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About tax tables  

There are many different taxes that may be applied to parts and labor. There is currently some duplication in the system between the tax codes tables and the GST and PST tables; however, all 3 sets must be maintained.

Multiple level tax calculation and reporting are required throughout Enrich. The basic concept to accomplish this is a user-defined tax code, with references to applicable jurisdictions; a tax level to define dependencies between tax codes; and a set of rate tables and tax accounts qualified by an effective date. Click here to find out more about tax.

Tax setup tables should be reviewed when a new location is added, a new pool is added, a new contract type is added, and when tax rates are changed.

Exemptions should be reviewed when a new customer is added, a new location is added, a new contract type/pool is added, a new charge code is added, or a new unit is added.

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