Equipment groups allow you to default unit attributes such as make, model, year. They also make the setup of warranties and preventive maintenance cycles easier inasmuch as they only need to be defined at the group level, and individual settings for each unit are not required.
Equipment groups are associations of units that have similar components and/or similar warranties and/or similar maintenance programs defined for them. They must be defined to Enrich before the units are set up so that the units automatically inherit the group characteristics.
At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | Equipment Groups. The Display Equipment Group screen appears.
Click Add
. The Addition
of Equipment Group add screen appears.
Type in an Equipment Group ID code.
Equipment Group ID: is a six-character code that identifies a specific grouping of equipment units; e.g. FTLJ18 for Freightliner Classic, KENV98 for Kenworth 1998.
Click Enter
. The Maintain
Equipment Group add screen appears.
Fill in each field:
Equipment Group Name: is the name of the equipment group; e.g. Kenworth 1998, Mack tractors.
Year: is the 4-digit year the units in the group were manufactured; e.g. 1999.
Group Status: is the condition of the equipment group: active or inactive.
Manufacturer Code:
is a six-character code identifying the company that makes
the equipment in the group; e.g. FRD for Ford. You can
click on the Prompt
button to display a
selection list.
Model Code:
is a ten-character code identifying the particular style
of equipment; e.g. FLD120 for Freightliner HD tractor.
You can click on the Prompt
button to display a
selection list.
Equipment Type:
is a six-character code identifying the generic kind of
equipment; e.g. ISTRAC for tractors - interstate, LIGHT
for trucks under one ton. You can click on the Prompt
button to display a
selection list.
Click Enter
to save the group. You return to the Display Equipment Group screen.
You should set up classifications, component locations, features, fluids, PM templates, standard parts, warranty coverage, and standard repair times for the new group before adding units to it.
At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | Equipment Groups. The Display Equipment Group screen appears.
Right-click on the group and select Change. The Maintain Equipment Group change screen appears.
Change any values as required.
Click Enter
to save the changes.
At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | Equipment Groups. The Display Equipment Group screen appears.
Right-click on the group to be copied and select Copy. The Copy Equipment Group enter screen appears.
Type in the new equipment group Code and new equipment group Name.
Name: is a short description of the equipment group.
Code: is a unique code used to identify the new group.
Select the Characteristics of the existing group that should be copied to the new group: Classification, Feature, Fluid, Location, PM Program, Standard Part, Warranty, Group Standards, Threshold, Standard Job Time.
Characteristics: identifies the parts of the existing group definition that should be copied to the new group. Click on an item to place a checkmark in its box, identifying it as selected.
Click Enter
. You return to the Display
Equipment Group screen where the new group will appear.
Equipment groups can be classified for tracking and reporting purposes.
At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | Equipment Groups. The Display Equipment Group screen appears.
Right-click on the group requiring classifications and select Actions. The Equipment Group Actions screen appears.
Click Classification. The Equipment Group Classification display screen appears.
Click Change
. The Equipment
Group Classification change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Equipment
Group Classification add screen appears.
If necessary, select Make Changes To All Vehicles.
Make Changes to All Vehicles: flags whether additions or changes to the classifications should be applied to existing units in the group. The default is yes (checked). If unchecked, the changed classifications will only be applied to units that are added to the group in the future.
Type in or select the Class code.
Class: is a six-character code identifying a type of equipment; e.g. CATD8 for Caterpillar engines. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Type in or select the Sub-Class code.
Sub-Class: is a six-character code identifying a more specific equipment type within the class; e.g. DIESEL to identify the fuel type within an engine classification. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Repeat steps 6 to 8 for each classification you want to set the group up in.
Click Enter
to save the classifications. They
disappear from the Add
Click Exit
three times to return to the Display Equipment Group screen.
An item can have multiple possible locations on the units in a group which you might want to track. For instance, you may want to track the time a tire is in the left front position versus the time it is in the right rear position. These are generally defined at the equipment group level.
At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | Equipment Groups. The Display Equipment Group screen appears.
Right-click on the group you wish to define locations for and select Actions. The Equipment Group Actions screen appears.
Click Component Locations. The Item Component Locations display screen appears.
Click Change
. The Item
Component Locations change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Item
Component Locations add screen appears.
Type in a Location Code and Location Description for each location to be defined.
Location Description: is a short description identifying the location on the units in the equipment group.
Location Code: is a six-character code that identifies a location on equipment units where a part could be installed; e.g. LF for left front, RRI for right rear inner. The codes should be unique within a group, but the same codes can be used for different groups.
Click Enter
to save the locations. They disappear from
the Add screen.
Click Exit
three times to return to the Display
Equipment Group screen.
This table allows you to list the special features that are common to the units of a group.
At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | Equipment Groups. The Display Equipment Group screen appears.
Right-click on the group you wish to define features for and select Actions. The Equipment Group Actions screen appears.
Click Features. The Display Features screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Features change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Edit
Features add screen appears.
If necessary, change the Changes Apply To All Equipment In Group flag.
Changes Apply to All Equipment in Group: indicates whether the changes, deletions, and additions you are making to the list of features should apply to all existing units in the group as well as all future units added to the group (flag is checked) or only to all future units added to the group (flag is not checked).
Type in or select a Feature code.
Feature: is a three-character code identifying a type of special equipment that may reside on a unit; e.g. ABS for anti-skid braking system, WIN for hydraulic winch. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Type in or select the value of the feature for the equipment group in the Feature Value field.
Feature Value: is a description of how the feature is applied on the equipment group. For example, if the feature is a paint job, the value is the colors of the paint used ('Red and blue striped'); if the feature is air brakes, the value is the model of air brakes on a unit; if the feature is a two-way radio, the value is the make and model of the radio. NOTE that if values have been defined for the feature type, the value you enter here must match one of the predefined values; you can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Repeat steps 7 to 8 for each feature on the equipment group.
Click Enter
to save the features. They disappear from
the Add screen.
Click Exit
three times to return to the Display
Equipment Group screen.
Fluids are defined for an equipment group and used by the fuel island functions. If this feature is going to be used, it is important to keep in mind that the fluids cannot be overridden at the unit level. Fluids that are necessary for all units in the group must be defined here.
At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | Equipment Groups. The Display Equipment Group screen appears.
Right-click on the group you are defining fluids for and select Actions. The Equipment Group Actions screen appears.
Click Fluids. The Display Equipment Group Fluids screen appears.
Click Change
. The Edit
Equipment Group Fluids change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Edit
Equipment Group Fluids add screen appears.
Type in or select the Fluid Code.
Fluid Code: is a six-character code identifying a particular fluid used in equipment units; e.g. ANTIF for antifreeze, FUELD1 for diesel fuel number 1. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Type the appropriate amount in the Standard Volume field.
Standard Volume: is the maximum amount of the fluid that can be held by the units in the equipment group.
Type in or select the unit of measure for the fluid in the UOM Code field.
UOM Code: is a three-character code identifying how the fluid is measured; e.g. GAL for gallons. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Repeat steps 6 through 8 for each fluid required on the equipment group's units.
Click Enter
to save the fluids. They disappear from
the Add screen.
Click Exit
three times to return to the Display
Equipment Group screen.
This option allows PMs to be assigned to equipment group templates so that new equipment is automatically added to PMs. Every PM found in the group template will be attached as follows:
Find each PM that is defined at the group level. Check the group PM template to see if the PM has been specifically excluded from being added to new units. If no template record is found, or if found and flagged "Yes, add new units," the unit will be added. Otherwise it will not.
Go through the group PM template looking for PMs flagged as "Yes, add new units" that have not already been added and add them.
To set up group PM templates:
From the EMMS Main Menu, select Equipment | Equipment Groups. The Display Equipment Group screen appears.
Right-click on the group and select Actions. The Equipment Group Actions screen appears.
Click PM Template for New Units. The PM Template for New Units display screen appears.
Click Toggle
until you see the "Showing
All" view.
If new units added to the group in the future should have a program assigned, right-click on the PM and select Select. An asterisk will appear in front of the PM and a Y will appear in the Add New Units field.
Repeat step 5 for each PM that should be added to new units for the group.
Click Enter
to save.
Click Exit
to return to the Display
Equipment Group screen.
This option allows you to enter standard repair times for the units in an equipment group.
At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | Equipment Groups. The Display Equipment Group screen appears.
Right-click on the group and select Activity SRT's. The Activity/Equipment Group SRTs display screen appears.
To copy standard repair times from another group
to this one, click Copy From
Grp . The Select
Group To Copy screen appears.
To copy and add to the existing repair times, right-click on the group to be copied from and select Copy/Add.
To copy and replace the existing repair times, right-click on the group to be copied from and select Copy/Replace.
To add or change a repair time for an activity, right-click on the activity and select Add/Change. The Add/Change Activity Group SRTs change screen appears.
Change the standard hours as required.
Click Enter
to save the changes.
To add a standard repair time for the component/task,
click Add .
The Add/Change Activity
Group SRTs add screen appears.
Fill in the fields as required: Effective Date; Standard Hours.
Standard Hours: is the number of hours the task should take, to 2 decimal places.
Effective Date: is the date the standard repair time goes into effect.
Click Enter
to save.
Click Exit
to return to the Activity/Equipment
Group SRTs display screen.
To add standard repair times for the equipment
group, click Add . The Activity/Equipment
Group SRTs add screen appears.
Fill in the fields as required:
Sys/Asy/Part/Task: are the system, assembly, part, and task that the standard repair time is for. Values are required. You can right-click in the fields and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Description: is a description of the system, assembly, part, and task. It is filled in by Enrich.
Skill: is the employee skill that the repair time applies to. A value is required. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Effective Date: is the date the standard repair time goes into effect. A value is required.
Hours: is the number of hours the task should take, to 2 decimal places. A value is required.
Click Enter
to save.
Standard parts are defined at the equipment group level so that units created within the group automatically inherit the standard parts that you wish to track. For instance, if you wish to track transmissions or engines, standard parts definitions for these parts at the equipment group level will automatically give each unit within the group the item on its specific component list.
At the EMMS main menu, select Equipment | Equipment Groups. The Display Equipment Group screen appears.
Right-click on the group you wish to set up standard parts for and select Actions. The Equipment Group Actions screen appears.
Click Standard Parts. The Standard Components display screen appears.
Click Change
. The Standard
Components change screen appears.
Click Add
. The Standard
Components add screen appears.
If necessary, change the Add To All Equipment flag.
Add to All Equipment: flags whether or not new parts should be added to existing units in the group. If unchecked, the new parts will only be components of units that are added to the group in the future.
Type in or select a Component Item code.
Component Item: is a fifteen-character code that identifies a specific item used on the units. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Type the number of units of the component that are standard on the group's units in the Quantity field.
Quantity: is the number of units of the item that are standard on the units in the equipment group; e.g. 6 tires, 4 brake shoes. Note that if Locations are being tracked, only 1 of an item will appear at each location.
Type in or select the component Location for the item, if required.
Location: is a six-character code that identifies a location on equipment units where a part could be installed; e.g. LF for left front, RRI for right rear inner. You can right-click on this field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Note that if Locations are being tracked, only 1 of an item (quantity) will appear at each location.
If necessary, enter or select the Facility and Dept applicable.
Dept: identifies which department or shop the part is repaired by. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Facility: identifies which facility the part is repaired by. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to display a selection list.
Repeat steps 7 through 10 for each component you wish to track in the group.
Click Enter
to save the components. They disappear from
the Add screen.
Click Exit
three times to return to the Display Equipment Group screen.
Entire equipment groups can be selected as being covered by a warranty. When a group is selected, each instance is added automatically. If an entire group has been added to a warranty, then any new equipment created within the group is automatically attached to the warranty as well.
At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Warranties | Warranties. The Work with Warranties display screen appears.
Right-click on the warranty you wish to attach groups to and select Equipment Group. The Select Equipment Groups in Warranty display screen appears.
If all groups are not showing on the screen, click
Show All/Selected .
Right-click on an equipment group you wish to add to the warranty and select Select. The word "All" appears in front of the group.
Repeat step 4 for each equipment group you wish to add to the warranty.
Click Exit
to return to the Work
with Warranties display screen.