PM associated with the trigger PM on completion rule.
The automatic triggering jobs (i.e. the scheduled PM night job) will not trigger a PM that has this rule set to Y. However, these PM’s can be forced onto a work order if necessary. These PM’s should never be a child of another PM, but if, for some reason, it was defined that way, it would NOT be dragged along if the parent were forced manually.
Send Pass/Fail Notice: if set to Y, an email will be sent to customers when a (MOT) PM program has passed or failed. The value for the rule must be a valid VMRS code that represents the failure system. A customer contact type of PMA - PM Advisory Notices must exist in the customer contacts table. The PMA contact type must then be added to the customers you will send the emails to. Use the PM Advisory Notices option to send the email.
Default Next Expiry: this is used to default the expiry date when the PM is completed for expiry date type PMs. To put it into effect, you must place a number of months in the value field. When your PM is on a work order and you close it, a pop-up will appear asking for the next expiry date. With this rule turned on, Enrich will not allow you to override the date that has defaulted. It will take the PM completion date, add the specified number of months, and set the date to the last day of that month. For example, if set to 12 months and the PM completion is May 12, 2012, it will default to May 31, 2013.
Since you cannot override, if you need to change what Enrich has defaulted, a user with authority will need to go to the PM Update panel and manually type over the next expiry date.
Allow Rental Override: allowed values are Y/N. This rule can only be set to Y for PM's with 1 and only 1 PM interval of type days or months. When set to Y, a number of days can be entered in the first Value column. This will represent a number by which to reduce the interval value in order to create the lower limit. For example, if an interval value of 90 is entered and 12 is found in this field, the lower limit will automatically default to 78. If this field is left as zero, you will be able to manually enter the lower limit value.
Once this rule flag has been set to Y on a PM, you will no longer be able to change the interval from days/months to anything else. You will also not be able to add a new interval or delete the 1 existing interval.
Interval on Rental Return: any value entered for this rule is only relevant if the rule allow rental override has been set to Y. This value will tell Enrich how to default the PM interval upon rental return. If this has no value, and there was an override performed on the rental, Enrich will default to the value saved on the PM prior to entering the override.
Click Enter
to save the changes.
If using sliding PM's, add PM patterns
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Interval. The Edit Program Specifications change screen appears.
Click Pattern
. The PM
Pattern add screen appears.
Type in the Pattern Sequence and Description for each item in the pattern.
Description: is a text description of the entry.
Pattern Sequence: is a unique number identifying the order in which the entry is to be performed.
Click Enter
to save the pattern.
Click Change
to go to the PM
Pattern change screen.
You can now enter activities (required) and document links (optional) for each pattern sequence.
Once PM patterns have been added, you can:
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Interval. The Edit Program Specifications change screen appears.
Click Pattern
. The PM
Pattern change screen appears.
Right-click on the sequence you wish to add activities for and select Activities. The PM Pattern Activity add screen appears.
Type in or select the VMRS Code and Task for each activity to be included in the pattern sequence.
Task: is the VMRS task code for the activity. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
VMRS Code: is the VMRS code for the activity. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Click Enter
to save the activities.
Click Exit
to return to the PM Pattern change screen.
Set up PM pattern document links
If document links are set up, they will appear when printing a work order that contains the particular PM pattern sequence.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs. The Work With Programs display screen appears.
Right-click on the program and select Interval. The Edit Program Specifications change screen appears.
Click Pattern
. The PM
Pattern change screen appears.
Right-click on the sequence you wish to add document links to and select Document Links. The Maintain Document Links display screen appears, listing all vehicle groups included in the PM.
If you need to enter the document root for the path to the documents (so you don't have to enter the entire path for each document):
Click Document
Link Root .
The Maintain Document
Link Root enter screen appears.
Type in the root path (including the
drive designation), then click Enter
to save
Click Exit
to return to the
Maintain Document
Links display screen.
If only one document is to be linked to a group:
Type the path and filename of the document in the document description/link field.
Click Enter
to save
the documents.
If more than one document is to be linked to a group:
Right-click on the group and select Document Links. The Maintain Document Links add screen appears.
If you need to enter the document root for the path to the documents (so you don't have to enter the entire path for each document):
Click Document
Link Root . The Maintain Document
Link Root enter screen appears.
Type in the root path (including the drive designation).
Click Enter
save it.
Click Exit
return to the Maintain
Document Links add screen.
Type in the document description and path for each document to be linked to the equipment group.
Click Enter
to save
the document links.
Click Exit
to return to the
Maintain Document
Links display screen.
Click Exit
to return to the PM Pattern change screen.