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The tax rates are effective-date driven, and define the rates per tax code and jurisdiction.
Tax Code is the tax the rate is for. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the tax from a list.
Prov/State is the province or state that levies the tax. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the province or state from a list.
Effective Date is the date the tax rate goes into effect. It can be a future date.
Tax Rate is the percent charged for the tax, to 4 decimal places; e.g. a tax of 7% is entered as 7.0000.
Percent Refundable is the percentage of the tax amount that is refundable by the government, to 2 decimal places. It is optional.
Tax Registration Number is the company's registration number for the tax. It is optional.
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