Enrich EMMS Online Help
Only one GST rate can be in effect at any one time for a category. However, you can set up rates in advance if you know there will be a change.
Effective Date is the date the tax rate goes into effect. It can be a future date.
GST Rate is the percentage charged for federal goods and services tax, to 4 decimal places. A rate of 7% is entered as 7.0000.
GL Account is the general ledger account to which charges should be applied for accounting purposes. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the account from a list.
Percent Recoverable is the percentage of the federal tax paid out on purchases that can be claimed back from the government, if applicable. Currently, the amount immediately recoverable in Canada is 0% since the GST Input Tax Credit (ITC) must be submitted later. Therefore, this should be set to 0.
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