Enrich EMMS Online Help

Override PM component intervals  

You can override the defined program intervals for a specific component type (e.g. if engine overhauls are done every 90,000 miles but 350 Chev engines need to be done every 75,000 miles).

  1. At the EMMS main menu, select Maintenance | Preventive Maintenance | Programs.
    • The Work With Programs display screen appears.
  2. Right-click on the program and select Components.
    • The Display Included Item Groups screen appears.
  3. Click Change .
    • The Edit Included Item Groups display screen appears.
  4. Right-click on the component type and select Intval Ovr.
    • The Display Item Interval Override screen appears.
  5. Click Change .
    • The Edit Item Interval display screen appears.
  6. Change any fieldfield values as required.

    Lead % - intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, the percent value (e.g. 10) is entered here. If the interval is to have minimum and maximum, this field is left blank.

    Interval Value - intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the maximum value (e.g. 1000) is entered here. If the interval is a percent variance on a measurement, that measurement (e.g. 800) is entered here.

    Interval Lower Limit - intervals will be measured in minimum and maximum (e.g. it has to be performed between 800 and 1000 miles) or a percent variance (e.g. perform at 800 miles, but it can be done at 10% variance -- between 80 miles under the measurement and the exact measurement: 720-800 miles). If the interval you are defining will have a percent variance, this field is left blank. If the interval is to be measured in minimum and maximum, the minimum value (e.g. 800) is entered here.

    UOM is the unit of measure used for the minimum and maximum values, e.g. miles, kilometers, etc. It is only required for metric interval types. You can right-click in the field and select Prompt to select the unit of measure from a list.

  7. Click Enter to save the changes.
  8. Click Exit twice to return to the Edit Included Item Groups display screen.

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